FM3 Firmware Version 5.00 beta 1

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I'll see if I can recreate it...

EDIT: You know what? I'm playing with it now and it looks like different "types" take up more or less DSP. I'm sure I saw it go silent and give me the warning sign at 72% or so, but I could be wrong. Maybe there were some settings that were at 72% and I changed the type, assuming they were all the same, and the next type used 8 delays and kicked the thing into way too high of DSP usage. Sorry, I wish I would have saved the original preset to fiddle with :( I'm just hoping it's user error.
Shimmers uses more cpu in the plexdelay block
Possible issue with the switch HOLD function and beta 5.00?

I've gotten my FM3 in a mode where the outer switches' HOLD function does not work as planned. I want the hold function on the outer switches to increment presets instead of view. I had this working then changed off this setting and when I went back, the HOLD function only jumps to specific presets and does not increment or decrement? I reset the switch functions and this issue still persists?
Possible issue with the switch HOLD function and beta 5.00?

I've gotten my FM3 in a mode where the outer switches' HOLD function does not work as planned. I want the hold function on the outer switches to increment presets instead of view. I had this working then changed off this setting and when I went back, the HOLD function only jumps to specific presets and does not increment or decrement? I reset the switch functions and this issue still persists?
So on the unit itself or FM3 Edit, when you go to the FC settings, it still says that's the function but it's not actually working? Did you accidentally change layouts, maybe?
So on the unit itself or FM3 Edit, when you go to the FC settings, it still says that's the function but it's not actually working? Did you accidentally change layouts, maybe?
On the unit itself. I am using EM3 Edit and all the settings look correct but when I hit and hold the footswitch (switch 1) it jumps to a fixed preset like 001. It does not switch to the previous preset as it did before I temporarily changed the switch settings then back.
On the unit itself. I am using EM3 Edit and all the settings look correct but when I hit and hold the footswitch (switch 1) it jumps to a fixed preset like 001. It does not switch to the previous preset as it did before I temporarily changed the switch settings then back.
So, let's start from the beginning. Hit Setup, then go to FC Controllers menu. See which layout you're in. See what that the hold function of the switch in the layout is assigned to. Note the others as well.

Is the middle footswitch hold's function working correctly? Are the outer switches tap functions working as expected?

Make sure you didn't accidentally change layouts by turning Knob E (that cycles through the layouts).

Also, make sure you're on the correct VIEW if you're in the correct layout. I think knob D changes views. Maybe E does views and D does layouts (note the light blue text above the Setup menu and the Per-Preset FC menu on the homescreen); in any case, check that.
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So, let's start from the beginning. Hit Setup, then go to FC Controllers menu. See which layout you're in. See what that the hold function of the switch in the layout is assigned to. Note the others as well.

Is the middle footswitch hold's function working correctly? Are the outer switches tap functions working as expected?

Make sure you didn't accidentally change layouts by turning Knob E (that cycles through the layouts).

Also, make sure you're on the correct VIEW if you're in the correct layout. I think knob D changes views. Maybe E does views and D does layouts (note the light blue text above the Setup menu and the Per-Preset FC menu on the homescreen); in any case, check that.
I checked the switches' function settings and they look correct. However, when I hold say switch 1 the presets jump to preset #1 "59 Bassguy". I can not figure out why or how to fix it. As I mention I did a "Load Factory Default Layouts & Settings" of the FM3 and it did not appear to fix. I've attached a picture.


  • FM3_layout2_button_hold_function.JPG
    212.6 KB · Views: 18
I checked the switches' function settings and they look correct. However, when I hold say switch 1 the presets jump to preset #1 "59 Bassguy". I can not figure out why or how to fix it. As I mention I did a "Load Factory Default Layouts & Settings" of the FM3 and it did not appear to fix. I've attached a picture.
What preset are you starting on? It makes sense that if you're on Layout 2, View 1 (where you see switches 1-3), that holding switches 1 or 3 would change presets. You say you want the hold function to inc/dec presets instead of view; that sounds like it's behaving exactly as it's supposed to and as you would expect.

But you're saying that you'll be on preset #134, for instance, and HOLD the left switch and instead of going to preset #133, it will go to preset #001?

I would try reloading the FW. This is the first I've seen this issue. I still really think it's something we're both overlooking, but it might not be.
What banks are set in the Preset Increment switch?

i asked the wrong thing. i meant what Upper and Lower limits are set?
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I checked the switches' function settings and they look correct. However, when I hold say switch 1 the presets jump to preset #1 "59 Bassguy". I can not figure out why or how to fix it. As I mention I did a "Load Factory Default Layouts & Settings" of the FM3 and it did not appear to fix. I've attached a picture.
You might be on to something. I just tried it on my own FM3 and I can't get the switches to respond AT ALL. I set up my Layout 2 like yours, made sure I was on the correct layout/view, and holding the switches did literally nothing. Hmm.

@Admin M@ - any other reports of wonky FS behaviour?
What banks are set in the Preset Increment switch?
What preset are you starting on? It makes sense that if you're on Layout 2, View 1 (where you see switches 1-3), that holding switches 1 or 3 would change presets. You say you want the hold function to inc/dec presets instead of view; that sounds like it's behaving exactly as it's supposed to and as you would expect.

But you're saying that you'll be on preset #134, for instance, and HOLD the left switch and instead of going to preset #133, it will go to preset #001?

I would try reloading the FW. This is the first I've seen this issue. I still really think it's something we're both overlooking, but it might not be.
Hello, yes you have it correct. I have modified my FM3 so if I hold switch 1 it will/should decrement to the previous preset and if I hold switch 3 it will increment to the next preset. However, instead of moving up or down to the next adjacent preset, it is jumping to preset 001? I had been playing around with control switches and stand-in switches but I reverted everything and that's when this started happening.
What banks are set in the Preset Increment switch?
This isn't an option. If you hit "Edit Switch" you can set the upper and lower limit for the inc/dec. I have mine set to 000 and 511 and it's not working at all. The mini display is showing the HOLD destination when it should be showing the scene destination.

Very odd.
You might be on to something. I just tried it on my own FM3 and I can't get the switches to respond AT ALL. I set up my Layout 2 like yours, made sure I was on the correct layout/view, and holding the switches did literally nothing. Hmm.

@Admin M@ - any other reports of wonky FS behaviour?
I had something similar happen when I updated to 4. I tried everything, but my preset increment/decrement switch kept jumping to Bassguy, even though it had a range of 400-403. Support had me try several things, and one of them finally fixed the issue for me. I'll look in my email tonight and post what did the trick.
Hello, yes you have it correct. I have modified my FM3 so if I hold switch 1 it will/should decrement to the previous preset and if I hold switch 3 it will increment to the next preset. However, instead of moving up or down to the next adjacent preset, it is jumping to preset 001? I had been playing around with control switches and stand-in switches but I reverted everything and that's when this started happening.
Yeah, you've got it set up right. I mean, there's a chance we're BOTH missing something obvious, but I've worked a lot with editing the FCs and this is a head-scratcher. I was immediately able to replicate a problem, just not exactly your problem lol.
For this I'm not sure... I don't see a bank setting when I configure for Preset Inc/Dec. This has traditionally allowed me to move up or down to the next adjacent Preset.
i asked the wrong thing. i meant what Upper and Lower limits are set?
I found a work-around at the moment... if I set up the HOLD function to

Switch 1
Category = Preset
Function = Toggle by #
Primary Preset = 399 (for example and I an on Preset 400)
Secondary Preset = 399 (yes same number as Primary)

Then when I hold switch 1 down and I am on Preset 400, then the preset will jump to 399. I can do this similarly for when I want to go up a preset.
Lower limit is 000, upper limit is 511. I tried windowing this in only to the preset number I wanted but this still did not fix it.
Is Preset Mapping turned on by chance? It may be in Setup > MIDI, if not it’s in another setup menu - sorry not at the gear now.

If it’s on, you want it off.
I found a work-around at the moment... if I set up the HOLD function to

Switch 1
Category = Preset
Function = Toggle by #
Primary Preset = 399 (for example and I an on Preset 400)
Secondary Preset = 399 (yes same number as Primary)

Then when I hold switch 1 down and I am on Preset 400, then the preset will jump to 399. I can do this similarly for when I want to go up a pre

Is Preset Mapping turned on by chance? It may be in Setup > MIDI, if not it’s in another setup menu - sorry not at the gear now.

If it’s on, you want it off.
Hello! I think that was it. I went into the MIDI/Remote menue and RESET ALL and now it appears to increment and decrement to the adjacent presets as it once did. Was that possibly "PC Mapping"?
Is Preset Mapping turned on by chance? It may be in Setup > MIDI, if not it’s in another setup menu - sorry not at the gear now.

If it’s on, you want it off.
No, not on for any preset (more of a MIDI function though, innit?).
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