Excited today to receive my II and MFC, but UPS destroyed my MFC!


Power User
My name finally came up on the list last week and I took the plunge and ordered the II and an MFC.

They arrived today, and when I opened the boxes... the MFC was completely smashed on the left front side. Corner mangled, finish chipped off and even the foot on that side had it's screw sheared in half.

Completely bummed, and once again wondering how UPS manages to stay in business.

Hoping to hear back from Support with an RMA soon, I really need the board badly for gigs.
aw, dude, i feel for you; UPS has a kind of specialization with that, i figured them throwing around boxes like in a NBA final play.
hope support will help you quickly.
bastards! I've been sitting at my window a few times, waiting for them to deliver stuff and watching how they load/unload packages. Truly frightening...
That's incredible, considering how 'built like a tank' the MFC is and how well it's packaged for shipping.
My ex-brother-in-law worked at a UPS shipping hub. When the conveyor gets stuck, which it does due to different sized parcels, they are to get it functioning again as quickly as possible, often without ever turning it off. The solution is often to toss boxes overboard, even if that means doing so at 50ft from the floor.

It is a high volume business model and they must have a thousand claims a day, but when their first and second reaction is deny the claim, many go by the wayside.

They could absolutely do a better job on this front, but the cost to ship would increase at least 15%. They are at a place where they feel there is a comfortable balance between cost and claims.
How do you like this?

FAS is already on it, got my RMA this morning. I'll be heading to UPS now to send this back for a replacement.
I sent a guy a 1960 Gibson Vanguard 1-15 40 watt beauty. I think everything's fine because I haven't heard anything for about 10 days. They I hear from the guy who's livid. "They trashed the amp and sent it back to you. You have the amp. I'm out the $ and I have nothing. You have the amp. What the hell's going on?" Huh? I didn't know squat. So I went to the UPS store and there was the amp they hadn't bothered to tell me about being trashed and returned. It's basically Fender's Bassman with 1-15 with controls on the top. They had obviously put a forklift through it. There was a hole straight through the 15" JBL alnico and they had knocked the amp completely off the chassis. That took some doing.

There was a long convoluted process before UPS took responsibility. I ship a bunch of stuff through that store and they let me keep the amp (which I shipped back to the guy along with $ to fix it, so he was ultimately happy), but they said they were supposed to destroy it. If I hadn't known them pretty well, I would've gotten the $ and they would've kept the still-valuable amp. They're in business to make $ and a certain amount of breakage is the norm I think.
FYI, dont ever accept/sign for damaged packaging. If the box looks like it got squished or a corner is smashed in, just refuse the package. Its the best way to avoid the hassle of them denying your claim.
Lucky for me Fractal is taking care of it. The damaged MFC is already on it's way back, now I just have to wait for the replacement. Sucks to be screwed for another week by UPS, but great to be taken care of by FAS!!!
That sucks, but on the bright side it would have sucked a lot more if it was your axefx aye! You still get to have plenty of aural delight :)

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FYI, dont ever accept/sign for damaged packaging. If the box looks like it got squished or a corner is smashed in, just refuse the package. Its the best way to avoid the hassle of them denying your claim.

Or what I do, make the UPS guy stand there and wait while you open the box and inspect. I've done that more than once when the box shows any kind of damage at all. Fortunately I've never had to refuse a delivery yet.
Lucky for me Fractal is taking care of it. The damaged MFC is already on it's way back, now I just have to wait for the replacement. Sucks to be screwed for another week by UPS, but great to be taken care of by FAS!!!
Yes, lucky for you FAS is taking care of it. That's some of the GREAT customer service they have going on.

FWIW - it is YOUR responsibility to check received packages for damages and not accept or claim it if damaged. In the US, the manufacturer has NO legal responsibility once that package ships. Most shippers will tell you to take it up with the transit firm, and UPS et al.. have a long history of claims denial. Luckily for you FAS does not operate that way.
Glad to see that you don't have to go thru the UPS claims hassle.

That stated - i have never received a damaged UPS package in my area. They have always been excellent.
That took one hell of hit. Fractal's box and inserts are excellent, not to mention the MFC is a tough little bastard to begin with
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