FM9-Edit 1.01.07 (to support fw 4.01 public beta 2)

Let's mark the desired startup preset as preset 384 "XYZ".

scenario 1
set Display Offset to 0
set Startup Preset to 384
after booting, preset "XYZ" at location 384 is displayed.

scenario 2
set Display Offset to 1
set Startup Preset to 384
after booting, preset "XYZ" at location 385 is displayed.
it's the same preset as the one in scenario 1.

One can argue that the "Startup Preset" entry should take the offset value into consideration, and should be "385" in scenarios 2, but I don't think it should.

Because according to the manual: "This only offsets the display, meaning that it does not change which preset is actually loaded by a given footswitch or MIDI message".
Well I feel like a big dummy now!

@bleujazz3 - I figured out my confusion...

I was always setting the Startup Preset with PC Offset set to 0 and just testing the boot was correct regardless of Display Offset. I never looked at the Startup Preset value after changing Display Offset.

@m_brown @Admin M@ - would it make sense for Startup Preset to account for (be relative to) Display Offset?
Let's mark the desired startup preset as preset 384 "XYZ".

scenario 1
set Display Offset to 0
set Startup Preset to 384
after booting, preset "XYZ" at location 384 is displayed.

scenario 2
set Display Offset to 1
set Startup Preset to 384
after booting, preset "XYZ" at location 385 is displayed.
it's the same preset as the one in scenario 1.

One can argue that the "Startup Preset" entry should take the offset value into consideration, and should be "385" in scenarios 2, but I don't think it should.

Because according to the manual: "This only offsets the display, meaning that it does not change which preset is actually loaded by a given footswitch or MIDI message".
Both of these scenarios are correct regards my FM9, and have tested as such.

My point might be, if one desires to allow his factory presets to begin with 001, then the display offset needs to be set to +1.

It does not matter where you set your startup preset, though the display offset will always increase the startup preset number by +1.

And to answer @unix-guy, yes, the display offset is relative to startup preset, but one function "seems to work first" because that is the way it was coded.

That was what I was trying to say. It might have been misconstrued, but essentially was my point.

I think we wasted enough time on this. Next problem!
Last edited:
Well I feel like a big dummy now!
View attachment 117147

@bleujazz3 - I figured out my confusion...

I was always setting the Startup Preset with PC Offset set to 0 and just testing the boot was correct regardless of Display Offset. I never looked at the Startup Preset value after changing Display Offset.

@m_brown @Admin M@ - would it make sense for Startup Preset to account for (be relative to) Display Offset?
I realize you're an intelligent guy, but...? ;)

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