Forum suggestion


Hi everyone,

I'm not sure if there's some better place to post this and if there is my apologies.

It occurs to me that the Fractal lineup is diverging, but many of the functions and techniques used with the AFX models are also used with the AX8 and FX8.

This is of course directly acknowledged in the FX8 manual, which suggests you reference the AFX manual if you want to learn about the individual FX, etc.

The suggestion I have is that either:

- People use tags, and tag posts with the products that the post relates too AND the forum be slightly tweaked so that viewing threads by tag is much easier and more obvious


A few new tick boxes could be added to the new thread form:

Which products is this thread relevant too?
- FX8
- AX8

you get the idea.

Then there would also need to be a way to see these auto-generated threads in the respective subforms.

I just think a lot of non-AFX owners that are getting in on the ground floor with the FX8/AX8 products could use easier ways to find relevant information, that's not posted directly into their products sub-forum.

Maybe? :)
That's one of the reasons why we have separate forums for the various product lines...
Keep in mind that many folks do not have multiple products and are therefore only aware of the impact to their product..

but the tagging idea is a good one..
The forum support tagging posts.

My experience with tags is that they're useless if someone isn't monitoring and curating them or if the system doesn't have limits on who can create tags vs. who can tag things with tags. See any Stack Exchange site for systems that have curated, rigorously policed tag collections -- it's quite a bit of work and requires a fairly savvy user base to help curate and apply tags to posts.
The forum support tagging posts.

My experience with tags is that they're useless if someone isn't monitoring and curating them or if the system doesn't have limits on who can create tags vs. who can tag things with tags. See any Stack Exchange site for systems that have curated, rigorously policed tag collections -- it's quite a bit of work and requires a fairly savvy user base to help curate and apply tags to posts.

I would tend to agree. I searched for the AX8 tag before I posted this and there was one thread. That I made - lol.

Maybe the tick box idea is better.
That's one of the reasons why we have separate forums for the various product lines...
Keep in mind that many folks do not have multiple products and are therefore only aware of the impact to their product..

but the tagging idea is a good one..

My point is that there's a TONNE of good info about the FX8 and AX8 in the AFX threads. Which is not apparent to people that only go to their product subforums.

If I have a question about programming an effect on my FX8, the answer is probably not actually in the FX8 subforum. It's probably in the AFX forums.

Plus a lot of the relevant chatter is in the AFX forums. They're much busier than the FX8 for obvious reasons.
Not technically possible, sorry.

ah..that's a shame then...

Maybe a workaround would be a sticky thread at the top of each subforum suggesting that people consult the AFX threads for advice, etc.?

I just know from my own experience that a lot of the best info for the FX8 and AX8 are in those forums.... and probably always will be.
My point is that there's a TONNE of good info about the FX8 and AX8 in the AFX threads. Which is not apparent to people that only go to their product subforums.
No disagreements here... but the flip-side challenge is that if it all went into one "forum" then folks would complain that they are not able to easily find posts that are relevant to their specific product.
It's a catch-22
You'll also note that the format in use here mirrors that of most vendor forums.... iow (in other words) - product level.
No disagreements here... but the flip-side challenge is that if it all went into one "forum" then folks would be mad about not being able to find posts that are relevant to their product...
You'll also note that the format in use here mirrors that of most vendor forums.... iow - product level.

That's definitely true! I do think it's important though to find a way to let people know that they should be looking at those forums and even the AFX wiki pages to find info about their (non-AFX) products... I don't know how, but maybe just a sticky thread is the best bet... or maybe a "getting started" thread or something... most people - Fractal noobs - are gonna be overwhelmed, but the pricepoint of the new units is pretty mainstream... the less hassle for everyone - existing members and noobs - the better...

Anyway - it sounds like you've thought about this issue already - I'll leave it to the experts :)
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