Firmware Version 10.06 Now Available

It's a non-Master Volume amp, so it defaults to 10.
If it's too loud, turn down Level.
That's cool it sounds great it was just strange that it was a lot louder than most of the other amps. Its definitely a kick ass amp.
The Fractal-Bot feature is just so awesome. New users are not going to realize how great it is to have something like this.

Sure it is - it works brillant installing a new firmware, but it also drives my Mac (with OS 10.7.5) into 100% CPU load (fan is running wild and the unit gets very hot)..... something is not quite there as it should be ;)
Here's a hint for anyone who's not getting good stuff out of the 5153 Red on 10.06. You may have to go into the cab block and do the same "back and forth" cab model switch as you do with the amp model when you first upgrade FW.

I have a very high gain 5153 Red patch that I rely on for just having fun with saturation. It was great in FW9, got muddy but also lots of juicy and realistic low end in 10.00, but then sounded like crap when I first upgraded to 10.06. Seriously, it was almost like a POD or some such. Once I shuttled the cab models back and forth (OH beta Bogner V31s), it instantly got good. Real good.

Even with this, you will still need to redo your amp settings, since the model is now considerably different. I had to turn up the master volume and turn down the drive a little bit, as well as turning down the boost a little in the PEQ block I put before the amp as an overdrive. I also raised the treble a bit, since the harshness is gone. You will be amazed at how much clearer the 5153 Red is now, but still with tons of body once you get the settings right.

very interesting.
can you share your presets to test on our config ? thanks
Haven't dug into the Rectos yet, but spent yesterday with the Dizzy V4 (Diezel VH4) channels and it most certainly is an improvement over the last iteration. Just sayin', as Diezel owner and fanboi, the pulse and vibe was definitely much closer with this latest FW upgrade.
It is funny... Many of the amps I felt were damaged after the mimic process are now getting some MAJOR overhauls. The 5153, VH4 and Rectos especially.

This makes me seriously wonder how many other amps need to be "re-mimiced" to ensure they are accurate. I thought that was the whole purpose of mimic. But if the mimic process varies from time to time, isn't that a MAJOR problem??? This actually scares me a lot!

As for the VH4... I always found this amp quite useless, but after the upgrade to 10.6 this weekend, I found this amp to be great! And really have it's own character. I'm looking forward to getting deeper into this amp now.

I just hope that all the amps have been mimiced as accurately as possible!!!
It is funny... Many of the amps I felt were damaged after the mimic process are now getting some MAJOR overhauls. The 5153, VH4 and Rectos especially.

This makes me seriously wonder how many other amps need to be "re-mimiced" to ensure they are accurate. I thought that was the whole purpose of mimic. But if the mimic process varies from time to time, isn't that a MAJOR problem??? This actually scares me a lot!

As for the VH4... I always found this amp quite useless, but after the upgrade to 10.6 this weekend, I found this amp to be great! And really have it's own character. I'm looking forward to getting deeper into this amp now.

I just hope that all the amps have been mimiced as accurately as possible!!!

When someone as detail oriented as Cliff admits a mistake and corrects it; it means he found the issue, analyzed it and then checked.

Specific to the amp modeling... if there were any further issues, it would follow that Cliff has already checked IMHO. None of the amp models I use had any anomalies to report IMHO. I could be wrong - we are all just human (including Cliff) but worrying or being 'scared' is overstating the case.

I personally feel more confident about the company, the paradigm, the technology than I would have had this not been handled the way it was.
When someone as detail oriented as Cliff admits a mistake and corrects it; it means he found the issue, analyzed it and then checked.

Specific to the amp modeling... if there were any further issues, it would follow that Cliff has already checked IMHO. None of the amp models I use had any anomalies to report IMHO. I could be wrong - we are all just human (including Cliff) but worrying or being 'scared' is overstating the case.

I personally feel more confident about the company, the paradigm, the technology than I would have had this not been handled the way it was.

exactly. it would have been really easy for Cliff to never admit something waswrong and just sneak it in to a fw update and no one would have known the difference. takes a lot of integrity to admit a mistake and work so quickly to correct it. if there is any company i have the utmost respect and faith in, it's Fractal Audio....
When someone as detail oriented as Cliff admits a mistake and corrects it; it means he found the issue, analyzed it and then checked.

Specific to the amp modeling... if there were any further issues, it would follow that Cliff has already checked IMHO. None of the amp models I use had any anomalies to report IMHO. I could be wrong - we are all just human (including Cliff) but worrying or being 'scared' is overstating the case.

I personally feel more confident about the company, the paradigm, the technology than I would have had this not been handled the way it was.

I don't know all the history on this, so sorry if I'm missing something. I didn't realize that it was announced there was some kind of error on the VH4. My point was simply if there was an error, how do we know the only error was made with just the VH4?
I don't know all the history on this, so sorry if I'm missing something. I didn't realize that it was announced there was some kind of error on the VH4. My point was simply if there was an error, how do we know the only error was made with just the VH4?

We don't.

But the precedent must remain that as far as this box is functional to its users independent of technological insights and knowledge, then it serves its purpose to those users. Caring about errors in the machine or perhaps models that are not perfect is a sure way to instigate some level of low grade insanity. If it sounds good to you - use it. If it doesn't - find another model, or go with the analog real McCoy.

Play more, bitch less. I learned this about the Axe-II about a year or so ago. I'm a better man for it :D
I don't know all the history on this, so sorry if I'm missing something. I didn't realize that it was announced there was some kind of error on the VH4. My point was simply if there was an error, how do we know the only error was made with just the VH4?

Does it matter? If it sounds good, it is good. And if there's an error somewhere, people in the know will point it out and it will get fixed. No reason for doubt or insecurity.
Indeed :D And if I understood Cliff correctly, the problem wasn't the MIMIC process itself. He just accidentally put some wrong values into some of the models when the FW was being coded.
So I wouldn't worry about it at all, it's not something affecting all models in the Axe :)
...isn't that a MAJOR problem??? This actually scares me a lot!

I just hope that all the amps have been mimiced as accurately as possible!!!

exactly. it would have been really easy for Cliff to never admit something waswrong and just sneak it in to a fw update and no one would have known the difference. takes a lot of integrity to admit a mistake and work so quickly to correct it. if there is any company i have the utmost respect and faith in, it's Fractal Audio....

There are things we must let slide, and there are things that can truly upset:

It wasn't the MIMIC process that went awry, it was the guy behind the keyboard. After I had gotten about 3/4 of the way through the amps I decided to add some fields to the amp model structure which would make modeling new amps easier. This meant going back to all the amps that had been modeled and MIMIC'd and adding these fields. In 90% of the cases the value of these fields is irrelevant. However there are a few amps where this value was relevant and I set it to the wrong value. So the model was correct, I added some data and broke the model. What I broke was analogous to changing a highpass to a lowpass except not quite that drastic.
Now that tile being in the wrong place that's something that's off

And you can bet having to see it everyday, perhaps suffering lowgrade OCD tendencies, would probably stem some level of homocidal psychosis over the long run.

Not my floor thank goodness.
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