FM9 Turbo vs non-Turbo....significant more CPU available.

FWIW the presets I posted were to demonstrate exactly how much stuff you can cram into an FM9 turbo preset. It in no way indicates that the original version is in some way underpowered. As the video I made demonstrates, you might be able to add an extra block or two to a kitchen sink style preset.

My main live preset easily runs on either FM9 with headroom to spare.
I think what Musikron is referring to when speaking of obsolescence is the diminishing community activity around his 1st gen FM9. I see the same thing happening to the AX8, there's hardly anyone posting in that forum anymore. Talking about AxeChange my assumption is that the number of presets for FM9 will grow rapidly now that FAS is able to push out significant numbers of boxes into the world. And even if some presets would not quite fit into the non-turbo envelope there's always a way to cut them down to extract their essence.

Edit : And as soon as the FM9 gets updated to an AxeFX 3 compatible firmware level there will be even more great stuff to try.
The only difference between the original FM9 and the turbo version is approximately 10% increase is power, this does not make the original FM9 less relevant.
Correct me if I am wrong but both version run the same firmware and have the same factory presets.
FWIW the presets I posted were to demonstrate exactly how much stuff you can cram into an FM9 turbo preset. It in no way indicates that the original version is in some way underpowered. As the video I made demonstrates, you might be able to add an extra block or two to a kitchen sink style preset.

My main live preset easily runs on either FM9 with headroom to spare.
Thanks Leon, the voice of reason. There seems to be some tied up underware over a minimal (7-9% in reality?) cpu increase.
The FM3 did not become obsolete when the FM9 came out, nor did the Axe III when the Turbo came out. All of this generation’s products use the same basic architecture, it’s just a matter of how much you can build into a single preset. People are still paying prices well above MSRP for the regular FM9. If that 11-14% was a game changer for anyone, they had the option to buy an Axe III. I’m just not seeing any real evidence that this product is somehow “less than” simply because a different product was released.
I think what Musikron is referring to when speaking of obsolescence is the diminishing community activity around his 1st gen FM9. I see the same thing happening to the AX8, there's hardly anyone posting in that forum anymore. Talking about AxeChange my assumption is that the number of presets for FM9 will grow rapidly now that FAS is able to push out significant numbers of boxes into the world. And even if some presets would not quite fit into the non-turbo envelope there's always a way to cut them down to extract their essence.

Edit : And as soon as the FM9 gets updated to an AxeFX 3 compatible firmware level there will be even more great stuff to try.
Pretty much this. A user group of 250 or so is gonna fall through the cracks. We already have regarding updates, and still don't have a fully stable firmware to run. I don't exactly regret my purchase last year (but I've come close, lubricate your switches with grease, really?) and consider myself lucky to have had my number called, but it does kinda suck to be usurped so soon. I mean they didn't even fully roll these out before the turbo version hit the streets.
Pretty much this. A user group of 250 or so is gonna fall through the cracks. We already have regarding updates, and still don't have a fully stable firmware to run. I don't exactly regret my purchase last year (but I've come close, lubricate your switches with grease, really?) and consider myself lucky to have had my number called, but it does kinda suck to be usurped so soon. I mean they didn't even fully roll these out before the turbo version hit the streets.
Turbo and non-Turbo FM9 share the same firmware so you're not falling through any crack here. I agree it needs time to shake out the remaining bugs.
Exactly. Same firmware as the Turbo. Therefore
Turbo and non-Turbo FM9 share the same firmware so you're not falling through any crack here. I agree it needs time to shake out the remaining bugs.
Exactly. Same firmware as the Turbo and that will continue to be the case. You will still receive the same updates as the Turbo users, so ultimately the bigger issue is that you are not getting the updates that the Axe III or even the FM3 are getting. Both of those devices have been around much longer and had their own periods of bugs to work out. It isn't ideal, but Fractal's MO has always been to provide regular updates with the understanding that there may be some bugs to be found and worked out rather than 2 or 3 big updates per year that are totally fleshed out. I wouldn't sweat it too hard right now. The "regular" FM9 has a long life ahead.
My original FM9 still works just as well as it did before the turbo was released. If I wanted the extra power, I could buy a turbo once they become generally available, and still get a decent price for my used FM9. Or the original FM9 just becomes my spare. I'm pretty sure the existence of the turbo doesn't mean the sky is falling for the rest of us. If anything, I'm grateful (and surprised) I was early enough in the wait list to get one last year.
In what way? The FM9 Turbo has 11% more CPU resources than the non-turbo.

The Axe Fx III Turbo has 25% more than the non-turbo.

Neither is "limited"...
In that you can never be sure free non-problematic exchange can happen among all FM9 users. Non-turbo users exchanging in the Turbo community means you may have some work to do to make it work. Granted it may be rare and the "work" to do might be simple.
Have many of you tried a lot of the presets on the Axechange? 80% of ones I've tried are fairly gash anyway and I dont think I've ever pulled a preset off there that didn't instantly get adjusted to my purpose.

All that will happen if you bring in an over-CPU patch is it will mute off until you calm down a setting or remove an element that is irrelevant to your use and free up some juice.

Plus, everyone knows the "Pre-Turbo" FM9 is more valuable because they have the 'Founders Run' DSP's with the thing that does that thing.
Yay, my flagship floor modeler didn't even make it out of warranty before it became obsolete.
You keep saying "flagship floor modeler" and I'm trying to understand why.

I think what Musikron is referring to when speaking of obsolescence is the diminishing community activity around his 1st gen FM9.

Here's how I look at it:
  • There is no separate community for the FM9-Turbo, it's the same firmware and hardware as the original FM9, only with a faster CPU.
  • There is no way to differentiate between Turbo comments and regular FM9 without a Turbo-specific limiter for the thread or comment. Since the majority of the comments don't have that, the activity continues to grow for the FM9 in general.
Based on the invitation posts in this thread, currently 34% of the FM9 are Turbo so the ratio has a ways to go before they are equal, and it's obvious that is going to happen since only Turbo models are available now; that could possibly change if Fractal can get their hands on the 450 MHz chips again or is forced in another direction again. We don't have visibility into the true ratio of the two units in the wild, but our community snapshot is probably reasonably accurate.

There are three versions of the FX3, yet only one forum, and no "Turbo-only" sub-forums or firmware. While there might be more focus on the FM9-Turbo currently because it's shiny, as with the FX3 variants, that will fade. Eventually, the balance between the two FM9 types will shift, but the units will still be compatible, so it's safe to assume the community will remain "FM9" and not split into two camps.
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FWIW the presets I posted were to demonstrate exactly how much stuff you can cram into an FM9 turbo preset. It in no way indicates that the original version is in some way underpowered. As the video I made demonstrates, you might be able to add an extra block or two to a kitchen sink style preset.
Yeah, but your preset runs upside down, and the electrons run backward. :)
My main live preset easily runs on either FM9 with headroom to spare.
^^THIS^^ is the important thing. Your sounds on the Ragdoll videos are killer and fit so well into the stage sound. It doesn't take a big "pedalboard" full of blocks to fit, it takes a well-curated choice of blocks and sounds.
[…]have the same factory presets.
Well, kinda, but nope. Some are the same, and port directly across, but there are "FM9"-specific versions of CPU hungry presets, or some that have blocks that are exclusive to the FX3. The different presets are marked with "FM9" in the name, so a quick search in the Preset Picker will reveal them.
[…] A user group of 250 or so is gonna fall through the cracks. We already have regarding updates, and still don't have a fully stable firmware to run.

WAY too much ado about nothing. Nobody is going to fall through the cracks; Have they in the FX3?

Fractal maintains compatibility in the firmware both in the FM9 and FX3. That firmware hasn't rolled out in a way that met your expectations means nothing, except that your expectation was challenged by the reality of porting software from the FX3 to the FM9.

If you are concerned about stability then you probably shouldn't rely on anything that uses software, and instead rely on mechanical devices, because ALL software contains bugs. Sometimes the bugs haven't been discovered, sometimes they are buried, sometimes they're on the surface and are easily found, but they're there.

I don't exactly regret my purchase last year (but I've come close, lubricate your switches with grease, really?) and consider myself lucky to have had my number called, but it does kinda suck to be usurped so soon. I mean they didn't even fully roll these out before the turbo version hit the streets.
They didn't "fully roll those out before the Turbo version hit the streets"? And, why was that? Do you think that Fractal wanted to make that change?

Or, instead, were they scrambling to finish rolling out product, and saw a way to do so? Fractal is eating part of the cost of every FM9-Turbo unit sold just to try to keep the pricing in line with the original unit's cost, instead of charging the additional $200 that the FX3 Turbo costs over the Mk II. Is that the behavior of a company that's trying to milk the users for everything, or is it a very honorable behavior from a company that has no real reason to do so, except that they're really awesome?
After 13 years here, I guess I will NEVER understand this need to cram everything into one preset. I am NOT saying there is anything wrong with that idea but to me it's about the guitar and the sound and the feel. The rest is what it is.
These units are so capable with layouts, views, etc, etc, etc, etc,.........................................
Anyway, I have an FM3 and an FM9.
The only reason I would upgrade to the Turbo FM9 is to, wait, I am thinking........................................
I have imported many AXEFXIII presets into my FM9 (NOT turbo). Adjusted things accordingly so it played to see if I liked it. wasn't a big deal imho!
Pretty much this. A user group of 250 or so is gonna fall through the cracks. We already have regarding updates, and still don't have a fully stable firmware to run. I don't exactly regret my purchase last year (but I've come close, lubricate your switches with grease, really?) and consider myself lucky to have had my number called, but it does kinda suck to be usurped so soon. I mean they didn't even fully roll these out before the turbo version hit the streets.
Jesus christ.
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