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I understand, and I would not expect you to get it. Here’s another one that will seem alien to a lot of younger people: Back in the day, we used to all go outside and play after school. With other kids. In person. Every day.
I'm in my 60s so I do get that one - kids are missing out these days - "put that iPad down and go out n play - we'll yell for you to come in just before dark!"
I'm in my 60s so I do get that one - kids are missing out these days - "put that iPad down and go out n play - we'll yell for you to come in just before dark!"
Okay, we’re on the same page then. The whole point was not to suggest somebody get punched or anything like that. The whole theme of this thread is essentially a study on the behavioral traits of people on the internet.

I believe that a big part of the trolling and snark that is so prevalent online is that older people have forgotten their interpersonal skills, and a vast majority of younger people (who grew up with computers and cell phones) never really had the childhood interactions to develop those skills at all.

Everybody is safe and secure behind their monitor, so they have no significant consequences for their behavior. And over time the rudeness and inconsideration seeps into everything.
Okay, we’re on the same page then. The whole point was not to suggest somebody get punched or anything like that. The whole theme of this thread is essentially a study on the behavioral traits of people on the internet.

I believe that a big part of the trolling and snark that is so prevalent online is that older people have forgotten their interpersonal skills, and a vast majority of younger people (who grew up with computers and cell phones) never really had the childhood interactions to develop those skills at all.

Everybody is safe and secure behind their monitor, so they have no significant consequences for their behavior. And over time the rudeness and inconsideration seeps into everything.
ya, I get it now - tis true I think - but I also think that no-one escapes the effect of s.m. anonymity - imo none of us behave the same way online as irl - we can't, and we should not really expect such realism - just not possible - the nasty examples are just one negative effect (sharing endless carefully curated pictures of ones contrived perfect life with FB friends is also not helpful to interpersonal relationships imo). I feel lucky to have lived a good portion of my life at a time when the internet didn't exist and we only had 3 Tv Channels (and the French channel didn't really count to us - aucune offense au francophone ici), and I had to go to the office to connect to a computer. I owe my livelihood to technology, and I love many aspects of what it does, but I look back fondly to when it didn't largely exist.
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This is too funny. No one suggested punching you in the face at any point.

A “sensitive type”

Well one post was deleted and the other implied that in different times a comment like mine that is perceived as snarky would result in being punched in the face. So implied instead of suggested. My bad, It is all funny though. Mountains out of mole hills.... lol

I'll move along. This thread reminds me of exactly why I removed myself from all social media a couple of years ago. I should have thought better about returning. :)

And I sincerely apologize to anyone who was offended by my apparently insensitive and inflammatory post.
,..silently tip-toeing out of the forum.

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Last I checked, you cannot make physical contact with another person through a computer monitor, so to even suggest that someone is calling for somebody else to get punched in the face is pretty weird.

And, since it appears that I have to clarify my comment for those who don’t get it, the point was that people were much more respectful of each other when there were actual consequences for their actions.
My last comment and I'm done here. Nobody said anything about actually being "physically" punched and your through the computer monitor comment is just plain absurd. You implied that my comment was "snarky" to the level of being disrespectful and that in a different era I would be punched for it. I get it.

What I dont get is that you or anyone would think my comment was anywhere near that type of level. It was a tongue in cheek comment that, at the time, I thought was a little humorous and self depreciating as well, You know comming from a guy calling himself the "obtuse buffoon". LOL

I wish you all well. I mean that!

OB Out...

poof2 lol
My last comment and I'm done here. Nobody said anything about actually being "physically" punched and your through the computer monitor comment is just plain absurd. You implied that my comment was "snarky" to the level of being disrespectful and that in a different era I would be punched for it. I get it.

What I dont get is that you or anyone would think my comment was anywhere near that type of level. It was a tongue in cheek comment that, at the time, I thought was a little humorous and self depreciating as well, You know comming from a guy calling himself the "obtuse buffoon". LOL

I wish you all well. I mean that!

OB Out...

poof2 lol

I apologize if you felt I was singling you out in any way, that was sincerely not my intention. I was actually thinking about this in the much broader sense as it pertains to the internet and forums in general.

Also, my first post in this thread (the one that apparently pushed a few buttons that I had not intended to push) was mostly a reaction to the minor back & forth that was going on at that time. I saw the mild bickering, and it just made me think about how often these things happen online (usually because somebody misses the humorous intent behind whatever sparked the issue), and that led me to think about the difference between communicating in person versus online.

So I guess I was just having one of those “when I was a kid we walked to school in the snow, uphill both ways” moments.
I apologize if you felt I was singling you out in any way, that was sincerely not my intention. I was actually thinking about this in the much broader sense as it pertains to the internet and forums in general.

Also, my first post in this thread (the one that apparently pushed a few buttons that I had not intended to push) was mostly a reaction to the minor back & forth that was going on at that time. I saw the mild bickering, and it just made me think about how often these things happen online (usually because somebody misses the humorous intent behind whatever sparked the issue), and that led me to think about the difference between communicating in person versus online.

So I guess I was just having one of those “when I was a kid we walked to school in the snow, uphill both ways” moments.

I suppose that’s where my confusion came from, you didn’t single anyone out. Someone just took an open-ended statement and attached it to their self.
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