Dad Jokes

Close to Home Comic Strip for April 28, 2022
OK great your order is in, to confirm, extra tequila in a whore trough with a half binary chicken in avocado puree, is that correct?
Extra tequila fizzy soda later this evening while I sit in my fuzzy slippers watching a kids show. Hold the chips & guac. Slice of blueberry peach pie would be wonderful. Just wondering if you're OK. If you can tell me what's in rotation just now, I'll verify what I heard you say. Hopefully, it isn't the avocado. 😉
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Just removed my shoes and socks and soaked my feet in a foot bath. Ah. The ankle is doing better today, swelling decreased, but still looks pretty beat. Sat in my room a while then cleaned house before my 2nd eldest nephew visits for dinner. Not quite the season for grilling just yet, but we'll sit out back under the stars with a drink later this evening. Remind me to bring out the citronella candles...
Just removed my shoes and socks and soaked my feet in a foot bath. Ah. The ankle is doing better today, swelling decreased, but still looks pretty beat. Sat in my room a while then cleaned house before my 2nd eldest nephew visits for dinner. Not quite the season for grilling just yet, but we'll sit out back under the stars with a drink later this evening. Remind me to bring out the citronella candles...
Have a good bbq!
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