Does anyone know why the Axe2 doesn't have midi toggle CCs?

If you use momentary switches in combination with the MFC, then you already have perfect toggle? This problem only exists with latching switches or without the MFC to read the externals.

Nope. A mom. switch stills sends on and off commands, by pressing/releasing. A real toggle doesn't concern on/off, but just 'switch to opposite state'.

The MFC does allow to define a mom. switch as a toggle (typHDW). But if you press the switch once and then switch presets, the Fractal stuff gets out of sync, requiring two presses on the mom. switch, to switch the effect's state.
Let me try to provide some clarity on this issue based on what I've learned form LF.

First, a toggle is useless in most controllers because the actual state would never be known. So the color or indicator on the controller would not mean anything.

The color/indicator will be useless indeed but your clarification doesn't cover the issue.
It's not about syncing. It's about a simple command 'switch to opposite state' that a controller sends and a receiver can interpret.
I know for a fact the Strymon Timeline uses toggle commands for some features. It actually got problematic in the case of that pedal because they ONLY programmed a toggle command for their on/off button, meaning there were no dedicated on/off commands. That was a huge PITA. They added dedicated on/off commands in a later firmware upgrade, though.

IIRC, Eventide pedals also have toggle commands for some of their pedals' features.

I don't feel like this is an apples to apples comparison. You are talking about pedals that have a midi function. A fairer comparison would be Kemper, Line6 rack products, Eventide rack products, TC electronic rack products, or lexicon rack products.
Clarky, how do you do that on the FC-300? Don't you have to start with both the preset and the FC in the same state? Extra programming and all that? (I'm assuming the FC-300 can't read an IA state by itself—at least my FC-200 can't.)

it don't need to read the state..
you set up the blocks so that they are in the right state when the preset loads..
don't forget that I use one preset for song..
the default starting point is riff or rhythm [clean]
I select the preset before the song starts and if I needed to start the song in solo mode I'd hit the soloing mode IA before the song starts playing..
First, a toggle is useless in most controllers because the actual state would never be known...

Second, if a controller is programmed properly, this would never matter...

Third, the LF added an external sync command added to V2.x of LF+. It basically is always in sync and thus eliminates the need for a "toggle" as the LF+ would always show the exact state that the Axe is currently in.

So above are 3 reasons why you don't need/want a toggle with any midi controller.
The above are 3 reasons why you don't need/want a toggle...if you have a high-end controller that is able to sync up with the Axe-Fx. However, for the rest of us, a toggle function would be helpful.

If you set the resend IA's parameter to "on", then the controller and the Axe would always be in sync anyway, so no need for toggle. This should apply to any controller.
It doesn't apply to most controllers.
it don't need to read the state..
you set up the blocks so that they are in the right state when the preset loads..
don't forget that I use one preset for song..
the default starting point is riff or rhythm [clean]
I select the preset before the song starts and if I needed to start the song in solo mode I'd hit the soloing mode IA before the song starts playing..
Thanks for the explanation. I see how that works if all your presets start in the same state. Some folks don't have that situation. That's when a toggle would come in handy.
I know what you mean but that won't work all times since it depends
on the stored state of the effect and the first value of the toggling footcontroller.
This will only reverse the relationship between the two cc values , right ?

The idea with built in toggle commands in the axe is that you do not
have to send two different cc values.

you don't actually need to toggle...
you just reverse the behaviour of the modifier...
then.. min [off] becomes on and max [on] becomes off
so there is no need to double tap the switch..

I do some real silly control stuff in the Axe, and I have never come across a situation whereby I need to double hit the switch..

I have the MFC, but my FC-300 is also config'd to control the Axe [as a reserve unit]
Just found this thread. This "toggle" option would be very useful for us "non mfc101" users. Wouldn't it make the most sense to just have a "flag" in the Control Parameters page where the user could select/check "toggle" (or uncheck for non-toggle) for the CC# they are assigning for a particular control?

It appears the axe firmware should be able to be programed to have the ability to do this.

For example: Some of the control parameters like the VOLUME INC and VOLUME DEC already interpret any CC value as "the same command".

From the WIKI:

"Each time VOL INCR is triggered by ANY CC# data (0—127), the master volume is increased by 1.0 dB and the preset is saved. This is the same for VOLUME DECR, except it decreases volume."

Similarly, the tap tempo: "Any data value (0-127) for the assigned CC# counts as a tap"

What would be ideal would be if the user could select a toggle "YES/NO" flag for each control parameter so that functions that are designed for use with momentary footswitches set up to send a CC# value of 127 for “ON” and NOTHING for “OFF” would interpret either value as "the opposite of the current state" - that is, to toggle the current state - rather than interpret the actual data value as an "ON" or "OFF" command.

I believe that is what the OP (and others such as myself) are looking for.
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