Connection time Outs AE#

Same here on Linux / Wine. Actually, it's the AxeFX that's freezing. I can tell because the tempo light stops flashing. Nothing wrong with Axe Edit, it's just reporting that it can't talk to the Axe anymore.
Solid here on Win7 x64 Pro.

But my editing sessions are rarely over and hour or two. Not one issue yet though.

I'm still on 167 for my USB driver though. I didn't update when I saw some folks having issues and the Bot and AE seem good too.

AE only giving troubles...again

Sigh...I just installed 11.03. And updated both of my MFC's to 2.18

Every time I try AE 3.0.1 I get that same connection error. Then I have to force quit 9 out of 10 times.

I am running 10.6.8 on a Macbook pro. Tried swapping usb cables and inputs. Tried reinstalling AE several times, with Axe both on and off.

The only thing i haven't done is reinstall the Mac driver.

After i get that error pop up the connection light is green, but nothing works, and as mentioned, i have to force quit AE.
I now installed the 167 driver that is up on the Fractal website. Same result...and had to force quit for about the 15th time tonite.

Please let me know if anything is updated, or if someone knows a fix.

I'm moving on to other things...Good night all!
I can only get AE301 to work via MIDI cables (and yes I get the occasional freezing of the Axe and timeouts). AE absolutely will not work with USB and always has until recent upgrades. Have done the usual reinstall, etc, etc. On the flip side, AxeCabManage will only work with USB and not with MIDI ports. Slowly losing my mind!!
Did you:
- try another USB cable
- disconnect cable extenders and USB hubs
- try another USB port
- disable other running MIDI apps
- make sure there are no corrupt IRs installed
- try removing the settings file (Win: C:\Users\<your-username>\AppData\Roaming\Fractal Audio\Axe-Edit\Axe-Edit.settings and OSX: ~/Library/Application Support/Fractal Audio/Axe-Edit/Axe-Edit.settings
- installing the clean system file, plus overwriting user cabs 51-100?
Did you:

- try removing the settings file (Win: C:\Users\<your-username>\AppData\Roaming\Fractal Audio\Axe-Edit\Axe-Edit.settings and OSX: ~/Library/Application Support/Fractal Audio/Axe-Edit/Axe-Edit.settings
- installing the clean system file, plus overwriting user cabs 51-100?

Hey, so i looked for the settings file, but there was none there. The only file in that folder was a pdf...No settings folder.
I also don't know how to uninstall the old Driver/and or make sure the new (older) driver is installed properly. Can't find it anywhere.
Then search for axe-edit.settings and delete that...

Thanx for the suggestion. I did a couple of searches for that file and cannot find anything like that. Did a spotlight search (mac) and also from a finder window. Nada, nothin'
MAC Users: Get Windows 7..Seriously
I have this problem too. In my case its a hard fault connection time out then Edit locks up and fails to close.
I have tried two Axe FX II Mark II's, several USB and midi cables, latest software, firmware and drivers.

On OSX 10.6.8 Editor coms times out and fails to close
On Windows 7, Editor comms times out as above then sometimes loads but you can't change settings such as amps or cabinets.

I thiink the problem is a comms error between Editor 3.01 and Firmware 11.03.

Until its resolved I would try a roll back to the last stable, version or use the front panel (a horrifying thought)

yes i get those time outs alot. at first i thought that is because i set alot of modifiers, but it happens without any at all.
when it's happening, the axe is "frozen" there's still sound from the preset, but all the leds are frozen, only a restart of the axe fix this.
Connection problems have nothing to do with AE/FBot..
it's a driver or hardware problem...
change usb port or try another computer...
Some usb controllers are bad, some better

what's interesting is that when it happens, it seems to slap the axe (choppy front panel refresh view, frozen leds) only restart of the axe fixes it all.
As a Beta tester, I have installed numerous versions of FAS USB drivers, AE and firmware on Win7x64, XP32, XP64 and Win8x64. That's what we do as testers.

On PC's (win or mac) things don't just "work one day" and "not the next". If it was working yesterday and not today, there's a logical explanation. Could it be a FAS software bug? It's possible, but given the level of testing this software has had since Cliff's "clean sweep".. it's more likely that something changed. What changed? Idk, but it could as simple as a reboot - that perhaps loaded a USB 3.0 driver that took over the FAS driver priority?? idk. Do you have Win7 set to auto-update MS patches? That is the default setting BTW. I DO have the USB in a v2.0 port. USB 3.0 drivers are not OS generic and some work with FAS USB, some don't, and some work intermittently.

These issues - which Algrenadine stated appear to be mostly Mac related - need further research on the owner/user side prior to posting. There's a logical explanation for what is happening we don't know what it is.... What makes the troubleshooting tough is that you can't debug and fix something you can't duplicate.

I have EXACTLY the same [main] FAS setup as you stated you do..[ Win 7 64 bit, USB driver 168, AE 3.01, FW 11.03, Bot 1.2.5] and I don't have ANY connectivity issues at all. No-one releases software they they "know" has major issues.. like connectivity.

Considering how many people are having this problem, I hope that Fractal is seriously considering the possibility that the problem is with AE, and investigating accordingly. I've tried every suggestion in every thread with no luck. Win XP32 SP3.
Well, XP is a very old OS, and is nomore supported by Microsoft... A lot of issues could come from this obsolescence...
According to Fractal, XP is supported. Also, others using later operating systems (both Mac and PC) are having the same problem.
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