DeeFlexx - Experiences

NiceChris;767692Even our highly sarcastic friend, t0aj15, reports that the Carvin manage the same result.
I see your in need of an updated dictionary/thesaurus, because you've obviously confused sarcasm with simple honesty.
I've never used a Deeflex. Maybe it'd amaze me, but the truth is, either because of my (lack of) discernment and/or my speaker system and placement, I have none of these issues. Of course, I also do not move around the stage - pretty much glued to within a couple of feet of my Liquid Foot and Boomerang III. Still: I love how I sound to my own ears onstage, whether I'm also feeding into a PA (I run FRFR, so PA gets what my monitor gets) or not. Glad I don't miss what I'm missing...
The CFR12 isn't a guitar cab;

I never said it was.

it's a two-way wide-response monitor, not a single 12" speaker. There's a tweeter in there, too.

As you have been so ignorant to me I am now going to patronise you (patronise means to speak down to someone). I never said it only had one speaker: You see, that "s" on the end of the word speakers I used indicates that I am talking about the plural (more than one). It's English, a fairly simple language, for most.

I come on this forum, to help people, not berate them, because I maybe having a bad day, or not happy with the way my life has turned out. I wouldn't do these things as it could look a bit cowardly. I'm not saying you are a coward, that would not be right for me to do as I am hiding behind a nickname.

I was only trying to find out a few facts, I don't think that was worth your attitude. Of course I may be wrong.
I never said it was.
Fair enough. I misread your post. My apologies.

As you have been so ignorant to me I am now going to patronise you (patronise means to speak down to someone)...
I'll leave that bait sitting on the hook, along with the sarcasm in the rest of your post.

There was no attitude (or ignorance—I think maybe you meant "arrogance?") intended in my response. I misinterpreted your post in the context of some of the other posts here; I admit that guilt. But my response was straightforward and factual. It didn't merit the harsh response you gave it.
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