Axe-Fx III Firmware 27.00 Public Beta #8

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"Fast" and "Smooth" have been deprecated. There are now three modes: Off | Notes | Chords.

Notes mode is optimized for single note playing. Chords mode is more stable when playing chords but can add latency. For general-purpose capo use Chords mode is probably the most suitable.
So for those of use doing -2 and lower steps for heavier riffs that have both "chords" and fast playing notes?
So for those of use doing -2 and lower steps for heavier riffs that have both "chords" and fast playing notes?
I set it stock for -5, adjusted low and high cuts to minimums (20hz/20k?). Try both and see what sticks. Not sure if type can be modified..
Wow, the Envelope Filter is a Masterpiece now, 100% better than in Beta7, so much fun. Very tasty and touch sensitive and more easy to dial in.
Also the virtual Capo is much better now. Tried to simulate a Baritone Guitar (Shift -5) with a clean Band Commander, not so bad at all. Latency has much improved, strummed Chords sound good, arpeggiated ones are a little random warbly. (Tried the Chords and Notes Values)

So thank you so much for the constant improvements.
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