Covers for knobs on FM9

I'm looking for a knob cover set for the f. M9 Zen Riggs has one, but they don't seem to be in business right now. Does any other companies make knob covers
You can buy "handle bars", but I see no proper way to install them other than drilling a couple of holes in the top panel and screwing them in from the other side. Those clear acrylic sheets aren't going to do a damn thing.
I'm still worried about my foot getting caught on the knobs. Exactly, when pressing footswitch number 7. Anyone had a problem with that?
Years ago I was playing live with a Boss MS3 as the hub of my pedalboard. It switched channels on my amp, ran other effects in the loop, etc. One night on stage my foot accidentally hit one of the little menu buttons instead of one of the bigger footswitches and my whole rig went silent and the pedal was lost in a menu. I had to stop playing, kneel down, figure out WTH happened, and get it out of the menu and back to making sound.

That was my last gig with the MS3. If I ever gig again, I do worry about the same thing happening with the FM9 because the knobs do not have a protective bar in front of them, but generally hitting one of those on the FM9 will not cause a complete loss of pedal availability, so I'm not too overly concerned.
I was thinking that something could be designed and 3D printed and stuck on there with double sticky tape like automotive trim tape.
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