FM3 Firmware Version 7.00 beta 3

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About fm3 boot time wich it spends on...^
6.2 = 26sec
7.3 = 52sec

How can I dellete Dyno-Cabs from memory?

I rolled back on 6.2 and rolled again 7.3 without dyna-cabs, but cabs already in the memory...

No method is posted. It's part of the 7 beta 3 update, my guess is that isn't an option.
About fm3 boot time wich it spends on...^
6.2 = 26sec
7.3 = 52sec

How can I dellete Dyno-Cabs from memory?

I rolled back on 6.2 and rolled again 7.3 without dyna-cabs, but cabs already in the memory...
You can’t remove them, but by rolling back the firmware to pre-v.7 the firmware won’t load and initialize the Dyna-Cabs.

The memory that they use was not used by anything else and won’t be allocated to anything else, so you won’t see their effect in any other way.

The downside is that you will not be able to roll past v.7 to a future version of the firmware that offers other features you might want.

I leave my FM3 on pretty much all the time at home, and if I’m having to (re)boot I do something else until it’s done. Staring at it makes it take forever.
I could be wrong but I think FM3 edit only works for beta version 1. This is beta version 3
It’s the same Edit for all the beta versions currently.
Is anyone else not seeing the dyna-cab cabs in the drop-down in FM3-edit?
Refresh Edit. “Refresh After New Firmware” always. During beta cycles Edit can’t tell if the beta version changed.
You can’t remove them, but by rolling back the firmware to pre-v.7 the firmware won’t load and initialize the Dyna-Cabs.

The memory that they use was not used by anything else and won’t be allocated to anything else, so you won’t see their effect in any other way.

The downside is that you will not be able to roll past v.7 to a future version of the firmware that offers other features you might want.

I leave my FM3 on pretty much all the time at home, and if I’m having to (re)boot I do something else until it’s done. Staring at it makes it take forever.
aroused goat GIF

Me staring at my FM3 while it boots . . .
Depending on your ears can be tricky. Whenever I switch from Dyna-Cabs back to Legacy, the Legacy cabs always sound muffled. But if I go do something else for a while, when I come back the Legacy cabs sound fine. The clarity of the Dyna-Cabs make the Legacy cabs sound muffled, but really there’s been no change at all.
I have exactly the same experience as BAKE (I think I wrote about it here before him) - the experience with muffled sound/softer feeling/less defined sound has nothing to do with Dyna Cabs/Legacy. I use a York Audio (the 1 dollar IR deal he had) IR for EVERYTHING. It sounds amazing, full, clear, etc. Of course I had to try Dyna Cabs, and while they are cool, they are not better than my YA IR. So I went back to the YA IR. Still more muffled sounding than I like. Checked all my settings. None changed. Out of curiosity, I rolled back to beta 6.0 and there was my sound. I know it very very well, having used my main preset (Matchless Chieftain, Klon, YA IR) on about 30 gigs, 100 practice sessions over the last year or so. I use a Dynacord Axm12a monitor (the european equivalent of the Atomic monitors) so my playback gear is pretty good. I am telling you, SOMETHING has changed from Beta 6.0 to Beta 7.03. The sound is just less defined, less in your face.
Very interesting. I’ve been using the TV Live Mix IR from Leon for months and months. Sounded great!! Changed to DynaCabs with 7.03 and found that my DynaCab set up sounds much more focused/better/clearer than the IR I had been using. I never did pull the trigger on any York Audio stuff.
Maybe my ears are messed up lol. Who knows. All I know, is that for me, the DynaCabs are staying on my FM3.
Depending on your ears can be tricky. Whenever I switch from Dyna-Cabs back to Legacy, the Legacy cabs always sound muffled. But if I go do something else for a while, when I come back the Legacy cabs sound fine. The clarity of the Dyna-Cabs make the Legacy cabs sound muffled, but really there’s been no change at all.

I’ve dabbled with the Dynacabs but my usual IR’s in legacy mode sound much bigger than the Dyna. I run Ultrares and mostly through phones. It’s funny how everyone’s ears are different. I’m happy to have more tools in the box but so far I haven’t been able to beat my old IR’s.
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