BETA TESTERS: Have you found


any significant challenges with FW10? Anything that would negatively impact release that is?...just wondering if we are "really close" to release, or just "close"....?
Really close. I have about a dozen amps left to match. The code is done. It's just the grunt work of lugging the amps into the lab and hooking them up and running all the MIMIC tests that remains. Some amps are done quickly. Others can take some time if MIMIC indicates a discrepancy in the model which means I have to revisit the model and check for incorrect parameters. The goal is for the model to be as close as possible to perfect and let MIMIC clean up the fine details. MIMIC *can* completely warp an amp into another amp but then the tone controls will probably not work the same, etc. So, in theory, the model doesn't have to be very accurate if you are only interested in matching the amp at some given knob settings. However, I want the model to as perfect as possible so everything works just like the amp. FWIW, in many cases the new modeling is so accurate that it's nearly impossible to hear the difference with the MIMIC processing turned off.
Really close. I have about a dozen amps left to match. The code is done. It's just the grunt work of lugging the amps into the lab and hooking them up and running all the MIMIC tests that remains. Some amps are done quickly. Others can take some time if MIMIC indicates a discrepancy in the model which means I have to revisit the model and check for incorrect parameters. The goal is for the model to be as close as possible to perfect and let MIMIC clean up the fine details. MIMIC *can* completely warp an amp into another amp but then the tone controls will probably not work the same, etc. So, in theory, the model doesn't have to be very accurate if you are only interested in matching the amp at some given knob settings. However, I want the model to as perfect as possible so everything works just like the amp. FWIW, in many cases the new modeling is so accurate that it's nearly impossible to hear the difference with the MIMIC processing turned off.

great news! thanks for the update!
Really close. I have about a dozen amps left to match. The code is done. It's just the grunt work of lugging the amps into the lab and hooking them up and running all the MIMIC tests that remains. Some amps are done quickly. Others can take some time if MIMIC indicates a discrepancy in the model which means I have to revisit the model and check for incorrect parameters. The goal is for the model to be as close as possible to perfect and let MIMIC clean up the fine details. MIMIC *can* completely warp an amp into another amp but then the tone controls will probably not work the same, etc. So, in theory, the model doesn't have to be very accurate if you are only interested in matching the amp at some given knob settings. However, I want the model to as perfect as possible so everything works just like the amp. FWIW, in many cases the new modeling is so accurate that it's nearly impossible to hear the difference with the MIMIC processing turned off.

Brilliant. This is why i'm studying to become an electrical engineer. Just have to get through the programming classes. :) Major respect for what Fractal is doing!
Is AxeEdit ready for the show ?
We all know a software without bugs doesnt exist and never will... you could release a public beta, i'm ready to sign a bugs acceptance ;)
Haha. i'm still using the old ae with fw 9.02. it can't get pretty exciting when you get to the cab assignments, if you don't read hieroglyphs!! I've been learning the front panel, but I can't see it too well and it seems kinda cramped, kind of like working on a wristwatch, if that makes sense.
The biggest challenge that I found was that after setting up my first patch, I couldn't stop playing long enough to move on and create my second patch :D

I can't think of any reason that this release would not be loved by all, the day after I got my hands on an early beta my KPA was sold on eBay. I'd had them both side-by-side for a year knowing that I could only keep one (or lose the Mrs), v10 made the decision easy!

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