Epic 70’s songs and bands

When I was young, the word "epic" meant "long and grand." These days, it just seems to mean "cool."
This thread may have shifted from the OP original intent, but growing up in the 70s everything seemed epic. First guitar, first car, first concert, first kiss, first band, finding a new band album at the local music store, first .... ;)
HOW did it take 25 pages before this got posted?
dunno - but our group of friends used to drive around every Saturday night in an early 70s Mercury Comet playing CB Radio Hide and Seek - the jist of it was that you had to find your fellow cruisers (also CB equipped) somewhere in the city using the CB signal strength meter as your sniffer - the game ended at 2am at which time all would convene to House of Chung for late night eats. That Mercury Comet contained only 1 cassette tape which was Toto#1 - Hold the Line is indelibly stamped on my brain.

Edit - House of Chung no longer exists but that taste is also indelibly marked in my brain.

Edit+ - the CB radio reference above temps me to post "Convoy" by C.W. McCall but I'll refrain.
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