Delay anyone? Help.

For delay madness, the multi-delay and regular delay block will do fine.
For the huge background, multi-delay or megatap delay into reverb works well.
+1 on all the above. With a Megatap delay, two Multi delays, and two normal delays, you could have the equivalent of 64 delay pedals strung together, tweakable in ways the pedals can't touch.
+1 on all the above. With a Megatap delay, two Multi delays, and two normal delays, you could have the equivalent of 64 delay pedals strung together, tweakable in ways the pedals can't touch.

something just occured to me [and I'm nowhere near my Axe to check]

can the delay time be assigned to a modifier?
does changing the delay time in the Axe alter the pitch [like a real analogue delay]?

note: no idea why I've not tried this yet....

if so...
when you see the fella in the clip twiddling the delay tmie to screw with the pitch, you could assign this to an XP and do it with your foot in real-time [whilst still playing]..

I'll look into this later..
yes, the delay time can be assigned to a modifier in the tape delay type - here's me modifying motor speed with a pedal with heavy damping...

don't forget about the plex delays...if you want really dense delays almost akin to reverb, these are the way to go. make sure all the delay times are quite short...between 75ms and 200ms and are all different. use the plex detune for super richness and two blocks in parallel for super denseness (ok, i know that's not a real word :) )
yes, the delay time can be assigned to a modifier in the tape delay type

Delay time is assignable in most (all? don't know) other delay types.

I played around with the dual delay and envelope controller assigned to delay time to mimic a DynaFlanger.
Would be nice to have a tempo delay say 1/4 dot and still be able to control the time of delay with expression pedal. Right now if you use a tempo- time is disabled.
Delay time is assignable in most (all? don't know) other delay types.

I played around with the dual delay and envelope controller assigned to delay time to mimic a DynaFlanger.

up to a point. large changes in delay time won't yield very nice results like they do in the tape delay
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Would be nice to have a tempo delay say 1/4 dot and still be able to control the time of delay with expression pedal. Right now if you use a tempo- time is disabled.

that doesn't make sense to me.

better to be able to have the tempo subdivision modifiable, so you can sweep across several subdivisions, like you can in the eventide eclipse.
that doesn't make sense to me.

better to be able to have the tempo subdivision modifiable, so you can sweep across several subdivisions, like you can in the eventide eclipse.

Thats a different thing i think
The point would be to have those weird sounds when you sweap the exp predal when you use a tempo delay. I use a tempo delay in all my presets and when you use a tempo you cannot use time.
but by definition, a tempo delay is not sweepable, because it's locked into the global tempo...
but if you attach a modifier (cc pedal, for example) to time and you move that modifier, then it will no longer be a 1/4 tempo delay :)
this makes no sense to me....

at a tempo of say 100 beats per minute, there will be 100 1/4 notes
this is a specific ms delay time [can't be arsed to work it out right now.. lol.. ]
if you change the delay time, this will no longer be a quarter note

I personally only ever use tempo times when I'm sync'd to / working within a DAW
for all other applications [like practice / playing live] I use time values for "short", "quite long" and "very long" times
this is because it's pointless dialling in let's say dotted 1/4 notes @ 110 bpr when you have a real live drummer counting in the song [that is not playing to a click track]....
live it tends not to matter for most of us rocker / funker / blueser types...
for someone like Simeon that works live with sequencing / loops I can totally see why this would become important...

just set your delay to a time value and if you want to make funny noises, assign the time parm to the XP
Note: it's not difficult to convert tempo / note value to a real delay time.. it's just a little math..
but if you attach a modifier (cc pedal, for example) to time and you move that modifier, then it will no longer be a 1/4 tempo delay :)

Yes, but you could go back to tempo by tapping a tap tempo fooswitch :)
Clarky: its not difficult to calculate, but you don't do your programming and calculations while playing. My point is to be able to have both sounds accesible. When i use delay live, i usually use a tempo delay, otherwise it gets in a way of rythm. And i would also like to do these nice noises delay makes when altering time.And then i would want to go back to my original tempo by tapping a tap tempo fooswitch. Thats all :)
how about creating two different presets...
one for each task..

or, have two delays within the same preset, one with tempo and the other with time
you can switch between them with an IA or XS

so for tempo to work "tight and right" live you have to be playing:
- over a backing track
- with a real drummer playing to a click
- over a sequencer

if none of the above are true then using tempo or tmie shuoldn't make much difference [unless of course I've totally misunderstood your needs here]
Sorry if we got a bit off topic here, just trying to explain my point here.
Having another preset for that is a possible workaround, Maybe another delay block in a different scene can accomplish this also.

I don't think you need a click or external syncing device to get delay tempo work right. You can easily tap the tempo quite accurately.
I usually use pedalboard type presets, meaning i use same preset for different songs with different tempos. So sticking to Time parameter in delay will not work, thats why i use tempo delays, so i can adjust to song tempo.
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