D.I-ing Guitars with FX Loop

Hey guys, I'm tearing my hair out here. I moved my entire set up to work on something in another place. I've come back and set everything back up (in my eyes exactly the way it was set up before). But now when I try to record D.I guitars I'm getting no signal from the Axe FX FX Loop? (Using an AXE FX 2)

So basically I've got my GUITAR plugged into AXE FX 2 INSTR INPUT (main input on front). Then I'm running a cable from the OUTPUT 2 FX SEND L on the back of the Axe FX going into my Focusrite Scarlette audio interface input on the front. I'm using the same patch that was working before on the Axe FX with an FX LOOP block at the beginning of the patch which is enabled.

When I play guitar there's no signal going to the Focusrite - at least the input signal is not glowing and there is no sound. I have tried this plugged into both inputs on the front of the Focusrite.

I'm using Cubase 7.5 as a DAW on Windows 8, but I would have thought this had nothing to do with that and I should get a dry signal without Cubase even being open.

Any advice would be gratefully received as I cannot understand why anything would have changed or be different here, this was all working fine yesterday.

Turn up the Out2 Level knob. :)
Oh sweet jesus, no you were right! It's now working. The only reason I didn't think it worked was because as I turned up the knob I flicked to another patch. Hahah, man it's working this is hilarious. Thank god for this forum and thanks so much bro! Simplest fix ever, clearly I need to get some sleep! :)
No worries. We've all done it at least once. (Don't tell anybody. :))
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