BETA TESTERS: Have you found

I truly get a kick out of reading through these threads. I was one that paid $2499 for the unit and still have yet to scratch the surface of what this thing can do even though I was an Ultra owner before. Now, we can't wait to have more of something that we can't scratch the surface on! I think all guitar players will have to play an AxeFx II riff before Cliff Chase prior to entering the Pearly Gates of Heaven on day! Haha

Hurry up and give me something else that will take another few months to figure out!

On a serious note .... Kudo's to Fractal on superb product support!
I truly get a kick out of reading through these threads. I was one that paid $2499 for the unit and still have yet to scratch the surface of what this thing can do even though I was an Ultra owner before. Now, we can't wait to have more of something that we can't scratch the surface on! I think all guitar players will have to play an AxeFx II riff before Cliff Chase prior to entering the Pearly Gates of Heaven on day! Haha

Hurry up and give me something else that will take another few months to figure out!

On a serious note .... Kudo's to Fractal on superb product support!

I've scratched the surface. I've scratched my head. Heck, a few times I've even scratched my ass. But indeed, some of us have utilized the box to it's fullest, and can't wait to hear the improvements coming our way :ugeek
From Facebook (I think this is GREAT news) -

Fractal Audio Axe-Edit has come a long way. Since some areas still require considerable work and we actually considered holding it back when FW10 is released. A quick customer/artist survey, however, indicated that you'd rather have it—even imperfect—than not at all.

So a new version of Axe-Edit will be released with Firmware 10. and there will be additional follow-through even after the release, with important updates and announcements yet to come. (The guys on the project aren't alowed to say "soon" anymore or wolves eat their sheep

yes pllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllease dont hold ae back, release it and keep working on it. thanks.
I'm so stoked how in short order we'll have even more realistic sound from this amazing magic black box. And to again have AE (AxeEdit) functional is awesome! For me, using the AxeFXII without AE, is analogous to computers going back to command line interface after experiencing a graphical interface like Windows. For those who haven't tried AE before, i suggest you check it out when the new version is released.
Sounds great!
How many more new amps will appear on 10? Sounds like there will be a lot? Or will some older amps be removed?
No matter what, I'm really excited about fw 10 and new AE... Three thumbs up!!!
Sounds great!
How many more new amps will appear on 10? Sounds like there will be a lot? Or will some older amps be removed?
No matter what, I'm really excited about fw 10 and new AE... Three thumbs up!!!

I heard in another thread that Cliff got hold of a Swart AST? Im very excited to see if that makes FW 10.
tbrooks1060 said:
I truly get a kick out of reading through these threads. I was one that paid $2499 for the unit and still have yet to scratch the surface of what this thing can do even though I was an Ultra owner before. Now, we can't wait to have more of something that we can't scratch the surface on! I think all guitar players will have to play an AxeFx II riff before Cliff Chase prior to entering the Pearly Gates of Heaven on day! Haha

Hurry up and give me something else that will take another few months to figure out!

On a serious note .... Kudo's to Fractal on superb product support!

After purchasing the 2, I had to save up some more just to buy a good set of monitors. I have had the Axe for about 6 months now, I guess. Not having AE has forced me to dig into the front panel a little bit (only a little........basically means I know that turning the big black thing changes presets :).

So for me to even TRY and say "man I can't wait for 10" would be ludicrous, as there is so much inside this thing. I think mine came with v6, and I just kept updating. I am only playing at home, for now, so nothing to lose.

After my monitors arrived, it changed everything. Man, I had no idea. So now, for the very first time I am experiencing what you all did way back when. Unbelievable!!!!!!!!!

Not to mention, this site, all the very kind help I have received as advice from many of you, the updates.........etc

Very happy to be a part of this.

Thanks to all,

This is all great news. This going to be a huge update. I have been listening to a lot of bands the last two days at SXSW, and I always say to myself, I can get that tone, I can get that tone. I see these guys lugging their amps down 6th street, and I'm thinking to myself, all you need is an Axe-fx in a 2space rack, with your guitar. The PA systems in all the bars have been excellent, and extremely loud, I love it. I heard more, hey buddy can you turn down the amp on stage please. Fractal fixes that.

Fractal for president......never mind.

Scott: Be on the lookout for Cory, he's playing at SXSW using his AXE II!
Thank you so much for everything you do for us!!!
We love you Cliff! Ahem.... In a "manly", "hairy chested" kind of way that is... hope no one saw that...
Scott: Be on the lookout for Cory, he's playing at SXSW using his AXE II!

Yeah, he's playing at midnight tomorrow . My plan is to be there. I hope that all the fractal boys and girls, if there are any show up and support our brother. I haven't seen one Axe-fx yet down here. His show at midnight is his longer show. It's been a long day. I'm at the central Presbyterian church, and just finished listening to gina Blackmore. She was awesome.

Laskyman has joined the Axe II club. Welcome back!

This new firmware release is going to be like getting new gear.

Gotta love it!!!!!!

Yes, indeed! And from all of the excitement I have been reading and hearing from Beta testers- I landed a II just in time to partake in what should be one of the most significant evolutionary steps in digital modeling....
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