Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Version 19.02 Public Beta

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The description is appetizing. I had to go back to the last release because the stand-in switches on my FC6 don't work. Which is not surprising because that page is missing from the front panel setup menu - unless it was moved from FC Controllers.
Thread locked for clean up.

I am a moderator and I'll echo what @yek said: want to have a conversation unrelated to the beta? Great! Just do it in its own thread.

You make it impossible for Fractal to sort through the actual issues when you clutter up beta threads with off topic conversations.
Hey Ian 😁…. Let s talk of thé 5e3 tweed
How about revisiting tha awsome RUST preset .
One of my favorite , thé best one for Neil s tone 😁
Quick question.

I have 4 FC SW 1 -4 connected to the FC12. After moving to 19.02 the FC EXT SW stopped working with the MasterLayout as Standing Switches. I pushed the factory layouts to the FC.

Switches are configured to follow hardware. Sending the default layouts reset the external switch configuration? Like polarity?

In FC Controllers > Standing Switches I have MaterLayout assigned to FC SW 1-4, but on the switch parameter it was "Unassigned'. I guess the Unassigned should be 'Standing Switch" or something like that which I am not seeing in the options.

I have like a year without messing with layouts, what am I missing? I know other people had similar issues but is not clear if this is really a bug or if something changed with the update.

Also: when moving the switch configuration for the polarity with the value knob, the AXE goes back to the grid window.

Quick question.

I have 4 FC SW 1 -4 connected to the FC12. After moving to 19.02 the FC EXT SW stopped working with the MasterLayout as Standing Switches. I pushed the factory layouts to the FC.

Switches are configured to follow hardware. Sending the default layouts reset the external switch configuration? Like polarity?

In FC Controllers > Standing Switches I have MaterLayout assigned to FC SW 1-4, but on the switch parameter it was "Unassigned'. I guess the Unassigned should be 'Standing Switch" or something like that which I am not seeing in the options.

I have like a year without messing with layouts, what am I missing? I know other people had similar issues but is not clear if this is really a bug or if something changed with the update.

Also: when moving the switch configuration for the polarity with the value knob, the AXE goes back to the grid window.

Anyone with an FC-12 controller with an external switch will have the same problem.
Not an individual case.
Same problem for everyone!
The external switch is working so confusingly.
I tried to experiment with the settings.
But no good results were achieved.
I think we have to wait for the software patch.
That's correct. The tone stack is fixed. The controls won't do anything.
The release notes state that the fixed tone stack should be tweakable on the ideal page.

“The passive tone stack itself, however, is adjustable. With all controls at noon the tone stack is equivalent to the real amp’s fixed tone stack. You can access these controls using the Ideal Tone Controls or via Axe-Edit.”
Loving the JMPs - For those exploring the revised JMP, here's some related JMP vids from Leon (he also has some Fractal/JMP comparison vids but they are pretty old / on much older firmware - maybe we'll get an updated Fractal JMP model vid given new fw update):

The release notes state that the fixed tone stack should be tweakable on the ideal page.

“The passive tone stack itself, however, is adjustable. With all controls at noon the tone stack is equivalent to the real amp’s fixed tone stack. You can access these controls using the Ideal Tone Controls or via Axe-Edit.”
That's for the clean channels.
Excited as always for the new amps / adjustments and UI enhancements, but FC12 with stand in switches got gummed up. Restoring backup didn't fix it, had to go in and recreate the "in-layout" switches functionality to enable them for stand in switches. Reverted to 19.01 Release
Looks great.
All the stand-in switches on my FC-6 are working just fine after this update.
Great work keep it coming..........

Not sure if it is placebo effect or not but stand-in switches seem to respond little quicker now.
Excited as always for the new amps / adjustments and UI enhancements, but FC12 with stand in switches got gummed up. Restoring backup didn't fix it, had to go in and recreate the "in-layout" switches functionality to enable them for stand in switches. Reverted to 19.01 Release
Revert first, then restore...
That's correct. The tone stack is fixed. The controls won't do anything.

I'm wondering if it's possible to have some text in say axe edit when the models of certain things are selected making the user aware of little things like this......for eg

-User selects JMP-pre1, a little note above says tone stack is fixed and tone controls do nothing

-User selects 2290 and a little text note is displayed above: model must be in stereo due to phase offset, or no sound will be heard

Little stuff like that can make a big difference in the overall User experience and prevent quite a bit of questions that keep repeatedly popping up

I know making little changes in the interface is tricky, but maybe a dedicated 'notes' scribble strip or something can work, even if there's no text to be displayed
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