First time slighty disappointed with Fractal...


Well, I couldn't wait. I have to have my pedal for a big gig early next year and I couldn't risk not getting the email by then, or worse...getting it a couple days before the show. I want to spend time with it to get things sorted out without added pressure. I emailed sales@ a few days ago to get_some_kind of idea if I would be receiving an email in the next month or two (or three). They never responded. I realize that no one is forcing me to order at full price, but I really hate leaving that extra $100 behind (although I'm sure Cliff deserves it). I'm just another guy that is bummed about the way the whole waiting list thing went down this time.

Time for me to put this behind me and get down to playing.

We are not responding to any inquiries of "where am I on the list" because we are getting dozens if not over 100 a day and we simply don't have the time.
Thanks Cliff for just tipping me over the edge with that info. I just ordered one. I understand the email predicament. I have no idea where I am on the list or if they might totally sell out while I wait... gigs are comin up soon.

It is only 100 bucks, still a fair price and yes Fractal are very deserving. Very soon any lingering ill feelings will be overshadowed by the joy of using the MFC. </suckup>

Still, I think it's good feedback for any business to hear how customers 'feel' about their purchase experience. Some spend money doing surveys to gather this kind of feedback, because it's valuable. So I share my feelings with good will and knowledge that some of you even more prone to sucking up than I am will flame me anyway.

2.5 years ago I got on the list because I KNEW I wanted this thing. Much later on, Cliff sweetened the deal by mentioning $100-off coupon. All this time I've been looking forward to that joyful WOOHOO! moment when I'd finally get that magic email and place my order.

The WOOHOO! factor is seriously diminished now. Joe Blow only found out about FAS 2 weeks ago and got his MFC last week, for the same price I just paid. Now I also have to brace myself for that damn email.. instead of WOOHOO it will feel more like a kick in the crotch, esp if it comes anytime soon.

Anyway, there you have it. Water under the bridge for me now. At least Cliff can enjoy a small $100 WOOHOO moment every time he reads another post from a waitlist-er who can no longer wait.
The 'list' didn't turn out to be the value many of us thought it would be, but that in no way detracts from the value of the product itself. If you need it, just buy it and don't wait for the magic email.
bluesdoc said:
The 'list' didn't turn out to be the value many of us thought it would be, but that in no way detracts from the value of the product itself. If you need it, just buy it and don't wait for the magic email.
well it's been said already that nobody forced cliff & fas to offer anything at all even! so i'm still impressed regardless. i'm waiting "patiently" too :mrgreen:

how's yours working out blues doc?
I can understand you asking what you asked. Having said that Cliff explained the way the E-commerce site works so we now know that there is no way of "locking out" anybody who is willing to pay the higher price now. Between that and the fact that not everybody who is sent the email will order one there is no real way for Cliff to answer your question other than making an estimate that would probably be time consuming and only sort of accurate. I would rather Cliff put his efforts into other things like the next firmware upgrade.

OTOH I suppose the MFC-101 price could be set to $2,000 and we could be emailed coupon codes good for a $1,350 savings. :)
Yeah, I agree it was a bummer. If you make a "reservation" at a restaurant, you are reserving your spot in line to eat before others that didn't have a reservation. You aren't reserving a discount on the food. If I make a reservation for dinner and then when I show up they say "Well, we might be able to seat you tomorrow, but at least you'll get 10% off your meal.", then that's not exactly satisfying to the customer is it?

I still think Cliff runs a good business and makes a great product and I have a lot of respect for him. I have no long term hard feelings, but yeah this particular issue wasn't handled well. I will keep checking my email in hopes of the "golden ticket".
bstaley said:
If you make a "reservation" at a restaurant, you are reserving your spot in line to eat before others that didn't have a reservation. You aren't reserving a discount on the food. If I make a reservation for dinner and then when I show up they say "Well, we might be able to seat you tomorrow, but at least you'll get 10% off your meal.", then that's not exactly satisfying to the customer is it?

You make a reservation and think you are going to be able to eat when a table becomes available, but then you find out you can pay more to jump ahead of the reservation list. Someone comes in and says I will pay more for the table. The maître d’ then tells you, if you are willing to pay more you can eat now, but then says you guys have to race to the table....whoever gets there first eats.

For the record I paid more and am about to eat !!

"Out for delivery"

gittarzann said:
You make a reservation and think you are going to be able to eat when a table becomes available, but then you find out you can pay more to jump ahead of the reservation list. Someone comes in and says I will pay more for the table. The maître d’ then tells you, if you are willing to pay more you can eat now, but then says you guys have to race to the table....whoever gets there first eats.

For the record I paid more and am about to eat !!

"Out for delivery"


LOL. Ok, that was pretty funny.
Bon Appetite!
mejoshee said:
bluesdoc said:
The 'list' didn't turn out to be the value many of us thought it would be, but that in no way detracts from the value of the product itself. If you need it, just buy it and don't wait for the magic email.
well it's been said already that nobody forced cliff & fas to offer anything at all even! so i'm still impressed regardless. i'm waiting "patiently" too :mrgreen:

how's yours working out blues doc?

It's great! Did my first gig with it + Ultra last weekend and have a second this coming Sunday. It was flawless and did everything I wanted it to do. I noticed a slight glitch in that sometimes when I changed patches, the letters of the patch name might not lay out correctly. Ie, a space in the middle of a word might occur. It would self correct when I changed back to that patch again. This happened ~5% of the time. But as for actually working, it was flawless. Though I had 5 patches set up, I spent most of the night on one clean patch (Shiva Clean) +/- a TS drive. I've reworked my patches since then so I'll see what happens this sunday. I never know how it'll mesh until I'm there.

I got on 'the list' over 2 yrs ago and never got 'the email'. I'm glad I didn't wait.

So Cliff, how 'bout a Fractal padded gig bag for the MFC? :) (I'm using the case that goes with my old GT8. It has velcro straps in the main compartment so I can secure the mfc from sliding around, as the bag is much wider than the mfc. It also has plenty of room for my Tech 21 MiniMouse, my backup midi switcher, which I don't expect to ever need, but you know.... one must be prepared....

bstaley said:
Yeah, I agree it was a bummer. If you make a "reservation" at a restaurant, you are reserving your spot in line to eat before others that didn't have a reservation. You aren't reserving a discount on the food. If I make a reservation for dinner and then when I show up they say "Well, we might be able to seat you tomorrow, but at least you'll get 10% off your meal.", then that's not exactly satisfying to the customer is it?
That's NOT what the list was for - albeit not made clear (at least to me) in the beginning.
Since were using restaurant similes -- I think this is a more accurate representation:

It's like making a "reservation" at a restaurant. When you get there, you find out your reservation was taken, but there are an unknown quantity of people ahead of you in the line and the "greeter" won't tell you where in that line you are. The greeter WILL tell you that your reservation qualified you for a "discounted" meal. If you want that "discounted" price you will have to wait until that buzzer in your hand starts flashing. But you can be seated IMMEDIATELY if you are willing to pay full price! :mrgreen:
s0c9 said:
bstaley said:
Yeah, I agree it was a bummer. If you make a "reservation" at a restaurant, you are reserving your spot in line to eat before others that didn't have a reservation. You aren't reserving a discount on the food. If I make a reservation for dinner and then when I show up they say "Well, we might be able to seat you tomorrow, but at least you'll get 10% off your meal.", then that's not exactly satisfying to the customer is it?
That's NOT what the list was for - albeit not made clear (at least to me) in the beginning.
Since were using restaurant similes -- I think this is a more accurate representation:

It's like making a "reservation" at a restaurant. When you get there, you find out your reservation was taken, but there are an unknown quantity of people ahead of you in the line and the "greeter" won't tell you where in that line you are. The greeter WILL tell you that your reservation qualified you for a "discounted" meal. If you want that "discounted" price you will have to wait until that buzzer in your hand starts flashing. But you can be seated IMMEDIATELY if you are willing to pay full price! :mrgreen:

You're reaching a bit. I'd like to know what restaurant has a "reservation" list that qualifies you for a lower price. I've never heard of such a thing. Actually, I've never heard of a waiting list for ANYTHING meaning you get a lower price but wait longer than everybody else.
bstaley said:
You're reaching a bit. I'd like to know what restaurant has a "reservation" list that qualifies you for a lower price. I've never heard of such a thing. Actually, I've never heard of a waiting list for ANYTHING meaning you get a lower price but wait longer than everybody else.
I think you missed my point.. I was using the restaurant analogy to describe the MFC waiting list process.. of course that "reservation" process doesn't happen with real restaurant's!
gittarzann said:
bstaley said:
If you make a "reservation" at a restaurant, you are reserving your spot in line to eat before others that didn't have a reservation. You aren't reserving a discount on the food. If I make a reservation for dinner and then when I show up they say "Well, we might be able to seat you tomorrow, but at least you'll get 10% off your meal.", then that's not exactly satisfying to the customer is it?

You make a reservation and think you are going to be able to eat when a table becomes available, but then you find out you can pay more to jump ahead of the reservation list. Someone comes in and says I will pay more for the table. The maître d’ then tells you, if you are willing to pay more you can eat now, but then says you guys have to race to the table....whoever gets there first eats.

For the record I paid more and am about to eat !!

"Out for delivery"



First impression...this thing is heavy !
Got Email :)

I couldn't wait and bought a full-price MFC way back on Sept 30th 2010 (I had to search this old thread to find the date.) 6 months later I have wait-list email. At the time I was wondering if I should hold out because I might get email in a couple days or weeks. :)

I don't think I'll need a second MFC, but thanks anyway Fractal! (no, I will NOT share\sell my discount code, before anyone asks..)
I forget how long I had waited for my Ultra (more than a year), so I learned to put the MFC out of my mind, while I (successfully) used my FCB/UNO. I just got the magic email (on the list since 7/08) and now it is very much on my mind! :)
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