Epic 70’s songs and bands

Was Glam Prog a thing?? :)

At the time I thought these guys were the next Kiss (same label I think) - Don't remember liking the first album much but I've actually listened to "On Earth as It is in Heaven" recently and it's a lot better than I remember them at the time
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They used to play this outside at the ski hill we went to - whenever I hear it - I'm skiiing - with no helmet of course so the song is very loud and clear:

It is. Thanks for making me look. Found this. :)

Maestro Phase Shifter and an EH Ram's Head Big Muff. Never would have guessed that.

Even includes his settings.

View attachment 94407

Time to find a Strat around here somewhere. :)

Pretty spot on if you plug these settings into your Fractal. Rolling off the volume and tone
on the neck pickup of a Strat is really vital. Sounds like some of the guitar lines are being
doubled by the synth/keyboard player in the band.

Fun stuff. Key of C! :)
Man I can remember tuning the am radio in the car.
Woah! I just checked out a couple different versions of this one through headphones, and the difference is unbelievable (This one must be a re-mixed version.)

Wow I remember tuning the am radio in the car and listening to this and many of these songs o_O;)
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