FM3 Firmware Version 6.00 beta 4

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Ran the firmware at 2 shows this weekend with no issues. Editor is just very slow opening and then loading up. On windows 10.
I noticed too right after updating. Now, several days later it’s working perfectly. IDK
I downloaded and tested 6.00 beta 4 this weekend. I can't wait for the full version! I really love the Brit Studio 20 amp model and the added thump parameter in the speaker tab.

I use the SPDIF out into my Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 for practice and recording into a MacBook Pro running Monterey (12.6.1). While I was monitoring the tone through the headphone jack on the Focusrite, several time the signal cut out completely for one or two seconds. During my testing (about 2 hours) this intermittent dead-air became more frequent. Eventually, I lost the signal completely. I did try to restart a couple times (Computer, Interface, FM3…), but with no success. Reloaded 5.03 for practice tomorrow.

I also tested some FC configurations using the Setlist/Songs function, after which I decided to restore the FC factory defaults. This function crashed the FM3.

I really enjoy getting a peek into the new features before they are LIVE.

Thanks Fractal.
Similar problems were identified with me, only without using spdif. Rollback to 5.03 did not help.
No answer yet. In mono, sum L/R in cab block. Pan 100% left at 0 (center) volume doesn't change when decreasing level parameter.
Because it normalizes the level on individual cab slots. The “mix” of the 2 cabs is changing but not the resulting level so it’s easier to use.
There are multiple levels in the Cab block, so it's important to specify which you're talking about. I'm going to assume you are NOT talking about the block level, but instead the individual cab levels.

The individual cab levels are normalized, so they act as relative values to each other. If you only have one cab and turn it down, the system will consider that the new 0 and bring up the level. If you have multiple cabs and turn one down then that cab's volume will drop in relationship to the others.

From the Cab block page in the Wiki:
No answer yet. In mono, sum L/R in cab block. Pan 100% left at 0 (center) volume doesn't change when decreasing level parameter.
Yes, I answered you in the post following yours in the thread where you posted... And I just answered above in my reply ;)
Not able to open this firmware.
It s like i don't have anything on my computer who can open .syx files
Download the zip file and extract it and then read the read me file on how to use Fractal Bot to install the firmware. Fractal Bot will read the .syx file and install it. Make sure to Backup your FM3!

Also make sure to install the latest version of FM3 Edit.
Wondering about an FC layout for the FM3 and FC6 for using the setlist and songs feature. I'm currently using the OMG9 for my FM3 and FC6.

The songs / setlist layouts for the AXE III and FC6/FC 12 are very helpful. I use them with my AXE III and FC6

Thanks in advance
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