Calling all Funksters ! !

ok guys... with permission from the band [much ass, grassy ass, a me goes], here are the clips

here's the Hiwatt Normal on it's own - which I think is pretty cool and crisp sounding

here's the Hiwatt Normal
with the JCM800
- which seems to have a little extra 'stuff' about it

and here's how they sit in the mix

note the JCM800 is 'almost' clean.. it's right on the edge of getting a hint of dirt...
also, the JCM800 has been delayed by 300 samples to give the clean tone a little stereo 'spread'
these presets are just amp and cab.. nothing more..
in Logic, a small amount of compression was added [to glue the guitars into the mix] and very gentle limiting was added to smooth off the peaks..
and to help them sound like they're 'in the room' with the band, they go through the same ambient reverb as the drum kit [again, a tiny amount of a very short reverb]..
no EQ has been done in Logic.. in fact, there's not even an EQ insert on any of the guitar tracks.. they seemed just fine to me right out of the Axe..

so... all the processing done in Logic [all be it very little / gentle] is all about getting the guitars 'into' the mix rather than 'tone fixing' or doing anything fancy...

to conclude...
the Axe-II is a top drawer funkateer ! !
don't to grooving without one ! !​
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ahhh... one more thing to add.....

if I ever get to go out and play this live...
I'd simply create a preset with both of these amps, panned wide into a stereo cab, add a few ms delay to the JCM, and add some 'room' from the cab block..

and I reckon that'd be enough to recreate this tone live...
I don't even think I'd need compression cos I reckon I'd get that from the backline at gig volume..
and if I felt I needed to.. I could always add a hint of compression after the cab block [type=studio] to add a hint of 'slick'
holy shit batman, that sounds amazing. the guitar tone is spot on. when i think "funk" i automatically think james brown or the meters, or some other really old skool guitar sound, but the stuff you're doing is really modern and hip, so the sounds you've gone for need that real spank and clean cut, which you've really nailed there. let us know when it's all done, i'd like to hear more!
thanks Sim... when I get some more tracks done I'll post up some more clips so you'll hear some different settings...

funny thing is... none of this setup is what you'd associate with funk...

the guitar is a Morgan Guitar Works V6 - which is essentially a V shaped super Strat with 2 humbuckers
the centre pup selection was used [which is both pups].. and surprisingly it out funked my Strat...
the Hiwatt is going through the 4x12 25W [which I think is FAS's take on a Marshall]
the JCM800 is going through the 1960a...

the lead tone is the V6 [neck pup] through the 5153Red into the 4x12 25W

the power chords [that are very low in the mix] are 5153Green left and Herbert chan2- [both with the boost on]..

so... with respect to conventional thinking.. none of this should work... lol..

but it does and I love it...
Sounds great clarky! That's so true that unexpected amps & cabs can give a great funk sound. I've seen several videos on you tube from the mid 60's of James Brown & his band is using all Vox, guitars, amps, even drums & they sound killer!
ain't that the cool thing about the Axe though....
you have such a huge menu to choose from.. so trying the unexpected / unorthodox becomes a real possibility...

then compare that to wandering into a guitar store with a fist full of bux...
and having to try out a bunch of amps... and having to choose... just one..

I really can see a time coming [if it's not here already] when the Axe-II becomes a critical component in a session player's tool box..

I've not had the Axe long, and I've already started recording Rock, Prog Rock / Prog metal, funk...
and coming soon will be some rocky / funk pop..

my lil' box really has some hoops to jump through...
and so far... it's passing with honours..
and here's another couple of clips where the Axe funks and then turns blue...

and a little later from the same song.. but heads in more rocky direction.. but the funk is always there ticking away..

just an example of how versatile the Axe is.. and all in the same song..
thanks dude...
the thing that just keeps amazing me is that no matter what the application, the Axe just works so well..
I've thrown all sorts at it.. and it just keeps delivering..
i think that's because the axe is like a blank canvas with millions of colours at your disposal. what you get out depends entirely on your own knowledge and experience. the axe is no barrier to creativity...the only barrier is yourself. if you compare the huge diversity of sounds (not just guitar tones, but fx stuff as well) that are out there...and they're all made by the same little black's kinda mindblowing, really...!
totally.. the permutations are just endless...

what's been fun with this current project is the blending of different tones

in the first clip above we have an out an out funk tone..
the Hiwatt and the JCM800 together..
blended with that [in the background] is a JCM800 [mostly clean] with a dunlop wah and that classic 70's "quack quack" style
it's awesome.. the Axe just lets you create these sweet modern sounding tones [even with old kit like the Hiwatt and JCM800]..
and then go dig up some classics and throw them in..

in the other two clips that same Hiwatt / JCM funk combination provides that momentum and percussion behind a classic rock tone
this is the 5153Green with the Herbert ch2-
this is nuts cos you have two very modern amps sounding like they dropped out of the late 70's..

that 'slide' guitar solo isn't actually slide.. it's all whammie bar tricks..
cool thing though is the tone... sounds like it could have come out of a Texas blues band / blues rock band..
but the amp is the 5153Red.. a typical weapon of choice for a modern shredder..

the amazing thing is the sheer tonal versatility..

you so rightly talk about having so many colours available..
but there's textural content too..
jeez... I love having this amp wharehouse in my lil' black box...

the killer trial is coming...
for a long time I've had this concept album floating around..
musically it ranges from pretty heavy rock [getting towards metal] through to ambient sound scapes..
there are classic rock moments and it gets a little proggy / symphonic here and there.. there's even a Latin groove..
I'm gonna need a whole bunch of tones for this..
the Axe makes me feel like I'm now actually equipped to have a go at this and do it justice..
so... in my spare studio time.. I'm going to have a crack at it..

EDIT: funny how a piece of kit can be so inspiring and enthusing
having so much available to me makes me feel like I've tonally been set free.. [or maybe let loose... lmao..]
thanks guys....

Scott.. I thought this stuff could possibly appeal to you..
I'm sure I heard you play funky / funky-bluesy stuff in the past..

when I listen to those clips.. it's the tones... lol..
they just can't fail to make me smile...
in the first clip above we have an out an out funk tone..
the Hiwatt and the JCM800 together..
blended with that [in the background] is a JCM800 [mostly clean] with a dunlop wah and that classic 70's "quack quack" style
it's awesome.. the Axe just lets you create these sweet modern sounding tones [even with old kit like the Hiwatt and JCM800]..
and then go dig up some classics and throw them in..

in the other two clips that same Hiwatt / JCM funk combination provides that momentum and percussion behind a classic rock tone
this is the 5153Green with the Herbert ch2-
this is nuts cos you have two very modern amps sounding like they dropped out of the late 70's..

that 'slide' guitar solo isn't actually slide.. it's all whammie bar tricks..
cool thing though is the tone... sounds like it could have come out of a Texas blues band / blues rock band..
but the amp is the 5153Red.. a typical weapon of choice for a modern shredder..

I really like the lead tone in the first clip - the way it stands out in the mix & sounds like a classic funk lead. Which amp are you using for that tone?
I really like the lead tone in the first clip - the way it stands out in the mix & sounds like a classic funk lead. Which amp are you using for that tone?

all the soloing tones are the 5153Red

the difference is that the later half of the solo in that first track uses a cocked wah [dunlop crybaby]
well it's not just cocked and left.. I'm riding it a little..

the solo in the 2nd track is the same preset but I'm using the neck pup

the solo in the 3rd clip is the same preset again, bridge pup, no wah.. but of course this one resides within is a denser mix

EDIT: a lil' note.. there's no EQ on any of the guitars in the DAW
just a smidge of compression and limiting to glue them into the mix and gently control the dynamics
the reverb / delay comes from the DAW [which when mixing down is normal practice]
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