Implemented Crowther Hot Cake


While we're all requesting our favourite drives I'll request mine - the Crowther Hot Cake. I prefer the newer version with the presence control.

TPS Demo (Skip to around 32min in)

Tooting my own horn here, but here's a solo (skip to 3:10) that was the Hot Cake into my Marshall DSL


That’s an awesome one man! My wish list pedal would be the Protone Deadhorse overdrive pedal with the attack and diode selection switch.
damn that is cool +100 from me

is there no way we can manipulate one of the current drives to get close to this?
What a simple circuit. I have all the parts to breadboard it too. I’m going to try it out.
Schematic is suspect. C5 doesn't make sense. You never put a capacitor to ground on the output of an op-amp as it erodes your phase margin.
I have read somewhere that whilst there is a place on the pcb for C5 it is actually omitted from the build, i think it was in the 2008 version
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