Dynamic range issues


Hey everyone,

Sorry if this has been asked before, I searched and couldn't find anything.

I have started recording guitars for a record my band is self producing and we immediately noticed the axes signal seems squished. Even with just a straight through shunted patch I *maybe* have 2db of dynamic range. I can't figure out why this is happening. I'm not clipping input or output and I checked other global settings and didn't see anything that could be causing this. Please help!
2 dB? Unlikely. The measured range is over 100 dB which is greater than the dynamic range of a typical electric guitar.

If you are getting 2 dB then there is seriously something wrong with the unit as this is less than one bit of resolution.
So is there nothing that could be potentially set globally doing this or do I for sure have a broken unit? I just sent my axe back for repair in the spring and asked them to please check for any other potential repairs (I have one of the earlier gen axe 2s)

This is extremely discouraging if it's true since I need to record guitars now and already went weeks without it for repairs.

Thank you for the prompt reply
It's highly unlikely that you are getting 2 dB of dynamic range. All you would hear is noise. It's also highly unlikely there is anything wrong with the unit. The issue is likely in the connections to the DAW or in the configuration of the unit.

Can you post an example of this 2 dB of dynamic range and how you came to the conclusion that there is something wrong?
I'm just looking at the meter on the DAW as I play as quiet as possible and then as loud as possible. The wave form is super flat when recording as well. It seriously as if the whole signal is getting compressed somewhere because there is almost 0 dynamic range.
No it doesn't sound bad, it sounds like my patches. The problem is we can't do any thing with them in post prod because they are so squished already. Also, it's no good to not have any dynamics in guitar tone, I would generally expect around 15db.
I'm just looking at the meter on the DAW as I play as quiet as possible and then as loud as possible. The wave form is super flat when recording as well. It seriously as if the whole signal is getting compressed somewhere because there is almost 0 dynamic range.

are you recording via USB? mac, windows? what DAW?

without the computer and visual waveform involved, can you play quietly and loudly with your guitar like a normal amp or any other situation?

sounds like something is not configured right for the recording. 2 dB of actual perceived volume just can't be possible.

i think the only way we can help you with this is a video showing everything you described, possibly some preset uploads. show us what you see in the DAW. play quietly and loudly too.
I'm using Pro Tools on OSX through a Focusrite interface with the axe plugged in stereo from output 1. If I plug my guitar directly into the same interface and through the same track on protools I get around 15db dynamic range.
No it doesn't sound bad, it sounds like my patches. The problem is we can't do any thing with them in post prod because they are so squished already. Also, it's no good to not have any dynamics in guitar tone, I would generally expect around 15db.

Its odd that you would be getting such a large difference between going straight into and out of the axe compared to going DI to the DAW. This was actually the first thing I tested when I got the axe, was to make sure that I could just use one of the mono outs to capture a DI rather than running through a DI box first. Works fine on my end, you may want to try backing up your unit and doing a full reset. It sucks, but if it solves the prob its easier than sending it out again.
let's not blow this out of proportion just yet. the unit probably doesn't need to be serviced and you probably don't need to upload any firmware again.

please do a video so we can rule out smaller things first.

quick question - does the dynamic range increase any when you only use a single output from the axe to the focusrite, for testing purposes? make a new Mono track in the DAW and just use one axe output - any change?
Just, why?

not saying anything about this thread, but it's usually "too much work." "why can't you just tell me the answer." "i told you i'm using an axe-fx and it doesn't work, what's the solution?"

honestly, that's usually it, in my experience.

my whole goal is to find the actual problem quickly before too many other suggestions come in that just start tons of rabbit holes with no solutions. then people think the axe sucks because they forgot to turn the stereo output mode on or something simple.

if they could just start every troubleshooting with "here's a clip of what it sounds like, here's a vid of what it looks like" things would be solved much quicker.

and here i am trying to get people to pay me to help them too :) crazy.
How do you know the guy isn't in a studio and he's actually already doing something else because he can't afford to lose time troubleshooting ATM?
How do you know the guy isn't in a studio and he's actually already doing something else because he can't afford to lose time troubleshooting ATM?

You nailed it man. I had to move on for today at least using amps and pod farm but I need to find a solution to this. If the only idea is factory reset then I guess I'll try it but I feel like there has to be something else going on here. I understand you guys want proof with a video as well but I'm not sure I have the time to do that right now, I guess you will just need to take my word for it. I have been using the same guitar and interface for everything and only when recording through the axe does my dynamic range get squished. Like I said before, I have tried a patch that has a shunt straight through it and the same results apply.
I understand you guys want proof with a video as well but I'm not sure I have the time to do that right now, I guess you will just need to take my word for it.

i totally understand and never request anything immediately. it's as fast as you want to solve it really :)

you said you were in the middle of recording, so i wouldn't think there'd be time today or soon. just saying that the video/audio would help us help.

and it's not "proof" but just having another set of eyes view the same facts to see if there is another diagnosis. i don't doubt anyone's credibility, but like to make my own opinions based on video/audio etc.
Dynamic range is the difference between the quietest and loudest part of a signal. As Cliff said, for there to be 2dB dynamic range you would hear a very loud noise. 1bit dBFS equates to 6dB range. Is there a noise in the lower part of the frequency spectrum that isn't easily heard?

Is the signal subject to input effects? Is the 2dB range showing in the master level meter or the channel level meter? Check the Focusrite software input meters. What's the reading on those? Are there any effects in the DAW that might be contributing to it, such as master bus brickwall limiting?

Is the gain on the Focusrite inputs set up correctly? Do you have the latest drivers installed for the Focusrite (IOW, does it happen on anything else recorded through the interface)?
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