AxeFXSend : A tiny tool for auditioning IRs or presets

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Last time I tried this everything was grayed out. Not sure what version, but if it helps there was a timer to set IRs, to load the next one.
The only way I got it to work was manually double clicking the file, it then would send to scratchpad. Nothing else worked.

Any clue why it won't work? I'm on Windows 8,64bit.
Last time I tried this everything was grayed out. Not sure what version, but if it helps there was a timer to set IRs, to load the next one.
The only way I got it to work was manually double clicking the file, it then would send to scratchpad. Nothing else worked.

Any clue why it won't work? I'm on Windows 8,64bit.
Could you explain what was gray ? What did you do exactly ?
Btw, I'm on 0.6.3beta. Everything is grayed out....Previous, next, Automatically send, 60 sec, Mark IR/preset.
I've tried dragging folders, files, nothing works.
Strange, as ir works on win7 64 bits...
Try the 0.7, then take a folder and drop it on the window, what is said a the top of the progress bar ?
Somehow it's working. Maybe something to do with having AE open before this program? I don't know, but it's working!!

User error I'm sure. Many thanks!!
It's a Terminal application. It's very difficult, if not impossible, to associate file types with a specific terminal application.
It's a Terminal application. It's very difficult, if not impossible, to associate file types with a specific terminal application.
That's what i feared... Mac is really bad, sorry guys but as a Windows developer for 15 years coming to Mac is like going back to Amiga (Amiga was better though)...
In XCode i could not find how to create a c++ project with a gui and a filetype associated... So i created a console c++ project...
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