Boss IR-2 - Fractal Killer?

I watched the video. Of course, you can’t discount the obvious… they’re selling the pedal in question, so let’s just say a level of bias is assumed. That considered, I liked what Pete said about the models, even though he was referring to focusing too much on amp type. If it sounds good to you, you’re golden. Quit digging and just play it. I think that’s really what defines this whole thing: If you can tell the difference, it matters. If not, it doesn’t. Fractal audio player: This is not the droid you’re looking for. <waves hand in Jedi-like manner>

For some people, this is a great fit. And it’s cool that there is something out there for them. Even a Fractal owner might find some utility for it, but not as a replacement.

It’s unfortunate everything is posed in a “this vs that” format these days. But that guarantees controversy, and controversy gets clicks/comments, and clicks/comments gets money. It’s embarassing that we’re going to be remembered as the people who thought Bridezilla, The Wives of (fill in the blank), Jerry Springer, and The View were good entertainment. So when I see Les Paul Killer, Axe Fx Killer, PRS Killer, or any other Killer in the title, I put on my respirator because something is about to put the BS-ometer into the red.

It’s a handy little box. Some people will buy it. Some won’t. It’s cool whichever side of that you end up on. If it’s useful, use it. If not, let it be useful to others. Your FAS gear is safe, and sounds as great as it did yesterday. All is well.
It’s unfortunate everything is posed in a “this vs that” format these days. But that guarantees controversy, and controversy gets clicks/comments, and clicks/comments gets money.
This is one of several threads in the forum right now with a ridiculous clickbait title and premise. I find it unfortunate that social media-style behavior is starting to permeate the small forums that I browse to escape such.

On a related note: I recently did some research on what an ideal backup rig for my FM3 would be for my purposes (rock cover band) and arrived back at using a Mooer Micro Preamp pedal. For $70 it sounds good and gets the job done but it got me to thinking about how cool it'd be if Fractal released a product like the one being discussed here, i.e. something like the Ampli-Firebox, Boss IR2, or Strymon Iridium. I'd gladly shell out a few hundred dollars to have such a device for backup in my gigbag.

Unfortunately I don't think it's particularly feasible. Even some oversimplified back-of-the-napkin math indicates that the power, thermal, and financial envelopes for a platform capable of running the Fractal amp simulation algorithms are beyond a stompbox format and I'm fairly certain that @FractalAudio has said as much previously. Maybe sacrificing some oversampling and increasing latency could get us there but only the company knows for sure.
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If you buy an FM9, are you going to register here and start a thread about a BOSS pedal?
I mean, if he just bought it and hasn't even received it yet and then sees the video, it's within the realm of possibility...

But like I said, I almost said the same thing and time will tell if the OP is legit... Or not ;)
I visited my guitar player son over the Thanksgiving holiday. He plays and records electric guitar and synth music. I brought my FM-9 and two PXM-12MP stereo monitor speakers. We stayed up several nights well past midnight playing guitar together. He was blown away by the sounds we were getting out of the FM-9. I was too! Right now he mostly uses neural plugins on an old MacBook with some monitor speakers as an amp. They sound fantastic. Most of the plugins he’s bought aren’t cheap though and they aren’t as adjustable as a modeler. You kind of get locked into a sound. I think he would appreciate the flexibility and tone shaping capabilities of a good modeler. I told him he should get one. He can’t afford an FM-9 right now or even an FM-3. I could see him getting an IR-2 or something comparable and being really happy with it.

I’ve seen a few IR-2 demos by Paul Drew (Studio Rats) and Leon Todd. I know those guys always sound good. Nonetheless, I was impressed by the capabilities and sound of the IR-2. Do I think it will replace my FM9 or Axe-FX III? No way. The continued advancements in modeling technology are promising and exciting though. I hope to get to try one out soon.
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Years ago when I embraced the AX-8 I bought an Ampli-FireBox as a backup (amp sim pedal, drive pedal, and delay pedal on a small board makes a handy backup). Never had to use it, but always threw it in the bag just in case. When the AXE-FXIII came out I bought one of those and the AX-8 became the backup. Then the FM3 came out, the FXIII became the studio machine, and the AX-8 was still the backup.

If you are new to modeling, sure, get an amp sim pedal (Boss, Strymon, Atomic, SansAmp, and about 50 other companies make one) and keep it as a backup (along with a drive/delay/reverb or what ever you need). When you upgrade your FM3/9 to whatever comes next, then the FM can be the backup.
I can't imagine anyone is looking at replacing their Axe FX 3 with a standalone Boss pedal. Also, Boss already had the IR-200 out previously which would have fit that pedalboard sized amp modeler niche. This is just even more compact.

I would love to get Cliff's take on the Boss modeling quality. It seems out of left field. Specs are real impressive (high resolution and bit rate, low latency), but to my ears it sounds quite dated. Like a DVD upscaled to 4k resolution.
Boss modeling has had that 90s digital midrange honky thing for as long as I can remember. This pedal sounds better than typical Boss modeling cause they are using Celestine IRs. The Boss IRs in the GT units sound terrible. Maybe they are turning the corner with this unit. What annoys me the most about Boss is they will put different models in each unit to where you have to buy multiple pieces of gear to get that one sound. Like why does this thing have more models than the more expensive IR-200?? And it includes the famous Brown model which isn’t on any of the GT units or IR-200. It was strictly a Katana model until now.
To those saying I’m a troll - I’m not. But I’m certainly an uninformed noob.

The FM9 will be my first foray into modelers. Hoping to have it in my hands on Monday. I also ended up buying the EV2 btw!

Any thoughts on the Cooper Carter Fractal classes? Any good?
To those saying I’m a troll - I’m not. But I’m certainly an uninformed noob.

The FM9 will be my first foray into modelers. Hoping to have it in my hands on Monday. I also ended up buying the EV2 btw!

Any thoughts on the Cooper Carter Fractal classes? Any good?
I really thought Cooper's Axe3 class was great.

His classes are an excellent way to get started on Fractal.
They're a good overview of how things work, and what the possibilities are.
There's also a lot of detail, and a lot of best practices info.

Honestly, if you're new to Fractal, and are spending enough to get one, just do it, it's totally worth it.
I just watched the vid, my thoughts are it is what it is and for the money that's what it is, a Fractal killer not by a long shot. For someone that doesn't want to spend big on a modeler it sounds like a good pedal, Boss has been around forever and you have that reputation backing it up.
i don't see how, since there were maybe 3 usable tones in that video. I hate the clean and edge of breakup tones. the heavier ones were ok and the Marshall type sounded pretty bad to my ears as well.
Six seconds into that video and you see the pedals their using all add up to the price of an FM3. Not a great deal.
On a related note: I recently did some research on what an ideal backup rig for my FM3 would be for my purposes (rock cover band) and arrived back at using a Mooer Micro Preamp pedal. For $70 it sounds good and gets the job done
1000% on the click bait...
and i too share your opinion on the Mooer micro pedals- i have a Radar and an 005 micro preamp that i've had/used since 2018 (!:fearscream:).
but as we know...NOTHING compares to FAS. :cool:
dog pulls GIF
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