Extreme's "It's a monster" playthrough

Pretty Awesome!

I went to see Extreme on the III sides tour. They had Thunder opening. Thunder's drummer had a MEGA drumset. Just Huge. Double bass, dozens of toms, etc. After their set they tore it down and took the cover of Paul Geary's set. One bass, two toms, couple of cymbals. But he SLEW! What he did with that small set was way more impressive than the other guy. steady as a rock groove and fills galore.

Great band.

Is there anything like that out there today? Like non-grunting, non-semi-religious, non-horror, just plain fun and humorous rocking music with balls and virtuosity?
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Excellent job Fremen!

Will be seeing Extreme soon in Hampton, NH.
Hometown show!
Is there anything like that out there today? Like non-grunting, non-semi-religious, non-horror, just plain fun and humorous rocking music with balls and virtuosity?

Gary has a new (well few years old) band that is a straight ahead rock band....you should check them out (I think they're about to release their second disc soon). Band is called 'Hurtsmile'
Guitar player is Gary's brother Mark (who was in the band 'Flesh' back in the 80's).
The drummer for my Original Band is the drummer for Hurtsmile as well.

Check them out....not as 'humorous' as Extreme, but definitely no grunting and no horror....
Loved it... the precise attack on the single notes during the versus really makes it for me. Great job.

...sure wish this sorta heavy rock was still in fasion :) This sorta stuff in a bar with a cranked PA and a little drunk is just pure fun!
I don't want to visit this forum again...every time a feel a little more depressed :eek:
Simply amazing man! I'd not be able to play even the first 10 notes of the solo :eagerness:
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