First Fractal! What should I know going in?

@Killstring A Fryette D120 is one of the few amps that I still want to buy. I played one in a local shop about 4 years ago and it was very good. I love Fryette’s amps. I have a Sig:X, GP/DI, GP3 preamp, and a Power Station 2.

The D60 model unfortunately doesn’t respond like the real amp IMO. On the real amp the first gain knob also acts like a pre-gain EQ and it doesn’t seem to do that on the model in the Axe-FX.
@Killstring A Fryette D120 is one of the few amps that I still want to buy. I played one in a local shop about 4 years ago and it was very good. I love Fryette’s amps. I have a Sig:X, GP/DI, GP3 preamp, and a Power Station 2.

The D60 model unfortunately doesn’t respond like the real amp IMO. On the real amp the first gain knob also acts like a pre-gain EQ and it doesn’t seem to do that on the model in the Axe-FX.
Ahh, I haven't gotten to that one yet. I'll play around with it, but even if that model doesn't do the thing my old amp did, I've already run across plenty that do.

And like, I want a Pittbull sound, but tbh so much of that is the cab, I'm pretty confident I can get to the neighborhood.

The depth is crazy, but I literally am still just going through presets, seeing what's there. There is a lot there!
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