Fractal Audio Welcomes Andy Wood!

Tom King

Fractal Audio Welcomes Andy Wood to our artist roster. Andy, who actually calls himself "a mandolin player," won the Guitarmageddon Nationals in 2007 and fronts the band "Down from Up". His newest solo album, "A Disconcerting Amalgam," is what he calls ""Redneck Jazz Metal..." We're very much looking forward to hearing his work on the Axe-Fx.

We got spend some time with Andy at NAMM 2010, where he directed the creation of Axe-Fx tones like, "Andy's Chickens" and "Let'sTrackSomeDeath." Since getting his Axe-Fx, he's told us, "The Axe-Fx is hands down, the most powerful and best sounding guitar unit to date. The effects in it are beautiful, the amp models retain the feel of a real amp, and the ability to create your own IRs is fantastic! This unit really has no limitations!" (Ed: Just like you, Andy!)

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Wow!!! This is fuggin awesome news. Andy is one of my favorite guitarist. His band, Down From Up, is rather awesome, to say the least. Excellent chops, tone, phrasing and taste!!! Dern, this cool. :D

Tom, you gotta share those presets with us mannnnnn. ;)
Andy is a wicked player and a nice guy. Just don't bring him to Hooters late at, just kidding, Andy :)

The Fractal Ad I see in Guitar Player Mag every month is going to have to be expanded to 2 pages if this keeps up!
:mrgreen: hey guys, first post here. im honored to be part of the family!

here is my testimonial:

I had seen the hype online, forums etc. but my buddy Pete Thorn told me "no dude, seriously, this thing is awesome!" so i told myself ok, i will check it out. fast forward to NAMM 2010. I was in the suhr booth doing demos etc. i also had i cool gig on sat night playing with Joel Taylor, Mike Pope, and Guthrie Govan at tone merchants. Needless to say i had a full plate for the show. I ended up going all weekend with no time to check the axe out. sunday rolls around and Tom makes a mission to personally invite up to their booth. Well the invincible Ed Yoon (from Suhr) goes up with me along with Peter Joseph (metal genius from The Absence) Now to be honest 5 days of loud ass guitars and every effect/amp under the sun, the last thing i wanted to hear was more guitar stuff. I thought what the hell, Tom is super cool, lets go see what this thing is all about. I walked into a cool setup, several powered atomic wedges, and a big daddy axe-fx ultra sitting between, all piloted by super nice guy and programming guru, Matt picone. the guys were cool enough, no doubt. They handed me a delicious suhr root beer drip modern, i nod to Ed, he gives me a nice grin of approval. so they said, "where you wanna start?" i thought lets do a clean channel, told them to fire up a deluxe reverb with a dyna comp. Matt does, asks me several questions regarding my preference of room size, tape delay etc. at this point i was moderately interested, but VERY fatigued from 5 days of namm. he gets it set in a matter of minutes while i chat with Tom. I strike the old familiar bluegrass style G run, WTF?!?!?! this thing felt like my original 1964 deluxe reverb with a vintage dyna comp on it. I immediately got fired up, we cycled thru some odds and ends, standard fare really, big arena leads, switch to a diezel setting and make a chuggy chuggy channel (Peter Joseph's eyes lit up!) and i said "cool, it sounds awesome! can you make stuff that sounds terrible?" Matt and Tom looked at me, laughed and said "what, really?" and i was like "yeah, guitar stuff sounds good, cool, but i want more than just good sounding models and effects" Matt kinda snickers and says "yeah this is gonna be fun" We chatted over some ideas and he comes up with a patch that is like an AM radio, best part is the expression pedal was like the dial, so as im using the pedal its like someone is trying to find the radio station with me playing on it, TOO FRIGGIN COOL!!!! at that moment I was hooked. Im currently having a new rig assembled with the Ultra and i cant wait to spend some serious time with this thing. It is going to be all over the new DFU record that is currently in the process of being written. All I can say is im honored to be among the fractal artist roster.

More to come very soon!

A Wood
Congrats Andy really happy you like the Axefx, i'm not surprised tho ;)

Once you get your new rig sorted, be sure to whack some vids and sound demos onto Youtube! :D
Cool, Andy. Great testimonial. I love the story you told. I wish that the haters and tube snobs at places like "the Gear Page" could read stuff like this. Anyway, welcome aboard.
So im finally back home (knoxville) after several writing trips working on the new Down From Up record. Im really amped for you guys to hear this stuff, its alot more attitude driven :twisted: well yesterday we were working on getting some demo's of demos to just send to other writers we are working with, we were finally trying to get some decent guitar sounds using real amps cabs (good shit too, a JVM, Dual Rec, and a diezel enistein) etc. i hadnt popped the axe out of the box simply because im waiting to ship it to the guy who is building my new rig. well needless to say we got frustrated with mic placement, less than average tones etc. We just dont have big boy microphones and mic pre's at our writing studio. we do have pro tools HD and a monster console, just have no need to waste money on all the other shit just yet.these issues came up using the "real" rigs and i just said screw it lets test a preset or 2 on the axe and just see if we can bring something up in a few seconds. if not whatever. We ended up layering the stock "scooped mids, slo" patch and "evil 800" patch. took the effects off of both and added gain to the 800 patch. setup in less than 5 minutes, and WOW!! great tones, we were all super happy that this thing cut our work load by a third! so needless to say our manager is ordering an Ultra to keep setup in our writing studio, as mine will be placed neatly in my new live super rig ;)
at the end of the day all i can say is the axe is the real deal, no doubt in my mind!!!!

A Wood
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