FM3 Firmware Version 6.02

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Large fonts are really great.

I tried the new compressor and they are really great.
Also the improved gate of the input block works well. Gonna try tomorrow at higher volumes but it seems they work « better » at lower rate than the previous one.

Cpu hits a bit higher but I was I the safe zone. Max scene 77% is a safe zone right ?
I Was really hoping & waiting like almost everyday for this update to be having the Dyna Cabs like the Axe III
After having finally the presets almost the same on the 3 units which made users happy that any preset gets created on any unit from the 3 can be installed or working the same on the other 2 units, now there will be again this great Gap as well
They aren't on the FM9, either...

Also, DynaCabs are only in Axe Fx beta firmware.

If you want presets compatible between all 3 units, you're going to need to keep them in on compatible firmwares.

Have a little patience! We don't even have a full implementation of DynaCabs on Axe Fx III and no confirmation that FM3 will support them...
Possible minor bug: the tonestack location of USA Pre LD1 Red still defaults to "POST" instead of "PRE".
If that's the triaxis, then ld1 red is something similar to a recto (unlike other mother's which are mark-based preamps) so it makes sense that the tone stack is post-od
The only thing i ve noticed also in the beta is the different vu meter/ drive in the preamp mic cab.. Before at a certain value i was next to the red.. Now the drive has to be pushed to 7 or more..
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