FC Internal Firmware 1.09

I can set only one value. I think this means when I set the value to 120 for example, I have to send a cc on channel 1, number 120, value 0 or 127.
I am right? This will not work.
You’re not setting the controller’s value, you’re setting the controller number. If you choose 120 for the controller number, then controller 120 messages will turn the tuner on or off depending on what value you set in the message. Values of 63 or less will turn the tuner off. Values of 64 or more will turn it on.
But, if you have a short MIDI cable you can hook the MIDI OUT to the MIDI IN, and since the MIDI OUT doesn't have MIDI data from the MIDI IN mixed in with it like MIDI THRU does (in a standards-compliant MIDI device), it doen't loop, and the TL;DR of it all becomes the ability to use your MIDI Block to turn your tuner off...
Thank gawd for this thread, I was going crazy trying to figure out why I couldn't get this to work.
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