FM3 Now Shipping

Well...was a headphone jack stated to be included?

Too easy.

Yes and I agree it's kind of odd that we found out from a screenshot (of a purchase) that the first batch doesn't have one.

I'm not sure incomplete is the right word. But I guess it might be if you are really disappointed there is no headphone jack.

I don't think your theory is correct, either....but what do I know
Here is another hypothesis: the FM3s may have been initially designed to not have a headphone jack and perhaps during some market research or alpha testing, Fractal discovered a headphone jack is more desirable than they originally anticipated. At some point between ordering these "first-run" or "prototype" units and the press release the design was changed to include the headphone jack.
Here is another hypothesis: the FM3s may have been initially designed to not have a headphone jack and perhaps during some market research or alpha testing, Fractal discovered a headphone jack is more desirable than they originally anticipated. At some point between ordering these "first-run" or "prototype" units and the press release the design was changed to include the headphone jack.
Actually, that might make sense. I imagine there's a fair bit of lead time on getting something this complex manufactured. Well, I need one and I'll definitely take 'first available'.
The original press release from April 2019 is still available on sites like Guitar World, and has photos showing the headphone jack, so.....

Would it be fair to think that a company would produce preproduction units for testing, before full production units are produced ?

Fractal is above board in every aspect of their business. They provide FREE updates, support, insight, and forum interaction from even the guy who designs the products...not many other companies are so devoted to their products and their customers.

Not everything in life goes perfectly as planned, including the production of products you may wish to own, but I am pretty sure they do not delay products to make anyone's life less pleasurable, but possibly to produce a product that people will enjoy, and be dependable for years to come.

Not to mention, that most of China is completely shut down by the CoronaVirus... most of the manufacturing facilities for cell phones ( and almost everything else ) are closed...

Patience with give everyone a better product, and a much more peaceful, less entitled atmosphere on the forum...
When will I ever learn. It seems at every turn in life, tough love comes at me from people who never seem to need headphone jacks. It’s like a sad, terrible theme.😁
Headphone Jack to me is very nice because the fm3 is so could take it on vacation with you....there are alot of good reasons why its nice to have a headphone Jack otherwise it wouldn't of been built lol
If these headphone jack-less FM3’s are only being offered to AX8 waitlister’s wasn’t their expectation to not have a headphone jack in the first place since the AX8 didn’t include one? Kinda doesn’t seem like that big of a deal in that case. If all of us that got on the FM3 waitlist after the official product announcement were presented this option that would understandably be a bit more awkward because many of us signed up with the total expectation of having the headphone jack built in. That’s my 2 cents anyway.
Not to mention, that most of China is completely shut down by the CoronaVirus... most of the manufacturing facilities for cell phones ( and almost everything else ) are closed...
I agree with this. As an equipment manufacturer myself, in a unrelated industry, I can confirm that many of our suppliers are shut down due to the Coronavirus. For this reason, I would cut the folks at FAS some slack when it comes to the delivery date of phase two.... I wouldn't be surprised if it goes past April and I'm O.K. with that. ;)
Here is another hypothesis: the FM3s may have been initially designed to not have a headphone jack and perhaps during some market research or alpha testing, Fractal discovered a headphone jack is more desirable than they originally anticipated. At some point between ordering these "first-run" or "prototype" units and the press release the design was changed to include the headphone jack.
DANG... BRO. You nailed it eh!
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