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Hey Everyone I made up some Boss pedal labels and would like to share them with all of you.
They should be to scale and are on 8.5 x 11 so should be real easy to print and cut out.
Now all I need is My coupon for my Axe II to come in and an MFC 101 and I will get to enjoy them too LOL!!!!

Anyway hope you enjoy them and have a great weekend!!!
Don't suppose you would have any for the first row of buttons for say 'clean', 'crunch', 'rhythm', 'lead 1' and 'lead 2' :)
These look cool and thanks for offering them up.....and.... I find it kind of funny and ironic to dress up $3k Axe-Fx II, MFC setup to look like Boss pedals. Don't torch me, I'm just a little tickled. :) I'm currently using white duck tape and a black sharpie so I'm not one to judge anyway.
I find it kind of funny and ironic to dress up $3k Axe-Fx II, MFC setup to look like Boss pedals.
It is, but at least to me is a great choice!
Just because there is so much Boss out there, weather you own them or not, everybody (for the most part) is pretty familiar with them.
But your right it is ironic!!

Great looking labels BTW
Hey Everyone I made up some Boss pedal labels and would like to share them with all of you.
They should be to scale and are on 8.5 x 11 so should be real easy to print and cut out.
Now all I need is My coupon for my Axe II to come in and an MFC 101 and I will get to enjoy them too LOL!!!!

Anyway hope you enjoy them and have a great weekend!!!

Can you do one of the control set with just the background and then one of the background with a clear white box on the bottom so I can handwrite/type the efftet or command?
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