Feel like the "red headed step child?"


I has a chance to return my FX8 but Fractal said that a new firmware was going to be released after the amp show when Quantum 1 was also released. A firmware that's needed as my FX8 will still randomly do something wierd after many hours, like the pre effects will quit working and I'll need to reboot. So I thought, I could wait a couple of weeks. It's a great sounding unit, I still won't trust if for a gig until the weird issues get fixed. Ampshow is over, and no new firmware, Fractal says firmware programmer took a vacation and he'll get on it when he gets back. OK.. patience... Now it's been a month and a half.. I tell myself, better they get it right then rush a release. Then I see today a new quantum has been released with new amps and cabs and Fractal says all resources are tied up in AX8.

What the f*** ever... I expect this with big companies like AKAI but not from Fractal. If they weren't about to release a new FX8 firmware Fractal should have never said it's coming after the ampshow. Of course there were a few people including myself who were considering returning our units at the time and I know I was swayed by the promise of support. There are still random issues that happen with the firmware.... Does the Axe FX have issues where the pre effects quite working until the unit is reset once in a blue moon?
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How can you not like the FX8 as it is?

IMHO; the FX8 is amazing.

Patience is often rewarded & Fracta-Santa has our wish list ;)

Keeping it real

Be patient. Fractal bit off a lot this year and perhaps they were a bit over-zealous with release timelines. It's difficult to keep us all informed about the future when dealing with product development without the occasional hiccup. As I see it, it seems that perhaps some issues were found that they weren't anticipating and they had to fix them before releasing products and firmware. I know when I get behind on several things at once I have to decide which thing to do first and work crazy long hours to get caught up. Choosing which item gets my attention first can depend on a lot of factors and there's always someone happy and someone upset about that choice. FAS is run by people, most of them employees who, like us, enjoy time sleeping, with our families, and (God forbid) the occasional vacation. Give the guys a break. They're doing everything that they can to make everyone happy, but there are only so many hours in a day. They haven't forgotten about you. They're not unreasonable. I'm still floored by how much value I get from these guys in the form of updates and most issues are taken care of pretty quickly. I've got software on my Mac that still hasn't been updated for El Capitan with no communication or timeline from the manufacturer and certainly no company owner personally providing support on a forum. Cliff doesn't have to talk to us at all, he doesn't have to give us any information about anything before it's released. He does so because he knows how much he would enjoy it if he were in our shoes. The man answers questions on the forum on Sundays. He and his team are working hard. Be patient.

I has a chance to return my FX8 but Fractal said that a new firmware was going to be released after the amp show when Quantum 1 was also released. A firmware that's needed as my FX8 will still randomly do something wierd after many hours, like the pre effects will quit working and I'll need to reboot. So I thought, I could wait a couple of weeks. It's a great sounding unit, I still won't trust if for a gig until the weird issues get fixed. Ampshow is over, and no new firmware, Fractal says firmware programmer took a vacation and he'll get on it when he gets back. OK.. patience... Now it's been a month and a half.. I tell myself, better they get it right then rush a release. Then I see today a new quantum has been released with new amps and cabs and Fractal says all resources are tied up in AX8.

What the f*** ever... I expect this with big companies like AKAI but not from Fractal. If they weren't about to release a new FX8 firmware Fractal should have never said it's coming after the ampshow. Of course there were a few people including myself who were considering returning our units at the time and I know I was swayed by the promise of support. There are still random issues that happen with the firmware.... Does the Axe FX have issues where the pre effects quite working until the unit is reset once in a blue moon?

I've gigged and rehearsed with the FX8 a bunch and never experienced what you are describing nor did I ever experience that problem using my Axe-II via 4CM hookup.

What exactly stops working? Do you have the latest firmware installed? What steps have you taken to reproduce the bug and have you provided all of that to Fractal via their support channel? As a software engineer myself, I can tell you that a bug report that says "something randomly stops working after a few hours" will not get acted on without more details. That simply isn't actionable. The best thing you can do to help yourself is figure out what causes the problem in the fewest number of steps. Very few software problems ever take hours to reproduce and those are typically things like dynamic memory leaks.

I has a chance to return my FX8 but Fractal said that a new firmware was going to be released after the amp show when Quantum 1 was also released. A firmware that's needed as my FX8 will still randomly do something wierd after many hours, like the pre effects will quit working and I'll need to reboot. So I thought, I could wait a couple of weeks. It's a great sounding unit, I still won't trust if for a gig until the weird issues get fixed. Ampshow is over, and no new firmware, Fractal says firmware programmer took a vacation and he'll get on it when he gets back. OK.. patience... Now it's been a month and a half.. I tell myself, better they get it right then rush a release. Then I see today a new quantum has been released with new amps and cabs and Fractal says all resources are tied up in AX8.

What the f*** ever... I expect this with big companies like AKAI but not from Fractal. If they weren't about to release a new FX8 firmware Fractal should have never said it's coming after the ampshow. Of course there were a few people including myself who were considering returning our units at the time and I know I was swayed by the promise of support. There are still random issues that happen with the firmware.... Does the Axe FX have issues where the pre effects quite working until the unit is reset once in a blue moon?

My FX8 has been stable. Have you discussed with FAS whether this could be a hardware issue? If it happens after hours, I wonder if that's a possibility.
He's not crazy, there's a few glitches for sure, but I haven't seen much shop stoppage, I must admit I have had to reboot my unit 1 time during rehearsal in the last few weeks.
what are you asking? for them to drop all they are doing and release an FX8 update right now?

well they said they would do a firmware update over 6 weeks ago for the fx8 and now they seem to have abandoned it in favour of sending out updates for the FX II and the release of the AX8.

I think it's quite reasonable for fx8 users to he a bit hacked off when we have been told we are getting updates then Fractal take a u-turn and do something else.
well they said they would do a firmware update over 6 weeks ago for the fx8 and now they seem to have abandoned it in favour of sending out updates for the FX II and the release of the AX8.

I think it's quite reasonable for fx8 users to he a bit hacked off when we have been told we are getting updates then Fractal take a u-turn and do something else.

Agreed. It is reasonable, considering there are obvious issues with the FX-8 that need to be addressed.
I have an Axe II, an FX-8 and love them both! My FX8 has performed flawlessly for me in 4C mode and haven't seen glitches described personally. I would love to see more scene / naming / display options. Also, some switch/scene/block placement customization. However, judging by Cliffs comments in the past, all are very similar code bases. The AX8 ui similar to FX8. I am betting a million, based on Fractal always delivering the goods, that the update we see is going to be significant and address all the things most people are talking about. I really don't feel dissed, personally. Also on the list for a AX8.. ;) Options.. always a good thing.
I'm sure there will be an update, just hope it comes through soon. I emailed support a few weeks ago with an issue with filters and one scene in particular not switching correctly. (It would switch the X/Y properly, but it would always go to scene 5 in the off state even when saved with it on.) I got verification that it was a known bug and that it would be fixed and I've been waiting patiently ever since. As I'm not a gigging musician I can afford to wait patiently.

I like the flexibility of the Axe-FX grid layout, so wouldn't mind seeing some of that, but even if they keep the blocks the way they have it I'd love some bug fixes for those little glitches that some of us have come across.
That's good to hear.
I used to develop software myself and I know very well what regression testing means when updating the code to new hardware or after deploying major changes. I appreciate that fractal does not throw half baked software at their customers like some companies in the gaming industry at the moment.

I has a chance to return my FX8 but Fractal said that a new firmware was going to be released after the amp show when Quantum 1 was also released. A firmware that's needed as my FX8 will still randomly do something wierd after many hours, like the pre effects will quit working and I'll need to reboot. So I thought, I could wait a couple of weeks. It's a great sounding unit, I still won't trust if for a gig until the weird issues get fixed. Ampshow is over, and no new firmware, Fractal says firmware programmer took a vacation and he'll get on it when he gets back. OK.. patience... Now it's been a month and a half.. I tell myself, better they get it right then rush a release. Then I see today a new quantum has been released with new amps and cabs and Fractal says all resources are tied up in AX8.

What the f*** ever... I expect this with big companies like AKAI but not from Fractal. If they weren't about to release a new FX8 firmware Fractal should have never said it's coming after the ampshow. Of course there were a few people including myself who were considering returning our units at the time and I know I was swayed by the promise of support. There are still random issues that happen with the firmware.... Does the Axe FX have issues where the pre effects quite working until the unit is reset once in a blue moon?

IF you are so inpatience and you are having great troubles with your unit, just wait a bit more, if not sell it and get something else, but be happy man... dont torture your self, unless thats what you like.

I've gigged and rehearsed with the FX8 a bunch and never experienced what you are describing nor did I ever experience that problem using my Axe-II via 4CM hookup.

What exactly stops working? Do you have the latest firmware installed? What steps have you taken to reproduce the bug and have you provided all of that to Fractal via their support channel? As a software engineer myself, I can tell you that a bug report that says "something randomly stops working after a few hours" will not get acted on without more details. That simply isn't actionable. The best thing you can do to help yourself is figure out what causes the problem in the fewest number of steps. Very few software problems ever take hours to reproduce and those are typically things like dynamic memory leaks.

Some of these issues are extremely random and not always the same. The drop out has happened to me either twice or three times, each time after maybe 7 solid hours of being on (I think.) As I saw that others on this forum have stated similar glitches, and Fractal planned an initial maintenance firmware fix, I was waiting till the next firmware before I worried about if something is wrong with the unit. I'm not alone. I also don't have time right now to trobleshoot etc... I'm in grad school for jazz so it won't be until 2 weeks before I have time to deal with support etc if there is an issue. However, I play all the time, hence the seventh hour glitches (only for the pre or post dropout, other glitches few like button 4 not working happen at start up, other glitches randomly.) It's just that right now I only have time for plug and play, if a glitch happens, restart, and keep practicing and transcribing cause I have deadlines.
IF you are so inpatience and you are having great troubles with your unit, just wait a bit more, if not sell it and get something else, but be happy man... dont torture your self, unless thats what you like.

As someone else has stated, we have a right to be initially take a back when we were told one thing and then something different happened (including Fractal taking the time to add more amps and cabs to FXII when we are waiting for a maintenance firmware). In retrospect, it's not a huge deal.

But let me tell you something about human nature. We as consumers have a right to hold manufacturers accountable and air our concerns. Others started asking about the promised firmware update a couple of weeks ago but I remained patient (silent) because I figured better they get it right then half assed. After being patient, not chiming in on the firmware thread I saw that a new Quantum for FXII was released with new amps and cabs. I got a bit peeved. I have a right to get a peeved INITIALLY when seeing that adding new amps to an already golden FXII firmware took precedence on a promised maintenance fix firmware for a product that is not quite cooked all the way as others can attest to even if you don't want to believe them. That doesn't mean it's bad, let's say 95% cooked, while the FXII has been fully cooked for years.

Now I understand that Fractal is human. We are human too. If a manufacturer has a right to be human so do we. Sometimes when we hear something initially we might respond with frustration. I always find it weird when what some people call fanboys (not that I think anyone here has been a fanboy, I'm speaking generally) give the manufacturers the benefit of the doubt and to err is to be human, but hold the consumer to some standard of the perfect customer, no room for human emotion or reaction.

I feel I have a right to be initially perturbed. I posted, then I dropped it. I feel I should be able to air my concerns without being called impatient or having someone state that I am torturing myself. On the contrary. I said my piece and had peace. I have too many things I'm doing to make this even 1% of my real life concerns. Still as a consumer I have right to say my piece without having my character (impatient torturing myself?) becoming the content of a forum post. I mean seriously. You don't know me.
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I do also find it interesting that quantum 1.02 was just released. Obviously not ALL resources are focused on the AX8. For better or worse the fx8 is definitely not a high priority to fractal based on what has transpired. The fact that many people are experiencing freeze ups and other bugs should be top priority imo. Even if it only happens once a week... What does that do to your head when youre playing live? I certainly can't concentrate on playing if I'm worrying about a freeze up. My $.02
As someone else has stated, we have a right to be initially take a back when we were told one thing and then something different happened (including Fractal taking the time to add more amps and cabs to FXII when we are waiting for a maintenance firmware). In retrospect, it's not a huge deal.

But let me tell you something about human nature. We as consumers have a right to hold manufacturers accountable and air our concerns. Others started asking about the promised firmware update a couple of weeks ago but I remained patient (silent) because I figured better they get it right then half assed. After being patient, not chiming in on the firmware thread I saw that a new Quantum for FXII was released with new amps and cabs. I got a bit peeved. I have a right to get a peeved INITIALLY when seeing that adding new amps to an already golden FXII firmware took precedence on a promised maintenance fix firmware for a product that is not quite cooked all the way as others can attest to even if you don't want to believe them. That doesn't mean it's bad, let's say 95% cooked, while the FXII has been fully cooked for years.

Now I understand that Fractal is human. We are human too. If a manufacturer has a right to be human so do we. Sometimes when we hear something initially we might respond with frustration. I always find it weird when what some people call fanboys (not that I think anyone here has been a fanboy, I'm speaking generally) give the manufacturers the benefit of the doubt and to err is to be human, but hold the consumer to some standard of the perfect customer, no room for human emotion or reaction.

I feel I have a right to be initially perturbed. I posted, then I dropped it. I feel I should be able to air my concerns without being called impatient or having someone state that I am torturing myself. On the contrary. I said my piece and had peace. I have too many things I'm doing to make this even 1% of my real life concerns. Still as a consumer I have right to say my piece without having my character (impatient torturing myself?) becoming the content of a forum post. I mean seriously. You don't know me.

Dude, get over it and over your selff!!!..Geezz....
@Audiounity I don't think anyone can really blame you for being frustrated if the unit is giving you troubles. The tone of your message was off putting and isn't typically a particularly good approach to getting a positive resolution. But if your goal was just to rant then I guess you accomplished that.

With all that said, if you are too busy to report problems and/or do a little bit of diagnostic work to figure out steps to reproduce your problems, then don't expect that your problems will be addressed. The folks at Fractal can only fix issues that they know about and have some sort of way to test the behavior. So when the update comes out, your random and unreported issues might not get fixed because Fractal may not know about them or how to reproduce the problems.
@Audiounity I don't think anyone can really blame you for being frustrated if the unit is giving you troubles. The tone of your message was off putting and isn't typically a particularly good approach to getting a positive resolution. But if your goal was just to rant then I guess you accomplished that.

With all that said, if you are too busy to report problems and/or do a little bit of diagnostic work to figure out steps to reproduce your problems, then don't expect that your problems will be addressed. The folks at Fractal can only fix issues that they know about and have some sort of way to test the behavior. So when the update comes out, your random and unreported issues might not get fixed because Fractal may not know about them or how to reproduce the problems.

The tone could have been better, and I even wished I had stated it differently later that day, but it was what it was at that moment. The very existence of this thread shows that some FX8 users do have a bit of anxiety about being on the back burner, and there are some reasons for this.

The main issues (that are rare) that I've had have been attested to by other forum members, so I assumed that these were not individual issues that only I have encountered. They happen rarely. The only one that makes a difference to me gigging wise is the dropout issue, where the pre effects stopped working in 4cm. The other small glitches shouldn't impede a gig. I honestly will not have time to troubleshoot for another 2 weeks, so if I miss out because I didn't talk to support, so be it. But almost every glitch I've encountered (and they are rare) has been discussed already in this forum by others, so for better or worse, I imagined that these have already been brought to support's attention. I completely realize I may be wrong.
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