Bug? FM9 Freezing with 2 reverbs...


Using FW 7.00 making a preset with a chain going to FOH while copying the same chain going to a tube amp return without power amp modeling in the Amp2 block, I found that using "London Plate" in both reverb blocks would cause the unit to lock up and only power cycling would get it working properly again. I also noticed that a "CPU2" meter appeared on the front panel in "edit" mode on either reverb or delay block (pic below). I've never seen this meter before- typical cpu meter was hovering about 50%. I also tried using both London plate types in "economy" but it would still freeze the unit. Is London Plate just that thirsty or is there some kind of bug happening. Below is the preset with only one block set to London Plate. Setting the other to London plate with recreate the issue.


  • FOH + Amp Return.syx
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The Reverbs run on a dedicated core.

If you've got the CPU2 meter showing up it means you're overloading that core.

Try lowering the Quality on one or both Reverb blocks. I'm guessing you're using Ultra High?
Both were set to economy, which is why I though it was odd.
That does seem odd, although some models are probably way more resource intensive.

Are you on a standard or Turbo model?

I can try on my Turbo later and see what it looks like.
I know that the verbs use their own core but this is the first I've ever had an issue using 2 verb blocks and have had the "CPU2" meter show up. I've used other presets with Plex delay, multitap, and 2 verb blocks with no issue or "CPU2" meter showing up.
Put your cab block at the end,after splitting the outputs, and you should be able to cut that cpu down considerably.
Just to be clear, my question isn't really about the routing or the main cpu usage. Other presets with more blocks using multiple reverb blocks (one being a Ultra high-quality Nimbostratus) and other thirsty effects like pitch seem to run fine, but this one iteration seems to overload the reverb cpu- a problem I've never come across. Also, why wouldn't there be a warning before selecting a reverb type that would freeze the unit? That's why I'm wondering if this is a bug.
I took an existing preset and added a 2nd Reverb. I set both to London plate at Ultra High and no issues.

I loaded your preset and the Reverb 2 is Recording Studio A, not London Plate.

Changing to London Plate causes funky sounds to ensue and locks up the unit. I can continue to play but I can't change anything.

Rebooting and then removing the Delay first from that chain and then changing works.

Reloading and then changing from Rec Studio A to Med Spring and then to London Plate also works fine.

I will report this to the beta team (I am experiencing on latest private beta).

Tagging @m_brown here as well.


Updated to add some clarification.
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This reminds me of the dedicated core for the Delay blocks on the FM3 not being able to handle if you added any 'Diffusion' to both delay blocks simultaneously. 'Diffusion' was removed from the delay blocks in the FM3, and never came back. Broke my heart :(
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