Fractal Audio AMP models: Matchbox D-30 (Matchless DC-30)

yeah, jumping the channels is magic. i've tried combining the AC20 EF86 with the DC30 but it's still not the same
What if you run one of them with power amp disabled into another one, so the first acts as a separate preamp channel?
That would put the preamps in series. In the IRL amp, they'd be parallel....

I realize this is an old post, but wanted to add for anyone reading that the real amp's channels can be connected in series as easily as they can be connected in parallel, as long as it has the FX loop option. You just add a single cable to run the FX send from one channel into the input of the other channel, and they cascade quite nicely, in part because you have gain and tone controls at each stage (which is handy for trimming bass before hammering the later gain stages, similar to how cascaded high gain amps typically use coupling caps between stages to reduce the bass ...). After testing various combinations and settings I don't think it would ever replace Marshalls for me for tight higher gain tones, but for someone looking for an all-tube signal chain (i.e., without dirt pedals and without adding additional gear) it could be a great solution for coaxing more gain out of the amp at lower volumes levels and without having to choke it off at the master volume.
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