AxePad - iPad controller for Axe-FX is launched!

Hey CyberFerret app looks great, but in the effects section i notice there is a lot of unused space and the on/off light-button is really small. Would it be possible to make the pedal enclosure a bit bigger and add a bigger on off button?

Maybe something like a boss style pedals so you could tap your finger where you would tap your foot on a real pedal.Not necesserily so, but just a suggestion :)
I have a 2x2 MIDISPORT, so I apparently require a different solution for the AxePad. I decided the iRig MIDI would be simple and easy to find.

As luck would have it, Guitar Center is offering a 15-percent-off coupon on interfaces and software purchased in-store or online through March 11th -- tomorrow. I'll plug in my new interface when I get home this evening.

The app looks great, CyberFerret! My guitars and my PC are at opposite ends of the house, so real-time Axe-Fx adjustments will be much faster and more inviting. Thanks!
favance said:
Question: have you considered extending the app to "remote control" midi from the iPad (i.e. connect to a Macbook Pro wirelessly to the AxeFX II USB?

Other apps, like TouchOSC use this technique.

The reason I asked for this is that I'm a Presonus StudioLive user. I use the iPAD to Wireless Remote Control my MacBook that controls my mixer via firewire. The Macbook is setting on top of my Axe-FX II rackbox and it would be killer to drop a USB connection from the Macbook to the Axe-II and then control everything from the iPad (mixer, Axe II, Lighting, etc.)!!!

You can use the ipad as a wireless external monitor to control Axe Edit.
Anyone else using the iRig Midi with an iPad2? I can't seem to get them connected. The iRig Midi says it's not connected. I assume they mean it's not in the usb slot correctly. But I can't get it any more snug. But it's not all that snug. I took the case of the iPad. Unless I'm trying to put in it upside down, which I cant see because it won't go in at all that way. I'm sure I'm doing something very stupid.

Hi Henry,

This sounds really strange! I am thinking that perhaps you've got a faulty iRig MIDI. It is a bit concerning that the iRig MIDI app itself doesn't detect the iRig adapter (as you mentioned in your email to me)...

I know from my own experience that the iRig MIDI plug doesn't fit as tightly as the normal Apple connector plug I have. It still 'clicks' in and out, but doesn't require as much force. It should only go in one way. During testing, I must have yanked the connector in and out of my iPad about 200 times a day...never had an issue with it.

I know IK Multimedia have said that there are a lot of counterfeit iRig guitar adapters floating around out there...I hope the same isn't happening for their iRig MIDI adapters?? Did you get it from a normal store, or online?
Question: have you considered extending the app to "remote control" midi from the iPad (i.e. connect to a Macbook Pro wirelessly to the AxeFX II USB?

Other apps, like TouchOSC use this technique.

The reason I asked for this is that I'm a Presonus StudioLive user. I use the iPAD to Wireless Remote Control my MacBook that controls my mixer via firewire. The Macbook is setting on top of my Axe-FX II rackbox and it would be killer to drop a USB connection from the Macbook to the Axe-II and then control everything from the iPad (mixer, Axe II, Lighting, etc.)!!!

Hi favance,

I would love it if the Mac wireless MIDI function could do this, but unfortunately, it only supports MIDI PC/CC messages, and not SYSEX messages.

This means that we can do simple things like change presets and adjust Axe-FX volume levels etc., but not the advanced things like fetch preset names, change effects pedal settings etc. which require SYSEX.

A lot of other apps that control DAWS etc. only use PC/CC messages so they work fine. SYSEX seems to be the 'black sheep of the family' as far as some manufacturers are concerned...

We have managed to get a wireless link working though - if you look at the FAQs on our website we worked out a 'roundabout' way of making it happen.

Or else as MikeyB59 said above - you can use remote control software on the iPad to run Axe-Edit off your PC via a wireless connection...
Hey CyberFerret app looks great, but in the effects section i notice there is a lot of unused space and the on/off light-button is really small. Would it be possible to make the pedal enclosure a bit bigger and add a bigger on off button?

Maybe something like a boss style pedals so you could tap your finger where you would tap your foot on a real pedal.Not necesserily so, but just a suggestion :)

Thank pauliusmm - High on the list of feedback that I have received is people asking me to make the pedals section bigger. I am thinking I will increase the size of the pedal graphics so you will only see two and a half pedals on screen at a time, instead of three and a half that you do now. This will give me a bit more screen real estate to made knobs bigger, increase size of buttons etc... :)
CyberFerret said:
Hi Henry,

This sounds really strange! I am thinking that perhaps you've got a faulty iRig MIDI. It is a bit concerning that the iRig MIDI app itself doesn't detect the iRig adapter (as you mentioned in your email to me)...

I know from my own experience that the iRig MIDI plug doesn't fit as tightly as the normal Apple connector plug I have. It still 'clicks' in and out, but doesn't require as much force. It should only go in one way. During testing, I must have yanked the connector in and out of my iPad about 200 times a day...never had an issue with it.

I know IK Multimedia have said that there are a lot of counterfeit iRig guitar adapters floating around out there...I hope the same isn't happening for their iRig MIDI adapters?? Did you get it from a normal store, or online?

Well I got it at GC yesterday. I'm sure it's user error. But it seems so easy. I responded to your email with me detail, but I got iRig to send midi data to GarageBand, so that's working. But, unless I'm being stupid, which is probable, the iRig app indicates that it's not connected. AND I haven't gotten AxePad to respond.
Well I got it at GC yesterday. I'm sure it's user error. But it seems so easy. I responded to your email with me detail, but I got iRig to send midi data to GarageBand, so that's working. But, unless I'm being stupid, which is probable, the iRig app indicates that it's not connected. AND I haven't gotten AxePad to respond.

Great that you got it working Henry. I responded to your email, but will say the same thing here for the benefit of others - Basically, AxePad will remain 'silent' on startup until you choose an existing preset or twirl an amp knob.

So, you will see no MIDI activity until you select something on the iPad. I would suggest moving the preset slider bar to choose any random preset from the Axe-FX. That should kick start the MIDI conversation, and you should see the present name appear, plus all the controls on the other screen change to reflect that preset setting. The 'Tempo' light on the first screen should also start blinking.

Also, you should see the MIDI lights blink with traffic at that point. Mainly, you should see the MIDI 'IN' light blink in time with the tempo of the Axe-FX.

If you don't see any traffic, then try swapping ports on the MIDI adapter - I cannot tell you how many times I have plugged the wrong plugs into IN and OUT, even after years of experience... :D

Also, check in the 'Settings' tab to ensure that you have the correct MIDI adapter chosen. You have to tap on the 'MIDI In' and 'MIDI Out' fields and choose the correct adapter from the drop downs. Once you do that, DONT FORGET to tape the 'Save Settings' button, and then completely restart AxePad...

More info on our site: AxePad is not communicating with my Axe-FX | AxePad
Still trying! Moving the preset slider has no effect. And I've gone back and forth between plugs, but I'm careful that midi out form iRig goes to midi IN of AxeFx. Just to double check, the iRig input blinks red when its connected or receiving signal, right? I press and hold preset and nothing happens. I'll read your link.
Progress! I had to turn off the AxePad. I didn't know about [pressing the start button, selecting the app, double clicking the start button and deselect to quit the app. So I got signal then. Now when I move the slider it moves the preset but then immediately crashes. I'll restart the iPad. Maybe other apps are running in the background causing it to crash.

BAD NEWS: Just letting all AxePad users know that there seems to be a problem with SOME iPad2 users experiencing crashing when selecting presets. Oddly, it is not ALL users, just some.

I am trying to get my hands on an iPad 2 in the next couple of days that I can test and try to replicate this problem on. I developed and tested this with the iPad 1, and assumed everything would work the same on the 2, but it doesn't seem so.

Please bear with me for a couple of days whilst I try and track this tricky bug down.

GOOD NEWS: In the initial process of tracking this bug, I made some modifications to the code which means that AxePad now works when DIRECTLY connected to the USB port of the Axe-FX II!!! Yes, no more need for MIDI DIN cables now, you can use the Camera Connection Kit to connect a plain old USB cable from the iPad to the Axe-II...

I will keep everyone updated as things progress... thank you for your patience and understanding...
CyberFret, will the direct USB connection also work for the 2?

Yes, it should do...

This pesky bug is not related to the connector I believe. I think it is more a timing issue, as the iPad 2 is a little faster than the 1. Timing is super critical in my app due to the MIDI traffic coming in and the speed of updating/querying the various screens...
Any You Tube videos available yet ?

I haven't had the time to do any videos yet... I may do a quick walkthrough next week and upload that, but I am afraid the combination of my poor playing skills etc. will make a rather dull video.

Not much I can demo apart from hitting a few notes and making changes on the iPad screen to show that the Axe-FX is responding to the control inputs in real time...
I'm having the same iPad 2 issues (5.01). I tried various combinations of the MIDI Source/Destination (my drop down shows options for "iRig MIDI" and "Network Session 1"). There are times AxePad will crash when selecting presets; sometimes the tempo light will blink and the FXII shows it's receiving midi, but the presets don't change. Now I've got it to change presets (see video link), but the tempo light doesn't flash and the AxePad isn't receiving the preset info. I can't wait to get this up and running! :)

AxePad - YouTube
Many apologies everyone - and thanks for the video kgofswg...

Here is the situation: I have made some changes to the code which I think will fix this bug, amongst some other issues. During this process, I upgraded my XCode development environment. This meant that I also had to request a new developer certificate from Apple, which requires revoking my OLD certificate (as you can only have one active at a time).

Well, during the revocation process, something went wrong on the Apple site, and it is stuck on 'Processing' the revocation. This means it also won't let me request a new one because it thinks the old one is still active.

I logged a support call with Apple 2 DAYS AGO, and they are still 'working on it'. IMMENSELY frustrating, as I cannot submit the patch to the app store without the certificate.

The thing is - once I submit, it still has to go through their approval process, which takes even more time.

So, I am very sorry about this people... This is really not shedding any positive light on Apple as a company for me...

I'll let everyone know as soon as the situation changes...
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