Effects toggle/layout question


New Member

Quick question I'm hoping someone can help me out with! I am using an FM3 with a FC6 in OMG9 and for the most part, absolutely love it.

My question: how do I reroute the hold functions for the effects layout? When I hold the Effects button down, it brings me to a looper which is not in my preset. When holding down the Scenes button, the rest of the scenes pop up on the FC6. I'd like to make my Effects button operate the same way, instead of having to use a "More" button as one of the FC6 switches to switch between the two layouts.

Is this a layout link sort of thing? What am I missing?

I'm certain this is just a user error issue on my end, but any help would be immensely appreciated, thanks!!

Quick question I'm hoping someone can help me out with! I am using an FM3 with a FC6 in OMG9 and for the most part, absolutely love it.

My question: how do I reroute the hold functions for the effects layout? When I hold the Effects button down, it brings me to a looper which is not in my preset. When holding down the Scenes button, the rest of the scenes pop up on the FC6. I'd like to make my Effects button operate the same way, instead of having to use a "More" button as one of the FC6 switches to switch between the two layouts.

Is this a layout link sort of thing? What am I missing?

I'm certain this is just a user error issue on my end, but any help would be immensely appreciated, thanks!!
In FM3 Edit select FC Edit to change the switch assignments.

I don't have an FM3 so I don't use those layouts but I think you just need to find the Layout which has the hold function assigned to load the looper Layout and change that to instead load the More Effects Layout (or whatever it is called).

Then you can find the switch which is currently assigned to load that More Effects Layout and change it to whatever you want .
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