CLRs and Amp In The Room tone. I think I've figured something out.

this is interesting. i wonder if this is mimicking the cab "resonance" that you hear when standing alongside or behind a real cab. i wonder if blending in an ir taken from behind a cab (redwirez offer them, i think) would achieve a similar result. i also read somewhere on here (can't remember who it was), who said placing a mic on the cabinet as well as on the speaker can work wonders when shooting an ir. it makes don't just hear the speaker when playing through a real hear the whole cab resonating. it will be interesting to hear how cliff's new hi res ir's compare tonally to using this method. if lots of people agree that this is cool...perhaps cliff could reduce the air frequency parameter in the cab block, so that it would be easier to set this up.
I will say this is one of the best ideas Ive played with in a few years, course my ears are friggin bleeding right now!!!!!!!!!!!! THANKS, (and for the cynic guy, I wont steal or patent your "billion dollar idea" (though somehow I dont think it will outsell McDonalds, or the iphone LOL)
Morphosis, I believe Scott has been clear at least once, that he gains nothing by promoting CLR's.

Why does he have to prove it in his signature? Shouldn't you have to post in your signature that you don't receive any kick-backs from Koch amps, then? Maybe all of us should sign a digital waiver upon entering this forum.

Since text cannot show voice inflection & tone, let me be clear that I am not angry. My point is that just because this isn't the Atomic forum (is there one?), doesn't mean Scott has to prove that he has no ulterior motive by speaking well of another product. I appreciate Scott's work, but I've never met him, and could care less whether I do or not, honestly. But this is just ridiculous.

Whatever happened to "innocent until proven guilty"?

To the OP, M@, & Funeral: this sounds like a fantastic technique! I'm glad y'all thought of this. This is also going into my notes app.
i would also say that this technique would work with any frfr system...maybe the op should change the thread title...
this is interesting. i wonder if this is mimicking the cab "resonance" that you hear when standing alongside or behind a real cab. i wonder if blending in an ir taken from behind a cab (redwirez offer them, i think) would achieve a similar result. i also read somewhere on here (can't remember who it was), who said placing a mic on the cabinet as well as on the speaker can work wonders when shooting an ir. it makes don't just hear the speaker when playing through a real hear the whole cab resonating. it will be interesting to hear how cliff's new hi res ir's compare tonally to using this method. if lots of people agree that this is cool...perhaps cliff could reduce the air frequency parameter in the cab block, so that it would be easier to set this up.

This was my thought too. I'm reminded of a rehearsal studio and the bleed through from the bands you shared walls with. :)
When I was about 18 I practiced next to a band that I particularly liked and I would play along with their stuff. Coincidentally I shared the same wall as the other guitarist.
I was playing along one day when they stopped, and kept stopping. I thought, "oh shit, they think I'm messing with them". So I went over to apologize and let them know I only played along because I liked it.
When I knocked they opened their door and I introduced myself and said I was the guitarist from next door pointing at the wall their guitarist had his back to. They all were kind but the guitarist was freaking out.
He hinted that he was having issues with his NEW amp and it was mysteriously farting out.....It was me and my monster rig next door. HAHA, I didn't have the heart to tell him. I just didn't play along to their stuff anymore. :(
HAHAHA! Still cracks me up.
ok, i just did this - filter block in parallel with lowpass set to 115hz into a cab with room level set to max and size set to 8, which is one step on from what funeral did earlier in the thread. listening to this side chain on it's own sounds like a amp being played in the next room. mixing this in with the original signal definitely adds something. i only tested this at bedroom level through my monitors. i suspect you'd really have to dial it down a lot when playing live. i'm going to try this next time i record something and see if it adds to the "realism" factor

tried raising depth with depth freq set at 115hz and also tried raising speaker res "low res" value. both achieved a similar response, but adding some room into a parallel cab certainly adds a bit extra and the feel of the amp isn't changed

time for cliff to chip in here...any thoughts cliff?
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@LVC & Scott: Unlovely "fight", you should both come to the point, instead this "flame war".

Opinion Leaders in communitys (and (sorry) Scott, you are one without a doubt) are a well "instrument" for virtual marketing. So it comes to mind, that there could be reasons to be biased from equipment manufacturer. That`s legitim, no? Constancy item on loan, cut in price, cash, best friends ... whatever ... Those assumptions are legitim and and it should be clearly stated if so. And if not - also! This can be done in the signature -> End of discussion.

Doing reviews is cool and could be helpful (or not...). But it should be always clear, under which "flag" they are written. So everybody is fine and can make his own opinion. Without that "flag" (and if the flag is clearly stated : private, no advatages for anybody...for pointing out any opinion).

So, LVC: Bring your critique to the point and Scott: Dispose them once and for all, clearly visible for everybody (links in your signature will do it not IMHO). Wouldn`t this be a solution?

I need not defend anything because there is nothing to defend. As has been noted in my signature and on the link there to my site (which you can review) I am clear - I do beta testing, product develop consulting and field testing in addition to reviews. I've reviewed hundreds of different products. I clearly spell that out. I always have. There's no incentive to do so and if you would ask (and you should) anyone that I've worked with on any product - I have 100% complete control over what I say and my opinion. There is no quarter given to any company. I do not work for Fractal, I do not work for Atomic, I do not work for Matrix, I do not work for any company.

I have beta tested, been consulted on (giving product developement advice) literally hundreds of companies. Including Matrix, Atomic, Line 6, Taylor guitars, Avid, Fractal. I do not abuse those relationships. I am honest, I have integrity.

I do not make it my business to post in every thread mentioning a product that I did not buy. LVC shows up in EVERY single thread on the CLR to post his 'opinion'. He's quick to pull the 'agenda' card out, but it is HIS actions that define the word. He posted in this thread to ridicule the OP. He does so of his own choice and for his own motivations. IMHO, the right question to ask here is what is LVC's agenda?

If someone does not like me, that's fine. I'm not seeking affirmation, nor looking for any sort of approval. I don't pander to people that post things in the manner as LVC. He's so full of himself and his own agenda, he's blind to what he's doing. I personally feel sorry for him and pray he finds whatever it is that he is trying to achieve with the manner he conducts himself. I've been nothing but honest and expect the same. You will never get anything but honesty and integrity from me because I hold myself to that as a rule.

There is absolutely nothing to be gained by his posts in all these CLR threads. He has a lot to share and he should. He should not treat people that use other gear in the manner that he does. His accusations and rants are inexcusable by an adult. The reference he posted here to his homosexual fantasy rants in his own forum with me as one of his focuses is sick and inexcusable. Grown men do not act in this manner. Sick men do. I do not behave in that manner and while I personally have no issue with homosexuality, I am not of that bent and find this 58 year old man taking the time and effort to post this sort of thing creepy and disturbing. I hope he finds peace and pray for him.
Ban the man (LVC) Plz do something about that guy. He must be having some real problems.
At least on TGP,we can "ignore"
Please stop posting about those who will not be named. All parties.
Ruining a thread that is actually interesting. Have your fights somewhere else.
I like turtles, not llama's...

Simeon, what were the tonal differences with LOW RES and HIGH RES in this aspect of use?
I figured saving horse power because its not really what you hear as much as a rumble.
Also, I would add that the cab variation might be great for guitarist but the filter version might work better for bass players.
Just a thought. :)
@LVC & Scott: Unlovely "fight", you should both come to the point, instead this "flame war".

Opinion Leaders in communitys (and (sorry) Scott, you are one without a doubt) are a well "instrument" for virtual marketing. So it comes to mind, that there could be reasons to be biased from equipment manufacturer. That`s legitim, no? Constancy item on loan, cut in price, cash, best friends ... whatever ... Those assumptions are legitim and and it should be clearly stated if so. And if not - also! This can be done in the signature -> End of discussion.

Doing reviews is cool and could be helpful (or not...). But it should be always clear, under which "flag" they are written. So everybody is fine and can make his own opinion. Without that "flag" (and if the flag is clearly stated : private, no advatages for anybody...for pointing out any opinion).

So, LVC: Bring your critique to the point and Scott: Dispose them once and for all, clearly visible for everybody (links in your signature will do it not IMHO). Wouldn`t this be a solution?

My critique is very simple.

FAS forum should be a place for people to go and learn how to use FAS products.... period.

AF2 is a complex product with a steep learning curve for most people and the forum is an essential part of the learning experience.

It should not be an environment (like the Gear Page) where individuals coming in and wanting to learn and engage in debate feel they cannot post their opinions for fear of retribution from mods and their cohorts (who are promoting a particular product) . That is the game that has been played on the Gear Page since it was started.

The mod opens the door with a snark comment (which signals it is OK to attack) and if the mod does not get enough people attacking -- he will send out a few PMs to get people to join in on his side.

Again -- that is the Gear Page Playbook.

Hell I have seen threads from competitive FRFR products moved to the "For Sale" section of the FAS forum only to be moved back after folks complained.

That might be a great formula to generate revenue for a gear forum -- but it is not a formula that should be allowed or used in a manfuacturer's forum.

If members of this forum want to see it become another Gear Page -- then god Bless you ... I will be out of here and so will plenty of of other folks who don't want to deal with the constant barrage and harassment of product spammers.
Move it somewhere else guys, this stuff doesn't belong in this thread and it gets extremely tiring! Idea's and products that tie hand in hand with the AxFx and getting the best tone Do belong here! The choices are different for every individual! Stating the pro's and cons of your experience with a particular piece of gear is all that's necessary and it should be left at that!
Please mods! This is an interesting thread. The OP proposed his solution to a common topic here. Whether a right or wrong solution he has the every right post it and not have another poster chime in with condescending and derogatory posts. Now he feels the need to tell FAS how to run their board? Are you serious?

It's obvious he man has issues and MANY of us are tired of seeing them manifest in these threads.

Please do something!
This is getting old.

If you cannot post your opinion in a polite way, you should get off the internet.

If you find your opinion isn't agreed with, you should leave it. Everyone is entitled to theirs.

If you think a forum is becoming exclusive to unjustifiable product claims you should research what you think, bearing in mind that ink doesn't refuse paper. ONLY when you have your suspicions justified by third party evidence, should you voice those thoughts with references to evidence. If you don't have evidence, shut up.

Unjustified personal attacks betray more about YOU than the person you're attacking.

Sometimes you will be correct and people will not believe it. Voice what you know, and then move on.

Factor in your ego into everything you type. You are never objective.

Solutions for you will not work for others, and you may despair over peoples intransigence. Get over it. Move on. It's called maturity.

This isn't aimed at anyone in particular, but at everyone.

Now, I'm off to swim in some uncharacteristically cold water! :)
This is a very interesting thread Please don't ruin it!!! If you don't agree with it agree to disagree and leave it alone for the rest that want to ride this wave!!

My point exactly! But time and TIME AGAIN this individual pops into an CLR related thread and ruins them. It's petty, vindictive, and childish. The man has issues he should take to a private medium with those he has the issues with. This is not the place and I as a member feel the need to point it out every 10th or so occurrence.
To the OP,

This is a cool idea! I don't have access to my axe, unfortunately to test it out, but the idea is sound. I'm not sure if it would EXACTLY replicate the cab feel, but testing would sort that out. I'm itching to try funerals approach also.

I'm also interested in how the new high resolution IRs will affect this, but that'll be a point for a different thread, I think.

Thanks for sharing!
Ban the man (LVC) Plz do something about that guy.

If anybody will do that here, ban me too! Yeah...trow the first stone if you think you can....internet as it's best!

sorry, this whole thing get really stupid now, please remind - it's just gear! gear! Parts tied or soldered together - no mojo, no holy grail, no religion - just gear, tools to use! Make them alive by your playing......
I respect Scott, I respect Laz, never met these guys but both of them seems to be interesting human beings - they were both right in my book and I'm glad to met these guys somedays, for a drink, for a chat and/or a jam! Would be awesome! :eagerness:

shake hands, I don't want to loose any of you here....please!

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I did the peq block in parallel with a cab block with good results with my ultra. Don't overlook the possibility of filtering certain highs through to reinforce in that area, which was my main purpose. It was interesting that having the peq block in parallel with the cab "seemed" to give a different result than running it in series with the cab block.

By the way, this lvc guy is a total douche bag, eh! Not interesting.
Thread has officially been hijacked.
We should start a new one that has nothing to do with the brand of FRFR that we are using outside of identifying them for future reference as to make searches easier.
I'm sorry but if you can't see that this EVOLVED from a conversation about a a trick GreatGreen was using for his CLR's to a trick we can ALL use for our FRFR setups you have missed what we hold sacred in the FAS community.
The sharing of knowledge and love for our tools. This is sad at best.
Let me put it this way. I FEEL SHAME for having to make any post that is not about the topic on hand.
As for this thread. I'm out. Sorry to those that were interested.
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