Dad Jokes

Sure, you’re just sledding now.
But sledding is a gateway to other things.
Soon you'll be tobogganing.
And snow-tubing.
And snowboarding.
And skiing.

It's a slippery slope. ❄️☃️🌨️ Lol
IME, one of the "tricks" is to set your goals so low that you cannot possibly fail.

E.g., if you're still building the habit, 5 minutes of walking or 1 pushup is a win. You can do more if you want to, but doing anything is better than doing nothing. Don't celebrate it with a candy bar, but do celebrate it....even if it's just smiling at yourself or sitting there and feeling your own success for a moment.

After you've actually built that habit, when it's easier to do something than nothing, then you can work on scaling up. If you're already past that step, awesome.

I'm also gonna say to be careful with FDA guidelines for diet. Do your own research, and I am neither a Doctor nor a nutritionist...but I can read studies as well as anybody. Their recommendations are based on lobbying, not science. My life got better when I decided to do almost the exact opposite of what the FDA recommended at the time. YMMV. I think Mediterranean is a decent option, with some caveats.
Thanks for the encouragement. During the last 45 minutes of work with no one in the store, it was possible to do 3 sets of 10 pushups off the register counter with a brief break in between each set. Trying to do them off the floor is still several weeks away, but angled from the countertop was enough for this evening.

You may be right about FDA dietary guidelines...IMHO it'll be important to consider portion size as well as food choice...the focus is not to feel hungry during the day, but eat only until one feels full...

Making small changes that count as improvements are key. Today was Day 1. Will log it in my calorie app and move forward. Currently own a Mediterranean diet book somewhere; will dig it out and glean some info. Meanwhile, I'll ponder over a few recipes that are balanced and nutritious.

Will be busy Friday cooking for a group of people who will meet Saturday...need to coordinate with my fellow meal preparers Fri evening so the luncheon proceeds well.
Q: What do you call bees that produce milk?

A: Boo bees!
A guy strikes up a conversation with a lumberjack in a bar. "How many trees do you think you've chopped down?", the guy asks.

"Exactly 2,742", the lumberjack replies.

"How do you know?", is the reply.

"Because every time I chop one down, I keep a log.", responds the lumberjack.
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