nice!!! of you and the work

Hey Everyone I made up some Boss pedal labels and would like to share them with all of you.
They should be to scale and are on 8.5 x 11 so should be real easy to print and cut out.
Now all I need is My coupon for my Axe II to come in and an MFC 101 and I will get to enjoy them too LOL!!!!

Anyway hope you enjoy them and have a great weekend!!!

nice work look awesome, nice SOME people will do something for NOTHING; I cant tell you how many people have "offered" me to pay them for something lately; in fact UNsolicited. Too bad I dont have an mc101, but someone earlier was awesome enough to make labels for the fcb1010 that I used.
Cool thanks man they turned out really good !!

No no, thank you sir, it was very kind of you to make these great images.

I printed them onto self adhesive paper, laminated that to magnetic sheet, then laminated some clear vinyl sheet over the top to protect the print.
Then I cut the outlines with scissors and used punches from the hardware store to create the holes.
I'm quite happy the way they came out.
Many thanks to you.
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