AFIII Axe-Fx III Violin

I've been working on the patch and adding more scenes. There's more fine tuning to be done so it's still a work in progress :) If you can tweak the synth to be more violin-like please do and upload it :).

Scenes: (There's an Aa after the scenes that are A Aeolian or C Ionian)

1: Solo Violin
2: Multi Violins
3: Harmony Violin
4: String Orchestra
5: Solo V + Orchestra
6: Ambient Orchestra
7: Solo Violin + Ambient
8: Solo Bold + Ambient

This is a rough demo. I have two huge florescent lights overhead and I can hear them in the recording. One continuous take with me switching scenes from the front panel and mouse clicking with a guitar in my lap :) this is from a guy that can't walk and chew bubble gum :p . I play all 8 scenes in order.

Strong vibrato and slides really make it sound more authentic.
Also setting the input gate higher really cleans up finger noise that triggers false notes from the synth. I had it set much higher than the patch here but it makes the very high notes harder to play.
I forgot my login for axechange o_O so I'll upload everything here.

The four user cabs are in the zip file (hopefully cab/preset bundle export returns to axe edit). Here's a screenshot of the mix I used:

Screenshot (2)resize.png

And finally for the patch :)


    34.1 KB · Views: 973
theres 4 syx files, what do i need to do to load files to make the preset?

violin sound scapes.syx is the patch file, import it to an empty patch with Axe edit III

cello_body.syx, guitarbody_ultrares.syx, violinTM.syx and viola_1_48.syx go into your user cab slots. Use the Axe-Fx III mini utility to upload to a user cab bank.
You will have to select them to the four ir slots in the cab block. The mix in the screenshot I posted is hard to see but the levels are default except guitar_body is -2.0db and cello_body is -3db.

be sure to save the patch!
violin sound scapes.syx is the patch file, import it to an empty patch with Axe edit III
Thank you sir!
cello_body.syx, guitarbody_ultrares.syx, violinTM.syx and viola_1_48.syx go into your user cab slots. Use the Axe-Fx III mini utility to upload to a user cab bank.
You will have to select them to the four ir slots in the cab block. The mix in the screenshot I posted is hard to see but the levels are default except guitar_body is -2.0db and cello_body is -3db.

be sure to save the patch!

Thank you sir!

I read about synth violins quite a while the other day and rebuilt the synth to be more violin-like. Bowed instruments create a sawtooth wave form I have discovered :). There's target frequencies but I just tuned by ear :). I believe the only param I didn't change was the attack from the other patch.

I also tuned the resonator block to sound a better to my ear.

Gate is set high, cleans up unwanted finger noise that triggers the synth.

I've mixed the 4 ir files in cablab so now there is only one cab file to deal with. Use it and mute the other 3 slots.

I added the faster delay/voice settings from the variation clip above. There are two speeds a slow and much faster harmony section. Probably the ultimate would be to tie the time settings to an expression pedal to vary them in real time.?

I reworked the plex delay and I think it sounds much better now for ambience.

I play through all eight scenes below. I'm still fighting with scene changing on my liquid foot12+ controller. I have expression and patch changes working but haven't figured out how to change scenes yet? Can someone point me to help with that? In the meanwhile I'm still twisting the front knob between scenes which makes it hard to not screw-up the recording in one take.



  • Violin Scapes v2.syx
    48.2 KB · Views: 915
  • Violin_Mix.syx
    10.6 KB · Views: 912
Thanks for sharing your hard work. I enjoy the first preset and From the sounds of it I’ll enjoy this latest one. Thanks brother!

I read about synth violins quite a while the other day and rebuilt the synth to be more violin-like. Bowed instruments create a sawtooth wave form I have discovered :). There's target frequencies but I just tuned by ear :). I believe the only param I didn't change was the attack from the other patch.

I also tuned the resonator block to sound a better to my ear.

Gate is set high, cleans up unwanted finger noise that triggers the synth.

I've mixed the 4 ir files in cablab so now there is only one cab file to deal with. Use it and mute the other 3 slots.

I added the faster delay/voice settings from the variation clip above. There are two speeds a slow and much faster harmony section. Probably the ultimate would be to tie the time settings to an expression pedal to vary them in real time.?

I reworked the plex delay and I think it sounds much better now for ambience.

I play through all eight scenes below. I'm still fighting with scene changing on my liquid foot12+ controller. I have expression and patch changes working but haven't figured out how to change scenes yet? Can someone point me to help with that? In the meanwhile I'm still twisting the front knob between scenes which makes it hard to not screw-up the recording in one take.

wow that's really spot-on.
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