AxeFXSend : A tiny tool for auditioning IRs or presets

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Just noticed that this new MAC port requires OS 10.7... so it won't work for those of us who are still on 10.6.8, for one reason or another.

Not said in the spirit of grousing, but just to warn other MAC users like myself not to get too excited...;)
Just noticed that this new MAC port requires OS 10.7... so it won't work for those of us who are still on 10.6.8, for one reason or another.

Not said in the spirit of grousing, but just to warn other MAC users like myself not to get too excited...;)
Yes, i thought everyone had moved to Mavericks as it's free ;)
Sending an IR takes about 9 seconds. Seems long.

Took me a little while to understand that:
1) the IR being sent is not the one with the current focus (selection), but with the Queued checkmark, and
2) to queue an IR, I need to use Prev and Next, not doubleclick.
For the long time, it's a Mac problem, i'll try to enhance that in future versions... But Mac is a pain :(
For the ergonomy problem, i agree, but Paul thought it was more Mac-like to work like this.

Anyway i'll now rewrite the code from the ground in order to make a multiplatform code directly, but it might take some time... This Mac version is just to keep you waiting ;)

If you can take your hands on a windows machine, really try the windows version, it's a good experience ;)
When i'll have a betatester with a XL ;) do you wanna do this ?

I DO and I WOULD :encouragement:

But ..., I'm just about to leave ( day after tomorrow ) for a vacation w/ the wife & daughter. So, I wouldn't be available until the 1st of May ....

Let me know if you need me !
Here are two suggestions for further versions :D

1. Random Mode: The software sends files in a random order
2. Hidden Mode: The software doesn't show the filenames. Only the marked ones will be shown later
For the ergonomy problem, i agree, but Paul thought it was more Mac-like to work like this.

To clarify my thought process:
Initially I had the list cycling through only selected rows. However, I decided that it would be nice to be able to drop in a whole folder and delete those you did or didn’t want, which would have to be selection-based. Also, when cycling through the IRs you wouldn't necessarily want to change the table selection. Therefore I separated out selection from queueing, and allowed temporary filtering to help quickly refine your audition list.

An example use-case: say I wanted to audition all the mics in OwnHammer's Mar-CB collection except the SM-57. I could drop the whole library on the table, then type "DYN-57" in the filter list. That would filter the list down to just the SM-57s. I could then select all and hit cmd-delete to remove them. Then clear the filter field, and you have the list minus the SM-57s. If I then wanted to temporarily only hear MD-421 mics but wanted to keep the full list available later without rebuilding it, I could type "DYN-421" in the filter field, cycle through them, then clear the filter field to get back the full list (minus the SM-57s you removed).

Also, in addition to Next/Previous (which use the standard browser forward/back key commands), you can select an arbitrary IR in the list and select Source > Queue Selected Source (Q) and the IR in the first selected row will be queued.
>Yes, i thought everyone had moved to Mavericks as it's free ;)<

A lot of folks, myself included, have stayed on 10.6.8, because it's extremely stable and works well w/ the versions of Pro Tools, etc which we currently use. Moving ahead will require shelling out $$ for upgrades to programs which we don't need, and going thru another round of debugging stuff.

Again, not complaining... just explaining.
>Yes, i thought everyone had moved to Mavericks as it's free ;)<

A lot of folks, myself included, have stayed on 10.6.8, because it's extremely stable and works well w/ the versions of Pro Tools, etc which we currently use. Moving ahead will require shelling out $$ for upgrades to programs which we don't need, and going thru another round of debugging stuff.

Again, not complaining... just explaining.
Understood, i'll check if the tool can be built for 10.6.8.
Here are two suggestions for further versions :D

1. Random Mode: The software sends files in a random order
2. Hidden Mode: The software doesn't show the filenames. Only the marked ones will be shown later
Version 0.8.3 uploaded, which implements the requested hidden mode and a randomizer.
many thanks for this great tool! its simply incredible and a huge timesaver to audition all those hundreds and thousends IRs!!
many many thanks for your effort!!

i also really love the "mark" feature!! very cool idea!

perhaps you could implement a "multiple file" drag and drop.
(i´m on windows 7), i can drag and Drop a single file, or a folder, but sometimes perhaps i just want to audition for example 15files of that folder, that did contain 150files. i would need to make a new folder, and drag that into AXE FX Send.. if it would be possible to just select those 15 files in explorer, and drag them into AXE FX Send and it will behave the same way as if i drag in a folder it would be awesome!

i´m soon gonna donate a few bucks to you, its a great and very handy tool, for FREE!
Hi Al,

The software is working like a charm. Just managed to go through all of my presets ( including the factory ones ) and subdivided them into a number of folders based on type (Clean, Crunch, Hi-Gain, Special,...) . From there they got further combined into working folders based on song set and gig needs and stored as banks that I can now load based upon upcoming performance needs. Being able to have the software automatically cycle through a folder every xxx seconds and then being able to mark presets of interest and store them into another folder is a great feature. Very easy to find the right presets for a particular song set. One feature that would be useful would be to have a check box that allowed the program to recycle through the presets once it reached the end or if the previous button was hit, the program would go through the full list in reverse if the audition feature was also checked. Minor requests ... the code is a winner just as it is ... Thanks ...
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