FM3 Firmware Version 9.00

The unit itself tells you they are missing. It's not optional.

They are a separate installation because they don't make sense to be included with every firmware.
Note that the cab block does work fine in legacy mode with Dyna-Cabs not installed, my earlier reports stating otherwise were in error (forgot they were turned off globally, DOH!).
finally updated.

Addictive update!

didn't have much time to test the new toys in the box but everything is clearer, punchier, more naural, the drives reacts greater. The 59slp with a simple Ts is just amazingly great!

also there seems to be a lot less noise, for some tones I just removed the gate (and it's great cause I hate gates lol)

Thanxs a lot for the hard work and dedication.
Just updated from Beta to 9.0 . EVERY patch has a time based like reverb on it, tight slap back....even a new bare patch with no time delay blocks.......what was enabled here ? globally ???? Like a single note delay.........wth....

With JUST an in and out block....ONLY...have single note slap back......any idea from where ??
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With JUST an in and out block....ONLY...have single note slap back......any idea from where ??
Check if you have sound going direct and via USB at the same time, or direct and via DAW with channel monitor enabled at the same time.

This sound like you have direct monitoring enabled, and some software duplicates the sound, maybe some extra routing or "channel monitoring" enabled in DAW.
My setup is XLR out , stereo to a small board , and then just cans. No DAW, this happened after the 9.0 upgrade……aggggh
My setup is XLR out , stereo to a small board , and then just cans. No DAW, this happened after the 9.0 upgrade……aggggh
Does it stay if you put cans directly into FM3? If no, board is the problem.
Try using OUT2, does it stay? If no, board is the problem.
If yes, FW or HW. In this case, contact Fractal Support by email.
me and my mate phil both installed firmware 9.00 on Tuesday this week, love it, the race condition bug when using PPOverrides for Layout Links is finally fixed. thank you FAS, you legends.

As I use a lot of synth block chords and cycle through them in sequence (in the air tonight, shine on you crazy diamond etc...) I was wondering if it would be possible "record" or somehow "save" sequences of channels in a block.. for example...

in the Synth Block, I've programmed some chords in...

Channel A = Dmin
Channel B = Cmaj
Channel C = Bbmaj
Channel D = Cmaj

So I just set it to cycle through the channels (wrapped) so each footswitch press it loads the next channel.

But I thought, wouldn't it be cool, to "record" sequence, of say, A, A, B, C, D, D, A, for exmaple, and be able to save it for later use?
Imagine the possibilities for delays, or any other block for that matter.

Just a thought. Keep up the great work guys, top of the food chain for modellers IMHO! Legends!
Just tried the improved Envelope Filter and the new Auto-Wah in the fresh FW27.00 of the Axe-FX III, it sounds so great! I hope we will see this also in an upcoming FM3 Update!
Loud pops in CAB block are happening sometimes. I've changed Transformer with Drive 9/Sat 2 to None first, than to Modern, and change Drive to 3. The pop sound was heard.
I've tried to set it back to 9 and to 3 again, the issue didn't reproduce. Further switching between type of preamps didn't help either.
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