Wish FX8 Wish List

@ Javelinemd:

I get what you're saying. Some Wish List ideas relating to this:

1) Ability to designate one row of footswitches to block bypass and the other row to scene select.

2) "Don't-Care" state for individual scenes, so you can, for example, choose different combinations of Drive blocks via scene selection without affecting the state of other blocks.

3) Ability to connect another box full of stomp switches for additional control. There's only so far you can go with eight switches, although eight is probably enough for most people.
2) "Don't-Care" state for individual scenes, so you can, for example, choose different combinations of Drive blocks via scene selection without affecting the state of other blocks.

I'd like that.
@ Javelinemd:

I get what you're saying. Some Wish List ideas relating to this:

1) Ability to designate one row of footswitches to block bypass and the other row to scene select.

2) "Don't-Care" state for individual scenes, so you can, for example, choose different combinations of Drive blocks via scene selection without affecting the state of other blocks.

3) Ability to connect another box full of stomp switches for additional control. There's only so far you can go with eight switches, although eight is probably enough for most people.

#1 and 2 could be cool.
??? Your statement isn't clear, but it seems you've described exactly what XY does.

Hi Chris... This is the situation (I'm using fx edit) I have drive block in X status with the BB model, find the 2 settings and save it in the block library with different names...Now i want to use the different settings BBpre 1 in X status and BBpre2 in Y status... i save X status ( taking BB pre1 from block library )and it's ok..when i switch to Y status I can't load BB pre2 and when i try to load it goes automatically to X status ( there's no alert message) I've tried several times but it seems very strange...today I'll be in studio and I'll try another time..
EDit.. Oh..maybe i understand...when you save a block in block library you save both x-y status :D
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Yup I think you figured it out. Would be kinda nice to be able to copy/paste only from/to the current config.
An internal controller similar to a compressor detector but with an additional component that takes into account the duration of time between pick transients. I would love to have a ducked delay that knows when I'm playing fast picked runs, not just playing harder.

This could also be cool to automate gain level in drive blocks. I really like my big open chords with lower gain, but single notes to me sound better with more gain so it's always a compromise.
FX8 XL version, twice the cpu power, add one more column of buttons on the unit, all the fx blocks that the axe fx2 have that are applicable, bring the routing grid back, and an effects loop, Bluetooth or wifi to an iPad axe edit version, and a 4 position toaster with text alert when your toast is done. That should about cover it.
An internal controller similar to a compressor detector but with an additional component that takes into account the duration of time between pick transients. I would love to have a ducked delay that knows when I'm playing fast picked runs, not just playing harder.
You already have that. Both ADSR and Envelope have timing-related parameters.

This could also be cool to automate gain level in drive blocks. I really like my big open chords with lower gain, but single notes to me sound better with more gain so it's always a compromise.
Not sure what you're looking for here. A chord/single-note detector?
Wow, that is amazing. I had no idea this was already possible! I'm going to have to take another lap through the manual. Is there any other resource that would help me understand asdr's and envelopes better? (sorry for getting off topic)
This could also be cool to automate gain level in drive blocks. I really like my big open chords with lower gain, but single notes to me sound better with more gain so it's always a compromise.

This can somewhat be done with the Axe FX using the 'Pitch' controller. Not sure if the FX8 has this? If so.............

Attach the drive control to the 'Pitch' controller. The way the 'Pitch' controller works on the Axe FX, any chord of 2 or more notes is treated as a very low note and causes the 'Pitch' controller to go to or stay at the 'beginning' value that you set. When you play single notes, the 'Pitch' controller will turn up the 'drive' to a higher value depending on the note played and how you set the parameters in the controller window.

With the right settings the drive will be at the 'beginning' level when not playing, playing low notes that are below a certain note (depending your settings) or when playing chords (that will interpreted as a very low note).

I use this trick in the 'Pitch' block to let me play chords and lower lines without any harmonies, then when I play above the threshold that I have set up........boom, there are the harmonies.....without the tap dance.
This can somewhat be done with the Axe FX using the 'Pitch' controller. Not sure if the FX8 has this? If so.............

Attach the drive control to the 'Pitch' controller. The way the 'Pitch' controller works on the Axe FX, any chord of 2 or more notes is treated as a very low note and causes the 'Pitch' controller to go to or stay at the 'beginning' value that you set. When you play single notes, the 'Pitch' controller will turn up the 'drive' to a higher value depending on the note played and how you set the parameters in the controller window.

With the right settings the drive will be at the 'beginning' level when not playing, playing low notes that are below a certain note (depending your settings) or when playing chords (that will interpreted as a very low note).

I use this trick in the 'Pitch' block to let me play chords and lower lines without any harmonies, then when I play above the threshold that I have set up........boom, there are the harmonies.....without the tap dance.
Now that's creative use of modifiers.
That is super cool. In The fx8 manual we do have the pitch detector but no mention is made of whether it will sense single notes verses more than one pitch.
If I had the time, the equipment and the know-how (mostly the know-how);) I would love to make some videos on 'Advanced modifier and controller tricks'.

I have the feeling that a lot of Axe fx and FX8 owners have no idea what kind of things are possible.

P.S............sorry for derailing this thread.
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I want much more otherworldly shoegaze effects or factory presets. Something like harmonizer delay, synth, arpeggiator, spc efx, reverse reverb for fx8.
Harmonizer delay is already there. You can build an arpeggiator from that.
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