Countdown 0.5...

lol!! what a gas!

Great to see a company having fun like this with it's customers! Too bad more are not this engaged.

9 Days to Christmas! Wonder what Santa's gonna bring?
I'm fairly convinced it will be axe-PC. All signs point to axe-edit about to hit 1.0; considering that we know from prior posts from cliff that axe-edit was also meant to be the front end for axe-PC, the timing seems more than coincidental Also, hyping the announcement like this means that whatever will be unveiled must appeal to the whole axe-fx community. axe-PC certainly would interest lots of us, even those who own an axe fx already.

AxePC - One instance of what would be a viable preset on the Ultra used 90 percent of the CPU on an i7 920 - Doesn't leave a lot of room for your other hundreds of plugins and DAWs... there are faster chips out now, but not many, and not a whole lot faster....
And Cliff is worried about copy protection, and the iLok is pretty much useless (except for slowing your computer down with virus-like junk), so I don't see now being the time for AxePC...

AxeFX 2 - Not likely - nothing faster than TigerSHARCs to build on

AxeLite - Very likely, see thread on other forum, Cliff has said he's doing a lite product with the Pod SHARCs

AxeEdit 1.0 - I hope so really bad

Firmware - Bout time for a new one...

My prediction - AxeEdit 1.0 with new preset management and merge functionality, a new firmware (10.5 or 11), and the new Axe-Lite all being released at once. Cliff, if I'm right, can I have a free one? :p
I think an AxeLite is a good idea from a business standpoint as it would sell more product to consumers in that range (and possibly encourage them to later upgrade to the big boys), but my only real concern with that would be that they already can't keep up with the demand for Standards and Ultras, so how's that going to affect their production?

AxePC - One instance of what would be a viable preset on the Ultra used 90 percent of the CPU on an i7 920 - Doesn't leave a lot of room for your other hundreds of plugins and DAWs... there are faster chips out now, but not many, and not a whole lot faster....
Sandybridge chips are significantly faster, especially on floating point calculations. That said, Axe-lite is the only other thing that could possibly live up to this sort of announcement. I'm just hoping it will be axe-PC. :)
Axe Lite IMO would blow up the modeling world.

If Cliff took the same approach to Axe Lite as he did to Standard vs Ultra where the difference was in the available features but the soundquality was identical, it could potentially take a huge bite out of the Line 6 market share provided the price was competitive.

Putting Axe fx sound quality vs Line 6 even if the Axe FX Lite had only a fraction of the amp models the line 6 did would still be no contest. I mean how many of us really use all 70+ (or however many it is) amp models. Not me, I maybe use 5 and probably only use 3 often.

So I think this would be a fabulous idea.

I have not read many threads on the whole Axe PC concept thing so that one is a bit of a mystery to me. Would the concept we where the "tower" would still be rackmountable and have an LCD interface so the gigging musician could easily take it on the road?

An improved Axe Edit would be the thing I would welcome more then anything, though I hardly think that would merit a countdown. I want it to the point that I never have to use the front panel of the Axe FX. It is well put together, but buttons and knobs are mechanical and will eventually wear out (perhaps this is just my paranoia).

I could definately see where an Axe FX "Elite" would be a huge buzz kill to those who just purchased an ultra within the last month, but that is the nature of the beast.
Could it be a 5 year anniversary of sorts? ;) 2006 to now kind of equals the right amount of time for such.
So now we wait...
I think its unlikely you will ever see Axe PC. The native plug-in software market is fraught. Might as well use an Axe-FX 2 as a giant dongle with USB send return and nice knobs on the front. Manufactured by TC perhaps?
I just hope this won't turn out to be a disappointment for recent Axe-FX buyers. I just purchased an Ultra two weeks ago and would easily have paid for a new Fractal Audio product with newer modeling algorithms, more processing power, and more potential. That's not to say that the Ultra is lacking anything but my intention was to jump back into modeling at the leading edge. I'd hate to find out that I missed that target by 3 weeks. That would be pretty disappointing.

I agree!!!!
Considering we already own the worlds best guitar processor available, anything additional would just be icing on the cake. FAS supported Axe-edit would be ideal, but what we have now does the job. Axe-Fx lite would do current owners little good considering we already have the best available. A integrated floor board, as mentioned in a previous thread, would only hurt the MFC sales. Firmware updates usually don't have this kind of hype. Now, midi merge for floor boards would be really cool. Kinda tired of opening the back of my rack to switch cables all the time. Being a former GNX user I got real spoiled with the pc editing on the fly thing. No swapping cables, resetting units, nothing like that. Mind you, this aint no GNX....Digitech can't even compare but the editing features were really cool. And usb would require hardware install by FA which would mean we'd be out of commission for a bit. Maybe a new MFC w/integrated expression pedals would be cool...
I'm sure most (hopefully all) will benefit while others (hopefully none) may not, but Cliff always has our best interest at heart. All we can do is wait, anticipate, speculate, go create, don't get irate, go sedate, but don't sleep might miss the update!!!
How do you keep a musician in suspense?? Start a Fractal countdown....hahahaha
Peace to all..
Things it can't be:

Axe-fx VST - As some people have said, this is totally unrealistic because of the condition of the modelling market right now. VST pirating is so rampant that a product like that would have little financial benefit to fractal. Also, I don't see why such a large amount of hype like this would be brought in for something like a vst. It just makes no sense.

Floor unit - Again like some guys have mentioned, Fractal already has a "floor unit" called the MFC. It would cripple sales of the MFC because people would just kill two birds with one stone and buy the main unit.

A new axe-edit - This may come along with whatever it is, but the hype for this thing makes it obvious that we are getting more than firmware and an axe edit.

Given what I see on G66 right now, it's obvious that this is intended to be something nearly as "revolutionary" as the axe-fx itself. In that case, it's probably something that no one will expect.

The only real viable options as far as things we would expect would be the axe-lite and the axe 2 potentially. If it's not one of those things, then it'll be something BIG that will shock us.
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if it's axe ultra 2 i'm selling my ultra for axe 2 but my guess is that it's either axe lite... isn't standard (light?)

i think it will be a lighter, floor board version of the axe fx.... which wouldn't really effect the mfc, because that's for the rack systems....

just my .02
i don't think a lighter axe floor unit would cripple mfc sales, i've read that cliff was contemplating an idea like this...

i don't need it however
What ever Cliff forged this time through the years, you know it is going to call you and you want to keep it all for yourself:

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