Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Version 19.02 Public Beta

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Does "Scene Level + Save" maintain correlation between Scene Levels and Scene Numbers when moving Scenes around within a Preset? For example if I have Scene 2 at +1.20dB, and then move it to Scene 4, will the Scene Level move to Scene 4, too?
Each Scene has its own level. You'll be familiar with these parameters if you've ever investigated the Output blocks. When you use a footswitch to increase or decrease the scene level, it adjust the current scene only and then saves the preset. The footswitch function allows you to select Out 1, 2, 3, 4 or all outputs. As stated here, the new FC Functions guide is almost done and will be posted shortly.
Love the new JMP channels - for those who wanted to have more matching cleans, here ya go! The authentic eq is much different than before - suppose I could've gone to output eq in earlier releases for similar, but this seems to dial really nice into the 4 bands
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Time after Time I think it cant get any better yet here we go again it sounds more amazing - box of amazing goings on here - thanks much for the hard work
The JMPRE-1 is my main amp. Am I correct in understanding that the tone controls on the ideal page will act the same as in 19.01 and before and the tone controls on the authentic page will use the more accurate active eq?
Thanks Cliff! Loving the JMPre1- Clean1 !!!! and Overall Modeling of the JMPre1! Can't wit for Axe Edit III to tweak the EQs!
The JMPRE-1 is my main amp. Am I correct in understanding that the tone controls on the ideal page will act the same as in 19.01 and before and the tone controls on the authentic page will use the more accurate active eq?
tone controls on the authentic page are actually mapped to the eq bands on the eq page - adjusting one of them on one page makes an equal change on the other page (effectively, they are both the same controls).
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Thank you FAS as always.
I'm having a similar issue as others with stand-in switches malfunctioning. I have 4 switches and regardless of where I assign it, I can't get tap/tuner to work. It either does nothing, or it banks up. I know it's beeeeeta - just giving feedback.
Where did i ask for the code?

Its a parameter i use very frequently , on alot of my presets , and knowing what was incorrect with the previously modelled version would help me understand and use the new fix better.

Just For eg , Is it a default value fix for the ratio?

Or is it a fix that helps you undermatch or overmatch more accurately.

Or is there something else that was an issue about it considering its global?

Or was it because of the recent power amp / tube update, resulting in recalculating the ratios to make sure at default or changed settings the tubes dont saturate earlier or later than intended to not result in any wanted overmatching/ undermatching.

Just some examples of why i asked ‘ exactly’.

In programming, which this is, “exactly”, the exact changes, occur in the code underlying what was affected, which is what would be shared in a team/peer-review meeting discussing the fix. If you work in programming the processors then you’d geek out, if you didn’t then your eyes would glaze over. And, it’s highly unlikely that Cliff would share the exact changes because they’re proprietary and company-confidential intellectual property which none of us has a need, or right, to know.

What you want is the mid to high-level overview of what changed which would be given to customers or upper management, and that’s what Cliff typically gives us.

I programmed in a lot of languages on a lot of systems and processors over a long time, and when Cliff starts talking “exactly” I have to reread several times just to get a general idea. His idea of “exactly” is very precise and esoteric and the threads are deep. “And, that’s what I appreciates about you”, @FractalAudio.
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