Calling all Funksters ! !

simply put a volume block after the cab block. you can then control volume without affecting the gain of the amp. almost the same as putting a volume pedal in the fx loop of a real amp.


So for a "Lead" channel amp (i.e. Two-Stone) -- I would put the volume pedal after the cab block

For a non-lead channel amp (i.e. Super Reverb) -- I would put the volume pedal after the Overdrive pedal
doesn't matter what the amp is. what matters is whether you want the volume pedal to have an impact on the gain of the amp. put it before the amp and it's behaving in the same way as the volume control on the guitar is. put it behind the amp and it's not - gain will be unaffected...only volume
doesn't matter what the amp is. what matters is whether you want the volume pedal to have an impact on the gain of the amp. put it before the amp and it's behaving in the same way as the volume control on the guitar is. put it behind the amp and it's not - gain will be unaffected...only volume

Well I am taking about two different things with similar applications

1. Control vol of pre-amp OD pedals (my favorite)
this something I have been doing with tube amps for as long as I can remember --

By placing a volume pedal after an OD pedal (before amp) I can use the guitar vol pot in conjunction with OD pedal to vary the gain of the pedal while maintaining same playing volume levels.

2. Loop
With a channel amp that uses the preamp for overdrive -- I am able to do the same thing by putting the volume pedal in the loop (acts as a master volume) so I can increase the vol of amp and roll back my guitar (unity) and get a cleaner tone.

What you are saying is I do not need to add a loop to the axe - putting vol pedal after amp will accomplish the same thing.
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with an expression pedal you can relocate it within the fx chain on a per preset basis...
imagine having a crunchy tone and using the expression pedal to pull back the gain to clean a little..
but the tone will thin a little.. so you can simultaneously assign it to a compressor and fade it from dry to wet to prevent the thinning..
and as it cleans you can also wind in a little more reverb to sweeten it
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with an expression pedal you can relocate it within the fx chain on a per preset basis...
imagine having a crunchy tone and using the expression pedal to pull back the gain to clean a little..
but the tone will thin a little.. so you can simultaneously assign it to a compressor and fade it from dry to wet to prevent the thinning..
and as it cleans you can also wind in a little more reverb to sweeten it

This looks like exactly what I need!

I am one of those guys that likes to ride both the vol pot and volume pedal. I have been playing with just one overdrive pedal with a vol pedal after it for years. After you get the hang of it you can go from a "edgy" clean tone that cuts through the mix and be able to dig some goodness out of the guitar to full on milk shake tones and everything in between.

The volume pedal and my guitar volume pot have been my "analog" preset switching system for years ... LOL

When I get the board maybe you can help me edit a few patches to add this functionality.
once you get into using modifiers we can reproduce that and much more....
better still.. you don't need to ride the guitar's vol pot..
this means you can keeps your hands where they should..
on the playing surfaces..

have you heard the clip of my Riff/Solo1 preset?
this may interest you
once you get into using modifiers we can reproduce that and much more....
better still.. you don't need to ride the guitar's vol pot..
this means you can keeps your hands where they should..
on the playing surfaces..

have you heard the clip of my Riff/Solo1 preset?
this may interest you


This may be my fav thread ever. I've been dabbling in some smooth jazz lately and this thread just slapped me in the face. Funk is king. I'm about reload, regroup and get funky.

Simeon......the Monkjack Demo is hot. Can those tracks be purchased?
Clarky......your funk album stuff has a modern edge that just kills.

Great stuff.......made my day... thanks for reviving this thread LVC.

this is all one preset that riffs, solos and morphs to clean
the transitions between riff and solo, and the dirty<->clean morphing are seamless and flawless

You are doing this all with an expression pedal?

if so that is awesome!

When I get my board I would love to setup a preset with that kind of funtionality.
This may be my fav thread ever. I've been dabbling in some smooth jazz lately and this thread just slapped me in the face. Funk is king. I'm about reload, regroup and get funky.

Simeon......the Monkjack Demo is hot. Can those tracks be purchased?
Clarky......your funk album stuff has a modern edge that just kills.

Great stuff.......made my day... thanks for reviving this thread LVC.

Same here pal -- right up my musical alley!
You are doing this all with an expression pedal?

if so that is awesome!

When I get my board I would love to setup a preset with that kind of funtionality.

the clean to dirty is an expression pedal
the riff to solo transition is a switch
both the riff and solo tones can morph from clean to dirty...
This may be my fav thread ever. I've been dabbling in some smooth jazz lately and this thread just slapped me in the face. Funk is king. I'm about reload, regroup and get funky.

Simeon......the Monkjack Demo is hot. Can those tracks be purchased?
Clarky......your funk album stuff has a modern edge that just kills.

Great stuff.......made my day... thanks for reviving this thread LVC.

thanks dude... glad you like it..
the funny part is that the modern edge to the guitar is a 70's Hiwatt and a JCM800..
old with a modern edge???? lol...
seriously though.. to me they just worked so well together...

another surprising funk amp is the Herbert chan 2 set clean and the 5153Green

to be honest..
I was deliberately looking for choices away from the obvious
thanks dude... glad you like it..
the funny part is that the modern edge to the guitar is a 70's Hiwatt and a JCM800..
old with a modern edge???? lol...

Clarky....the guitar tone was tasty no doubt and the playing excellent, but by modern edge I meant the song arrangements, instrument choices and and vocal style. I liked it a lot. Obviously funk at the core, but much more going on than an old style rehash. Did you guys release that album?
FW14 re-awakening of the funkster tones..

since the birth of this thread [which could be back as far as FW09 or even earlier] we've had a pile of new stuff thrown our way..
MIMIC, a plethora of new amps and cabs, many amps getting their internals re-worked..
and now of course we have the wonders of Ultra-Res

personally I think that Ultra-Res could be a real game changer for the funky tones..
they'll now have more girth…
a common mistake with funk tones is to make them too thin and too bright…
they do however need some mass behind them to enable them to sit in the mix with some solidity..

so… calling all Funksters…
thoughts, comments and clips regarding your FW14 amps and cabs of choice..
and... are you making different choices now due to MIMIC, UltraRes and the various other fixes???
Here's what I'm using now:

Axe-Change - Download Preset - Twin Comet - by iaresee

Cab 1 X is running OH_212_BOG-SH_M-BB-55_SP -- it's got a good bit of bite but still a nice bottom end. Paired with the Double Verb I think it's pretty stellar using my PRS Standard. Switch to Scene 2 to bring in a light overdrive.

Cab 2 X is running OH_412_MAR-CB_FN-42-Studio_Modern and absolutely screams. That AMP/CAB combination just sustains for days and days. I get the most beautiful feedback with it.

The OH_212_BOG-SH_M-BB-55_SP IR is available in the OwnHammer cab pack in the Fractal Audio store:

Try the OH_212_BOG-SH_FN-42_Studio-Modern free UR IR that comes with FW 14.00 if you don't want to pay for the OH cab pack (though it's worth every penny if you ask me). The TAF_Fen_MIX_ROOM may work well too.

You can swap in the OH_412_MAR-CB_FN-42_Studio-Vintage for the OH_412_MAR-CB_FN-42-Studio_Modern in CAB 2 -- their different, but both very good. The important part in the 4x12 and Fanes , they are so very awesome with that Komet amp.

Used this setup Friday night. Here are some floor recordings:

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iaresee - lil' thought matey… your soloing tone may benefit by having just an extra dB or 2 so you sit up over the band just a tad more when you're doing your thing..
I particularly liked Preacher Man.. cool vibe..
iaresee - lil' thought matey… your soloing tone may benefit by having just an extra dB or 2 so you sit up over the band just a tad more when you're doing your thing..
I particularly liked Preacher Man.. cool vibe..
Yea! You know, I'm like world's quietest guitar player these days -- I push it up every gig but clearly not enough. I swear I was loud as hell in my corner of the room but I had my own wedge pointing back at me with just me in it. My overdriven sound, in particular, just got lost in the mix Friday night. I really do need to start being obnoxiously loud.
your rhythm tone sounded ok in the mix to me.. it was just when you solo'd that it got a little lost..
it just means that the preset / scene you use for soloing needs a little boost..

if your monitoring is just your wedge and it's pointing at you I'm guessing that you are also playing through the FoH yes??
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